Some days like today, my life seems to stand still. I notice all the things around me that I usually take for granted. Gray, chilly days have that effect on me. It was so windy today, and the cool brisk air hardly felt like a Spring day at all. When it is this kind of day, I don’t feel like doing the things that I would do on a sunny day. So, I am more reflective. Everything seems to make me smile on windy, cool days. It is as if I have an excuse not to have to run into busyness with a million things to do.
I read in an old book of mine this lovely poem:
“Life holdeth much happiness,
A day is like a golden cup,
Which God Himself stopped down to bless,
Before He filled it up”
I wonder how many days hold happiness that I neglect to notice because I am so busy that time flies by and at the end of the day I am left with a blur and a “to do list” for tomorrow. “A day is like a gold cup” and it is filled with so many blessings. If you are like me there are days that I take all the things that are good in my life for granted and focus on the worries and my list of things to do. I forget to stop and look around at the golden cup and count my blessings. Gray, chilly days I suppose should be gloomy, but instead they always cheer me up, because I have time to look around and be thankful.
It's funny but an acute awareness of being thankful today consumed my thoughts. The world news held so much world tragedy today making my worries pale in comparison. Ashley came home in awe. The wind caused a tree to fall down in the parking lot where she was parked and barely missed her car by inches. Ned came home while I was out food shopping. It seemed like a good day to make the house smell good with my bread machine baking bread for supper. I had left some homemade soup and some homemade bread for them.

When I got back from food shopping he said he was so thankful, because on Mother's Day he had told his mom he missed homemade bread. He said that he felt thankful because it had made him feel loved when he had walked into the house and it smelled so good and then he saw supper waiting for him. My daughter Sarah and I drove up to Vermont to see my mom, planning to drive back late last night. We didn't get back until 2 o'clock A.M. and Sarah had to get up early for work this morning. My mom said that she had felt so loved by the gesture and that she is so thankful. Sarah and Ashley made me feel so loved all weekend with mother's day thoughtfulness.
I wonder if it is the starkness of life sometimes that makes our blessings shine. Is it the gray day that makes me examine the color in my life a little closer, or is God simply shining down a little brighter because he knows that the light is a bit dim. Today was one of those days that I wish wouldn't end, because we were all reminded to count our blessings. I felt wrapped in a spirit-filled embrace.
Karen great post. Gives all plenty to think about.
I think we all take things in our lives for granted,
Love the song.
You are so right Karen. Rainy days make me slow down too, maybe that is one of the blessings God intends for us to get from them. There are so many troubles in the world, and we are blessed in ways we can't even fully appreciate. I try to take time each day to be thankful for some part of my life. Hugs and more blessing to you!
What a beautiful post, Karen. We do have so much to be thankful for.
Have a wonderful day.
Hi, Karen,
Just wanted to say I needed what you said today. I was worrying about silly, little things. I had nothing to worry about really. I am so blessed and blessed by you.
Have another great day!
Karen, I needed your blog post today. Thank you. I try to get to the library a few times a week to visit all my friends and you have pointed out that I have much to be thankful for even though I have to use dial-up at home. You are a friend to be thankful for!!
Hello Karen,
Visiting your blog is such an inspirational experience...Beautiful and meaningful things to read about and feed the soul...Thank you!
Loooooove Diana Krall, as a matter of fact I saw her on a plane on my way to SF in 2006.
She is beautiful!
*Did you email me yesterday?
Warm regards,
Beautiful Post. I've been feeling so harried latley. Time is speeding up. This is a wonderful reminder to stop and be thankful and enjoy life.
Blessings! Nancy
Karen, this is such a wonderful post. I try to stop frequently during my day to focus on all that is good around me. I really need that to help me balance the stresses of the day.
We are all so incredibly blessed in so many ways, and we need to just recognize those blessings.
Thank you for sharing your blessings with us.
Karen you always have the best and inspirational post. As long as I don't have to venture out I love rainy and gloomy days. Makes the house seem so cozy. ~ Lynn
Dear Karen, what a lovely post. I get too caught up in the "big picture" sometimes and forget to see the small things that I am blessed with every day. Thank you for the reminder. ~Kathy
lovely post. wanted to stop by and wish you a lovely week.
What a beautiful post and such amazing photos.
Thank you, Karen. I'm having a grey day today and am so glad I found this post. Bless you xXx
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