Alice Land and the Adventures of PINK SATURDAY

Alice Land and the Adventures of Pink Saturday

Alice had read the stories of wonderland and bunnies leading down the rabbit hole. She had read Alice Through The Looking Glass through and through. She longed for the mirror with Miss Bunny Surprise leading the way, so that Alice would surely find Spring.


Alas, poor poor Alice was trapped in a land with the ground covered in snow. She called her home Snow Land, and she was....Alice in Snow Land.


Although there was no sight of Spring for what seemed like an eternity, she heard that Pink Saturday might lead her to Spring. Yes, a girl named Bev from How Sweet The Sound could surely lead her to Spring.


So, bright and early Alice got up and went to the doorway that leads to Pink Saturday in search of Spring.


She entered the door and on the other side Miss Bunny Surprise was waiting to show her the way.



Oh the wonder that she saw...


Tales of Spring,


Everything pink imaginable,


And then she looked and the land of Pink Saturday had exploded into a wonderland of pure magic like it always does. Postcards of pinks ready to send you into enchantment.


Alice almost didn’t mind having to go back to Snow Land. Because she knew that no matter how much snow would arrive in the weeks to come, she could always go back next week and be enchanted by all of her friends in Pink Saturday Land.


Alice wants to send you the land of magic in every Pink Saturday post. So please follow Miss Bunny Surprise HERE and all weekend long you can visit the many posts for PINK SATURDAY.

alice postage

The song for this post is Some Enchanted Evening. The first time I heard this song I was just a little girl listening to my mother's records. Then it was listening to my transistor radio while walking to High School.

spring-blossom-happy-pink-saturday Whether I am watching the musical, South Pacific or the wonderful Only You staring Marisa Tomei, this song by Ezio Pinza leads me to the land of Dream Land. What I wouldn't give to see the new South Pacific on Broadway.


Wishing you a dreamy Pink Saturday.

View slideshow of All Things Alice.
Kathleen Grace said...

Your Alice is beautiful Karen! Oh how I long to go through the door to Spring land myself! It is supposed to be in the 40's this weekend and I can hardly contain myself. After a month near zero, those kind of temps seem like spring!

Anonymous said...

Hello Karen,

Today I really needed to read a post like this. Thank you!

~ Gabriela ~

Unknown said...

Miss bunny surprise and Alice are both is your Pink Saturday post! Lovely pink things.

xashee's corner said...

Alice is a BEAUTY! and as much as i LOVE your paintings, i REALLY LOVE the bench one!! WOW! :D Thank you so much for sharing the journey!! my blog post mentions you today! i have to share the journeys! hehe Hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend!

Deanna said...

What a beautiful post. I felt like I was floating on a cloud again.

I love the painting of Alice.

Deanna :D

Vee said...

What a nice sojourn! Thank you...

LiLi M. said...

Great post! I love Alice in snow land as well as Alice in spring land. Happy pink Saturday!

Blondie's Journal said...


What a whimsical PS post!! As usual, your artwork is wonderful!

Thanks for the signs of spring, hopefully just around the corner!


Myrtle said...

Beautiful creativity! I loved the added special link to Some Enchanted Evening. That song is so dreamy.

Snap said...


Your blog is always a beautiful delight. I love to come and visit. Miss Bunny and Alice are quite a team. Lovely!

Cottage Rose said...

Hello Karen; I just love your Alice in Snow Land. She is so pretty. what a lovely sweet story, love all the photos. Happy Pink Saturday.


RobinfromCA said...

Oh, Karen, your tale is so sweet and your artwork is gorgeous as always. I love this post. Stop by and see me this week, I have some special treats for my snowbound friends.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Pink Sat Story! Not only do you feature two of my favorites, bunnies and Beverly, but you also mention one of my all time favs, South Pacific!! I will share with you (and only you) that as a child, my dad packed us up (3 kids and my mom) and headed to the "drive in to see South Pacific" because it was a "war movie"---he missed the "musical" part some how! I clearly recall hanging over the the back of the front seat of the car, mesmerized by the wonderful songs and my dad snoring up a storm in the front!!
Happy PSat!! Dana

My name is Riet said...

