Everyone knows how much I adore everything that Louisa May Alcott has written.

The quality in the papers that they used in this book let you know this edition was something really special.

Illustrated by Louis Jambor, this book has the most incredible illustrations, and ones that I have not seen before.

"The special contents of this edition are copyrighted, 1947 by Gorsset & Dunlap, Inc. printed by Kingsport press. Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee."

I placed it in my Etsy Shop For The Love of Old Books today.

I am so excited that I found another one of these editions. There's a little extra bonus, a book sleeve which was responsible for keeping the cover of the book so clean.

Good morning dearest Karen!
Well, I am off to the first day of school today. It was a grand summer of discovering my drawing interests again, thinking up stories, friendships and home improvement plans. It was lovely, and now it is time to step into the world of children again. YOUR BOOK is lovely and these drawings evoke such beauty of a bygone era that has such a deep rooted heritage in your neck of the woods; I am impressed that you are willing to allow someone else to enjoy it!!!!
Beautiful post, lovely music and a GREAT HEART!!! AniTA
Oh that is a scrumptious edition. I love the feel of pages that are not "cheap" for lack of a better word. Hope that the one to whom this book truly belongs snags it quickly!
Beautiful. I went to see if it was still for sale but, it sold. GOOD FOR YOU! Have a great week. Charlene
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