I am rereading an old friend called THE HOUSE BY THE SEA by May Sarton. Books are like that...old friends waiting for you to begin another rendezvous. This book is a journal of her daily writings from when she lived in a seaside cottage. I love memoirs, especially those written in journal style.

She writes:

Her words evoke perfect visual images of a snow storm by the ocean.

Last night we too had more snow, and I never get tired of seeing the branches covered in snow.

To me everything looks so beautiful.

I finished the morning paper and my first cup of coffee
and ventured to go outside to capture some snowy scenes, and then...

When I opened the kitchen door a gust of wind kicked up a swish of fine tiny snow, swooshing Mittens right in the face.

It is still snowing that teeny flake kind of snow that twirls about,

Inviting you to go outside and make a snowman...

Or to stare dreamily out the window.

The gazebo is decorated with just enough snow so that when I light a fire I can peek out at nature's beauty.

Wishing you a lovely Sunday. The song for this post is Amends- Magic Snow Music.

I'll go say hello to these little guys later today. Wanting to capture all of nature's wonder while our beautiful snowy days cover the ground with nature's icing.
I was just visiting a few blogs and Katherine Ellen's sister Amy has a best friend named Karen. Karen needs our prayers. Please stop by Katherine's post and keep her sister's best friend, Karen in your prayers.
Thank you for the lovely snow photos!
What a Beautiful Day Karen! Wishing warmth, inspiration, and contentment. Blessings~Sharon
What beautiful writing - both yours and May Sarton's. I miss the snow I grew up with in Michigan. We hardly get any here in NC. Your pictures are beautiful.
Ahhh, we're living in matching worlds today...funny how snow makes everything look so familiar. You have such a charming backyard and all of the work that you did with your snow pictures looks marvelous. Enjoy your day, Karen!
Amazing pictures! We don't see as much snow here...I see that Penny wrote the same thing! heehee! I know I would enjoy that book so I'll add it to my reading list this year!
Karen, it is so beautiful at your home with the snow. Thank you for sharing it with us.
You are in my prayers.
Hello Karen; It sounds like you had a beautiful Sunday. Loved all the beautiful photos. The book sounds really interesting. I will make sure I keep her sister in my Prayers.
I do so want some snow to go out and play in...m...
Alas, I am so ready for the snow to be over. It is supposed to be single digit cold this week. Where is my January thaw?
Thank you soooo much...my sister will appreciate it sooo much. To correct the prayer request...It's my sister,Amy best friend who name is Karen...Thanks so much for spreadng the news...Believing the power of prayers...will give updates when the I get more news..Kathy
Gorgeous pictures. Mimi
Beautiful pictures!
Hello Karen,
I loved all these photos!
~ Gabriela ~
it looks so pretty there...we have had lots of snow too over the last several days...your yard looks so beautiful, i bet it is really lovely there in the spring...
Good evening Karen.... I too enjoy reading journal of real lives... they're so interesting and there is so much to learn from them... from people's lives... I love your garden in any season, it looks lovely with all the snow...just enchanting...
Have a blessed evening sweet friend
What a beautiful post. I like the snow when I have no place to go and can enjoy it. It's so lovely, crisp, and clean.
Hi Karen
Those are beautiful photos of the snow. I think snow is lovely when you can stay inside light a fire and curl up with a good book. I've read a couple of May Sarton books but I don't know if I've read that one. Enjoy your read!
Hugs, Rhondi
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