Your photos tell it all, and your writing is poignant and yet simple. I love the way you write, and you alone have inspired the way I write. I hope with all my heart that you are well and may our Lord bless you this day, Anita
Lovely photographs! How I'd like to wake up and look out of that window and ejoy the fragrance and colour of those flowers. I love a wall covered in ivy. Have a wonderful Wednesday Karen!
I've just been refreshed visiting your always. You are so kind to leave me a sweet thought in my blog. I love following art sites, like yours, I always see the beauty of God coming through you in your work!
You made me turn up the volume! Oh your photography gets me every time. I particularly love the bird whose reflection in the water along the shore looks like a streak of bird lightning. Exquisite! So, do you ever get those feelings when listening to music that you could reach out and open a door or a gate to something that you've not experienced before...a new thought, a new idea, a new way to live? From what I'm reading here between the lines, I think so!
Hi Karen,
Beautiful as always. Your pics are awesome. I love this song too. Very uplifting and inspiring with the verge of Spring upon us.
Happy St. Patricks Day.
Blessings, Celestina Marie
Karen, these photos are gorgeous! How are you feeling? The kids are away this weekend, think you'll be up for a little "Alice" adventure?
lovely photos!
i always have music on, if not on the stereo, then in myh ead...and it all depends on my mood at the moment~
happy st. pat's day :)
Your photos tell it all, and your writing is poignant and yet simple. I love the way you write, and you alone have inspired the way I write. I hope with all my heart that you are well and may our Lord bless you this day,
Hello Karen,
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
What a lovely post this is...I always enjoy my visit here. ♥
Stephanie ♥
So beautiful, Karen! All wonderful photos showing the peace and wonder of our world!
Happy St. Patricks Day!
Lovely photographs! How I'd like to wake up and look out of that window and ejoy the fragrance and colour of those flowers. I love a wall covered in ivy.
Have a wonderful Wednesday Karen!
Gorgeous photos - that ivy covered wall with the window boxes and flowers delights me thoroughly!
You seem to be having a lovely stroll through treasured memories - enjoy it!
I've just been refreshed visiting your always.
You are so kind to leave me a sweet thought in my blog. I love following art sites, like yours, I always see the beauty of God coming through you in your work!
Loved this, Karen. One of my favorite songs as well. :)
Wishing you a wonderful day,
You made me turn up the volume! Oh your photography gets me every time. I particularly love the bird whose reflection in the water along the shore looks like a streak of bird lightning. Exquisite! So, do you ever get those feelings when listening to music that you could reach out and open a door or a gate to something that you've not experienced before...a new thought, a new idea, a new way to live? From what I'm reading here between the lines, I think so!
I don't think I have ever heard this music before! It is so uplifting and cheerful, perfect for throwing the windows open and enjoying the sunshine:>)
Another beautiful post Karen. Your words DID create music, and your photographs are gorgeous! laurie
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