Every Wednesday Susan from A Southern Daydreamer hosts Outdoor Wednesday. An opportunity to visit the outdoors in other parts of the globe without making reservations. Just stop by Susan's place and visit all the outdoor places.

I love the lush countryside.


So, so beautiful. Oh, how I long to visit there some day.
Thank you for sharing. I hope your mother is doing well.
Karen, just lovely. Wonderful traveling with you.
Hello Karen,
Love this place!
~ Gabriela ~
These photos are breathtaking. I've always wanted to visit New England states. Vermont is a beautiful place. I love the covered bridges.
Thank you for sharing your trip. That is what I love about this meme. We get to go places we might not ever visit just by clicking on a name.
Mama Bear
That looks like a beautiful country with beautiful pictures
I'll be bringing John over directly. We can enjoy a little mini vacation right here. I so love Vermont...what a great picture of your Vermont-loving grandmother!
Thanks so much for sharing these gorgeous images...I loved the trip...
What a beautiful countryside! And the happy faces are just too lovely! Thanks for sharing this amazing post full of wonderful Wednesday miracles!
Beutiful photos - thanks for the tour.
Those covered bridges are just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing those lovely photos and about your Mother. :)
What absolutely wonderful photographs. I couldn't pick a favorite if my life depended on it.
Thank you for sharing them with us. Have a wonderful day.
Tell your Mother her prayers, your prayers, every one's prayers was answered about amy...the mass in her neck isGONE...GONE..A TRUE MIRACLE...I posted on it.
We are breathing a little easier and PRAISING GOD!!!
Thank You for taking me on this trip with you
I dearly love the picture of your grandmother with the cow...beautiful
Oh, I love the covered bridges! Your pictures are so perfect that just as I got to your lovely collage I was thinking "these photos look just like postcards I've seen in Vermont!"
Every time we go visit my MIL in Schenectady we drive to Manchester for lunch at The Equinox and dessert at Mother Merricks. It's a lovely day - especially if it's in the fall! Love the photo of your grandma!
Your photos are beautiful. It really makes me want to visit there. Happy OW!
If I had the money to travel, I would want to see so many places in the U.S. before going overseas. And...Vermont is a state I would dearly love to see.
Thanks for all the wonderful photos and now, after seeing the covered bridges...I have to watch Bridges of Madison County tonight..a favorite of mine.
Loved the photo of your gran....
Such stunning photos... you have quite an eye. Stop on over and take a look at my blog post today... it's quite similar to yours.
My dear,
These photos remind me so much of my life back east; I made it to Vermont once and fell in love with the lush, green countryside! Thank you for always reminding me of God's sweet spirit in your art and presentation. You have a way with images! Blessings, Anita
Just breathtaking....m..
beautiful photos, happy outdoor wednsday
Beautiful! I love Vermont. I know the winters are full of snow, but it is a beautiful place. Ever since the movie White Christmas, I have wanted to live there.
So much breath taking beauty! You are so artistic with your photos. I love all of the unique and pretty ways you posted these photographs. And what gorgeous scenery to photograph! Just what I imagine Vermont to look like! I'm going back for a second look. laurie
Just me again. Forgot to tell you that I think that picture of your grandmother with the cow is priceless! Love it. laurie
You are one of my favorites!!
Fantastic shots with fun commentary. Great blog...well done and well thought out.
See you soon!
Of course I saw the movie 'The sound of music' and afterwards I read the book. I remember that the family Von Trapp arrived in Vermont and finally felt like coming home, as it was the first time that they discovered a landscape that reminded them of Austria, that they were forced to leave. Your post triggered me. Yes Vermont is beautiful and your photos remind me too on Austria. I do hope your mother is well, please give her my regards the next time you speak to her. I think she is a lucky lady. Having you as her daughter and living in this lovely Vermont.
Have a nice day!
These photos are spectacular!!! I am humming the song in my head now...."pennies in a stream"...
G and I have been seriously thinking of taking a trip to New England as both of us have never been to Vermont, Maine etc. These images just make it more enticing!
Sorry I haven't commented in a while, absolutely nothing personal whatsoever!
I hope all is well!
Love and hugs,
What a beautiful place!!!! I've wanted to go to Vermont for years but I want to go in the fall! I love how your pictures are so BIG!!! Can't seem to get that part of my blog figured out!
Vermont is sooo beautiful with it's covered bridges and beautiful landscape. Thank you for sharing. I hope you had a wonderful visit with your mother.
Hey I thought "happy cows" only came from California!
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