Pumpkin season is upon us, and I am beginning to see the markets here filled to the brim with Autumn and Halloween goodies.

It's time to put away our summer toys.

Embrace the new season.
oday is Mosaic Monday, and Mary from Little Red House, is hosting this lovely day. I thought I would share some Fall eye candy today.

It's time to pick the apples first,

and bake some apple pie.

Let's not forget about the Carmel Apples.

Pumpkin and mum decorations.

I always love to visit
Wilson Farms this time of year.

Mums, pumpkins and produce galore.
It's time to decorate the front steps...

and put up the Fall Wreath.

Because soon when I open up the door, this is what I will see.

Glorious Fall. The song for this post is
Autumn Leaves.
Please feel free to take home any photos from my post for your personal use.
My dearest, these photos are over-the-top perfect; I don't know how you do it. Every one of them is a memory of my first fall in Mass. In L.A., we never saw such color...none for that matter! But it is upon us, I even have a little sore throat, an indication that the season has changed. But a cup of tea and a warm blanket are in order here, and it is well with me!
Have a splendid week, Anita
Autumn beauty! Amazing post, Karen. Gorgeous. Thanks for the lovely gifts.
Awesome photos and mosaic. The fall colors are just gorgeous. The trees here have not started changing yet.
What a delicious early taste of fall! The apple orchards are busy and the harvest stands are as well. Love to see the profusion of mums everywhere. Thank you for such delights!
Such beauty for my eyes to behold. I look at each picture thinking of the stories to be told....have a great week,,,m,,,
That is so lovely, Alexa. I have been dreading Fall and this helps me appreciate the beauty!
hi karen,
beautiful post! gosh, we new englanders love fall, don't we?
i was just thinking today that i need a fall wreath. i saw a cool leafy one in the pottery barn catalog ($$$) but will see what places like michaels have to offer.
happy almost-fall ~
Karen, sorry I missed this beautiful post earlier. Your mosaics are filled with wonderful inspiration for the autumn season. Thanks for sharing the beauty! ~ Sarah
These are some of the most beautiful photos you've taken! I am going to save a few to enjoy this Fall! Thank you sweet friend! ♥
Love seeing all the fall color--we don't get any of that in Houston, and very little in London either for that matter, so I'm enjoying it vicariously through you.
Happy fall,
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