Yesterday I awoke in the morning with one of those feelings that mothers know so well. I sat up in bed and recalled the poem that little Sarah used to love to recite when we read the book Madeline. I could hear Sarah at three reciting with me... “In an old house in Paris, that was covered with vines, lived twelve little girls in two straight lines, they left the house at half past nine...the smallest one was Madeline.”
I always loved it when the nun who took care of Madeline sensed something was wrong. "That evening, the girls are tucked into bed for the evening. Miss Clavel goes to bed too, but she wakes up with a fright, "something's not right". Something seems to be wrong." I had been feeling like that since the night before. I sat up in bed and read the Bible to comfort my soul. I said "Lord, I feel so anxious today, like something is wrong, but I trust that you will keep us safe." In my prayer I prayed for my family and I knew in my spirit that I should rest. I stayed home all day and just rested for a change. No crafts, no art, no telephone, no computer, no rides in the country or form of busyness, I just rested.
Then at exactly 6 o'clock the telephone rang, "Mom, there was a terrible car accident". It was Sarah, my nineteen year old daughter who attends college just an hour away. As she explained how much damage was on her car, all I wanted to know was that she was okay. She has not a bump, scratch or hurt, even though her car looks like a truck hit it and she is terribly upset about her car.
I quickly phoned my other daughter to tell her I was on my way to Sarah. Ashley said "Mom I was in a car accident too, I was just going to call you. I'm okay and my car only has a scratch, the policeman was nice and the guy who hit me too. I got all the information, Mom". Just sixteen and so mature. Sarah called back to say that the tow truck had arrived and I waited for her to phone back with directions. When the phone rang again it was Ashley, "Mom, I am on my way to pick up Sarah, you don't have to worry". They came home, we ate, we talked and I was so thankful. I got down on my knees and praised God for keeping my girls safe. I didn't even want to think about what could have been.
This morning I awoke with such a peace and a spirit of thankfulness. All that I can say is Thank you. Thank you Lord, every now and then I sing His praise for always being there, but today I want to shout it from the top of the mountains.
"O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation."
Psalm 95:1

Blessings, Karen
The song for this post is dedicated to the Lord, and the spirt found the perfect words for me today, it's called Thank you Lord
What a frightening thing to happen. I am so happy the Lord was watching over your family.
I debated with myself this morning...go on line or do my Bible study....I decided to go on line while I finshed my coffee so I could "think" through the study. Your post was the first I read! Tell your girls, God works everything for good for the ones who follow him....the good that has come of two crashed cars but safe kids has been a blessing to me...someone they don't even know!
Thank you for shareing this post!
I would hate to think what the world would be like without praying Moms!
Oh Karen, I read your post with that awful "Mother" feeling in the pit of my stomach. Having had two teenage boys I know exactly how you feel. So happy all is right with the world today. xo Lynn
Karen, this is a perfect example of being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Bless you for listening and being quiet before Him.
I am so thankful your girls are fine.
Hi Karen,
I am so glad that Ashley and Sarah are okay. By being obedient to the Lord and resting in Him, He allowed you to connect with the Holy Spirt. God's angels protected them from harm - Psalm 91:11-12 For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up Lest you dash your foot against a stone. Psalm 136:1-2 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Please let Sarah and Ashley know that I am glad they are okay.
Love, Susan
Ahhhh, yes, "Thank you Lord".
God's richest blessings be with you and yours.
Wendy XO
I know that feeling you are talking about and it is so scarry. I am prasing our Lord along with you that he kept you sweet daughters out of harms way. He is such an awesome God.....Beautiful dreams to you...Mary
Oh Karen! This post gave me chills! What a relief that your girls are okay and God was with them! A mother's intuition is so strong! I am so glad your girls are okay :)
Hugs to you and your family!
Hi Karen
Isn't God wonderful? And aren't you glad you listened to that still small voice! It is too easy for me to ignore that voice sometimes in my own life.
I usually don't listen to the music on blogs but today I listened to the whole song and it really ministered to me. Thanks.
I am so glad your girls are okay.
Oh how wonderful that your girls were looked after, what a relief!
Thank you for sharing. It is a reminder to constantly pray for God's protection and Thank him for protecting me and my family.
I just found your blog & I love it! I will be back. Have a blessed day!
Praise the Lord! and may he give us faith to praise him when he doesn't answer our prayers the way we want him to!
God is so good! He orchestrated the entire Pink Artist doll from start to finish. 182 artists it took to make ONE doll and God created the world alone. amazing. Beautiful post, God definitely had his hand on your kids lives and yours... thanks for stopping in. It's so nice to 'meet' you. I'm on my way to Terisa's blog now. Can't wait! love & blessings, Monica :)
I know that feeling, praise God your girls are OK!
I am so very glad that Ashley and Sarah are both safe and unhurt. What a wonderful post, Karen. Thank you for sharing this amazing story - your Faith strengthens mine.
Blessings, always.
Suze xXx
I'm so glad your daughters are okay! I fear for my children all the time and pray that nothing happens to them. Letting my son get behind the wheel of a car was such a hard thing to do. You are always a mom no matter how old they are and the worry never goes away. Thank God they are safe!
rue :)
God is faithful! :) So glad He looked after your two precious girls! Chills went all over me when I read your story! My daughter just took driver's ed and will get her permit in August, Lord willing! I've already started praying!!! :) ~Rhonda
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