Driving back from Vermont to visit my mother takes four hours, so I enjoy stopping along the way to visit other towns.

New London, New Hampshire is an enchanting town,

I stop there on the way home for a cup of coffee and some eye candy.

Well, yesterday I spotted something totally enchanting,

This charming shop is called
Art of Nature.

I started photographing the amazing details outside.

Sigh, the shop was closed, so I peeked inside the windows...

surely the inside was even more enchanting than the outside. On the front door you can read...

When all of a sudden, the owner,
Mauli Mcdonald just happened to pull up in front of the shop.

I told her how gorgeous her shop was, and she invited me
inside for a peek.

Then she let me take a photo of just one corner of this amazing art of nature.
Her creations are amazing.
Her web site is as creative as her work,
you must visit here to see amazing wreaths.

Her fresh and refreshing approach to floral design surely will take your breath away.

Inside her shop at the front desk, you will find a beautiful little birds nest built into a gorgeous wooden counter. Even her business card is piece of nature. Mauli also creates
Antique art pieces.
Art of Nature, a true expression of unique inspiration celebrating nature. The name of the song for this post is
Mother Nature Sings.
oday is Mosaic Monday, and Mary from Little Red House, is hosting this lovely day.
I'm so glad that she allowed you to take a photo so that we could get a glimpse, too. Off to follow your link.
(Once I had been given permission to take photos, but the owner changed his mind and I stood over my shoulder watching as I deleted all of them. Truth to tell, I've never returned to his shop. I don't know what concerned him, but something.)
Wow! She really is doing some unique work. It took awhile for the thumbnails to load, but when they did, it was well worth the wait.
What a gorgeous branch arbour she has in front of her shop. It looks like a place that is going to be on a must-return-to list for you when you visit your mother.
Oh my, Karen, you found such a beautiful place to visit! You know how very much I love nature and art! I'm on my way now to visit Mauli's website. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us & have yourself a beautiful day!
YOU, have taken my breath away. Now, I am going to press that link to take me directly to this little patch of paradise, and I better brace myself for another moment of breathtaking beauty! Oh Karen, you really found a gem here! Beautiful, beautiful photos dear friend. Bisous, Anita
The outside of the shop was amazing, but I'm so glad you were able to peek inside too. I agree--there's a lot of talent displayed. Must come "naturally!"
Have a great week,
Wow. She's really creative!
You have found a treasure for sure Karen. Thanks for sharing with us.
Hi Karen,
Been awhile. I love the shop! What a treat that you could go inside. See you just never know what a day will bring. Great pictures.
Nancy Jo
What a lovely store!
What a lovely post!
Thank you!
Oh how wonderful Karen, this place looks amazing and so glad that you could go in and take a look around.
I love the branch, so big and old looking. Thanks for showing us your photos.
Have a great week
You must have thought you'd arrived at a place spun from the forest by fairies. Thanks for sharing this enchanting shop.
Karen my dearest! Oh, thank you for your lovely comments about the Creamsicle....I wanted to make my readers taste the memories....and even though orange is not one of my favorite colors, it is one of my all time passions for tasting the lovely citrus flavor. I am just trying to adjust to saying goodbye to a remarkable summer of pleasures, and starting up with school. I hope you are enjoying every day of this fantastic season; your photos here are so enchanting, and you always know exactly what to say with each photo. I am so excited to see the fabric...it should be on its way!!!! I will let you know when it gets here...Anita
Hi Karen,
What a charming shop! a real treat to see for sure. It looks so magical!
I enjoyed your post today very much..
Have a sweet day, Hugs~Elizabeth
Ohmygoodness Karen, what a HEAVENLY place!!! Your photos simply took my breath away ~ thank you so much for taking the time to share it with us....hugs and love, Dawn
This place looks amazing, enchanting, magical all rolled together. I would be banging down the door to see inside:>) Thanks for sharing it with us!
You have the most beautiful blog on my list! I always look forward to seeing your photos ...and reading what you've written! It's a joy to visit you....wish it was in person! ♥
What a place of magic and beauty. I am in awe really. Thanks for showing us places like this exist. I am full of joy to know it. Blessings friend.
Omigosh, what a gorgeous place, filled with treasures!
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