“Serendipity is a propensity for making fortuitous discoveries while looking for something unrelated.”

In August of 2009 I had a dream one night about two hot air balloons flying overhead with ships underneath. In each ship was a little boy dressed in sailor outfits from the late 1900’s.

After having that dream, I created lots of designs with hot air balloons. Prints, fabrics, and cards.

and my banner all reflecting the inspiration from a dream.

At Christmas my daughter was in a shop looking around for gifts to buy. She said as she turned the corner, there in the middle of the floor was this painting.

Knowing how much I loved hot air balloons, she bought the painting for me.

I placed the painting on the mantle in my family room where I have my computer now and I spend lots of time creating.

This year I went through quite a trial concerning my health. Working through cat scans, trips to doctors, more tests, problems with my vision, and most importantly a test of my faith.

Everyday I would stare at this painting, and feeling totally protected. Knowing that God would find a way.

At the end of the trial, my health is back on track and I find the word serendipity with a new definition in my life.

I believe that serendipity is a God wink. A reminder that makes you stop in your tracks and know that you are loved. That the Lord is right next to you no matter what you are going through.
Serendipity is a gift from God, a little nod that helps you understand that you are not alone.

The song for this post is
When You Know Here is a gift for you to create pretty cards, tags or creations, just click on the image below and save it to your computer...

P.S. I researched who painted the gift from my daughter. It was painted by two artists, who were twins named
Isiah and Benjamin Lane. Twins, just like the little boys in my dream..."wink"
"Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed."
Joshua 23:14
Good morning~!
I am so happy to hear that you are back on track with your health... When i first read that you were having issues it made me gasp! I am so refreshed knowing you are ok.
As you might know i love the Serendipity about life...and I agree it is a god wink ... or even a wake up call that we havent been taking the time to let life flow and see where it is taking us AND that rigt there in this very moment, stop and breath and drink in the wonderfulness of now.
Lovely lovely post my dear friend.
A lovely post, it is nice to know you are feeling well and so positive. I painted a hot air ballon on my sons bedroom wall when he was 10 with a dragon headed boat shaped basket :-) and a dragon design on the balloon. He is 15 now and I think the walls are due for a redo so it will have to go.
Oh Karen I agree with Claudia. It caught me by surprize to her you had a health scare. But amso happy to hear all is ok. I love your dream. I had one when I was a child about floating houses. We were about to move to the midwest. One of the houses I dreamed about was a stately white 2 story with black shutters. When we arrived in MN the house we stayed in while our home was being built was, you guessed it a white 2 story with black shutters. Mmmm it has always stayed with me. Yes wink!
Karen I am so happy to hear that your health is back on track!
Talk about Serendipity...I was just thinking that word before I came to this post. I don't know why, it just popped into my head.
I have always loved your hot air balloon designs...
My heart sank when I started reading about your health issues i join you in prasing Our lord for you restored health. You my friend are an inspiritation to me as well as so many others..smiles..m..
Karen, I have to say, you are one of the most creative person I know. The balloons are beautiful.Have a great day..hugs/M
WOW Karen....just before I saw your statement about the GOD WINK, I was thinking that serendipity IS FROM GOD! A wake-up, a divine interruption of OUR plans.....BRAVO! May we always be sensitive to God's creativity in us!
Beautiful work as always dearest. Anita
Karen, that's so great to read that you are doing well.
I love your reference to a God Wink. ..so appropriate.
Love your gift from your girl! dana
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