Your Alice is beautiful.Lovely story. Happy pink Saturday

Schotzy said...

I am completely translated into the wonder of it all!

vintage girl at heart said...

Once again you have taken us to a beautiful place through your art and music!!! I may just listen to your blog music all day as I putter 'round my home. Makes me feel as though anything is possible!!!
Have a lovely day!!

*jean* said...

what a sweet way to wake up today!! thank you!!

Happy Pink Saturday!


Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Wonderful pink post! You are very creative!

Happy Pink Saturday!


♥Mimi♥ said...

How creative you are! I loved the story very much. Happy PS!

Nancy said...

Karen this is just a stunning post. Actually, I'd like to be in your Winter Wonderland for about a week - it's so beautiful. Have a great day. Hugs, Nancy

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

My parents saw "South Pacific" on their first date. I am constantly singing "Happy Talk" to my kids! What wonderful snow pictures...we just don't see that in Los Angeles! Happy Pink Saturday!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Alice spent Pink Saturday with all of us. She and Miss Bunny are wonderful.

Happy Pink Saturday, Karen.

Nancy said...

Thank you, Karen. From the mountains of Vermont, in a mountain of snow, I will look forward to reading your posts and Pink Saturday until May 15th when we too are allowed Spring. Nancy

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Karen. I just loved reading your post. I wish I had a magic door to go through to get to spring. I'm sooo over winter now. Thank you for brightening up my life on the pink Saturday morning ♥

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I came over from Xashees blog. What a beautiful blog you have! This is my first visit, but I will be back often. laurie

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, sweet,story. I just love it and the photos. Soon, spring will be here..:). Happy Pinks..have a lovely week.

{oc cottage} said...

Awesome post! Magical!!!

M ^..^

Unknown said...

Alice is beautiful, and I love the story of her escaping our frozen winter!
Stop by my blog and check out the New England Bloggers page. Let me know if you'd like to be added to the roll.

Betty said...

What a creative pink story! I enjoyed it very much.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hello Karen! Long time no see...I love your little bunny; I have a friend that she would love. I will feature her on my blog soon. I just don't have such pretty pictures, though! I will keep trying! God bless, Anita

One Knit One Purl said...

Hi Karen,

All I can say is WOW x 10!

Love, Susan

Anonymous said...

You are so creative...Love it! Your artworks is gorgeous and the story... What a beatuiful post...Happy Pink...Smiles and Hugs
Ps. Thanks for stopping by and sweet notes..

Marie De Marco said...

So creative! thank you

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT! I am now a follower and will be back to follow these adventures!

Happy Pink Saturday,

Anonymous said...

happy pink saturday,
your artwork is beautiful. i love your story.

Margie’s daughter Leiny said...

This post is so good Karen, especially for Leiny and I as we still have snow today (still a novelty for us). It is a perfect herald to spring. I hope you get lots of spring sunshine this coming week. hugs Margie.

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Karen, this is an absolutely magical and gorgeous post. Can I please pass through the doorway too?? I'm sick of the snowy land I live in right now as well.

Your inspirational blog is always a treat to visit.


The Quintessential Magpie said...

This is so beautiful, Karen, and such sweet thoughts for a Pink Saturday or a Happy Sunday!

Warm wishes for a happy week to come...


Sheila :-)

Marina Capano said...

Hi! I miss you! long time!! I was on vacation in the beach WITH MY FAMILY!Here is summer!
Your Alice is beautiful Karen! I love Alice in snow land as well as Alice in spring land.
Happy pink Saturday!

visit me anytime...
your argentinian friend

your blog is wonderful like always!

Anonymous said...

a beautiful blog of pinkness!!!... yes, yes, the wonders of spring... we are still in snow too... waiting patiently for the warmth of spring...

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh my what a beautiful Alice you've painted Karen! This was a fun post to read...what a nice dream tale. I can't wait for Spring too :-)

Happy Pink Weekend!

Cheers, Pat

Loretta said...

What an adorable story! So cute. Happy Pink Day!

KatCollects said...

I am so late for pink Saturday, but glad I made it. I LOVE those bunny pictures!!!! Sweet post.