We shared many times together, and even when I moved all the way to the other side of the world, I was greeted by her Fax, at our hotel welcoming us to Hong Kong. We managed a long distance friendship for ten years and when I returned to the States we found new ways to share all the things we have in common.

I remember when she first found out and she called me. She said “Well, if I have to do Chemo than I am going to find the best darn wig I can.” And she did find the best darn wig you have ever seen!

She has recently added a new line of bracelets as a tribute, she writes:
“A tribute to women who are thriving after breast cancer and to those on the journey to wellness."

"I stumbled into a new local bead shop about 2 years ago and was amazed at the array of beads and classes they had to offer. I signed up for a beginners class and was immediately hooked. I never imagined that I could be crafty but this medium was just what I needed. I swear that chemo therapy (I'm a three year breast cancer thriver/survivor!)released some inner creativity in me for which I am grateful. See, there is a silver lining to chemo therapy, in addition to wellness!

I can't tell you how much I enjoy making these items. I can't wait for the end of the work day to get up in my work room and get busy. I certainly hope that feeling comes through in the finished product.

I have created some new items in tribute to all women who are thriving after breast cancer and all those on the journey to wellness. I am offering them at a discounted price with free shipping. "

JuJuz Beadsand find these lovely bracelets. The perfect gift to give someone you love, to celebrate their recovery or give them inspiration and hope for their journey to wellnesss....The color of hope is surely the color Pink.
The song for this post is Only Hope sung by Mandy Moore.
Hi Sweetie, what a wonderful post. I'm going to Judy's blog and also to her esty shop. I love her work. I plan on purchasing some of her stuff, add it to the collection that I've got going for Angie's Amazing Race. I spoke with the Pink Ribbon Fund and found out that we were able to pay for 91 mamograms and 14 of those had to have biospies. (sure do hope I'm spelling these words right.) I hope to be able to raise more money this year, it is so important to help others.
Take care and sending you both lots of hugs.
Beautiful tribute to your friend who makes such gorgeous jewelry! I'll have to buy something when I get some money together in July.
Hugs to you, Susan
Hi Karen, what a beautiful post and tribute to your talented friend. I will go to her shop and visit. She sounds like such an inspiration to all those fighting the cancer battle to wellness. How blessed you are to have her as your friend. Thank you for sharing your friendship with Judy with all of us. The pics are great! What a talent!
blessings, Celestina
la rea rose
What a great way for your friend to take the anxiety that goes along with cancer and put it into something positive and uplifting...I think part of all illness is th mental game and she appears to have won!
Hello Karen,
This is a great post!
~ Gabriela ~
Inspiring and such a beautiful tribute to your friend. I am glad your Mother liked her card. My Granddaughters and I are really enjoying our gifts. They are true works of art.....Have an awesome weekend....Double Hugs...Mary
what a wonderful post Karen! what a precious special friendship you have. Judy's jewellery is gorgeous!
Oh I love them!!
I'll be visiting to see what I
can find!!
So inspiring, thank you Karen. Lovely post!
Oh Karen,
I too was blessed with the gift of a friend who had breast cancer. She was a survivor for 16 years and the Lord brought her home last April. Her inner strenght came from Christ and she exuded it in every way. She blew into our town about 6 years ago and began classes at our church called "Christ and Creativity". She too had found strength and the silver lining from the creative needs placed into all of us from our Master Creator! Thank you for shareing this post and all about Judy. My the Lord continue to bless her...and I see he has already blessed you through her. What a legacy that is!
Blessings my blog buddy,
Karen, I am so incredibly moved by your tribute and your friendship. Thank your for sharing it with us. We must all work together.
It is my prayer that we conquer all types of cancer.
Hi Karen- wow, what a wonderful friend you BOTH are to each other. Such an uplifting post. Happy that you shared her story and art with us.
Hi Karen,
What a beautiful tribute to your wonderful friend Judy and the enduring gift of friendship. Your bracelets are very pretty and delicate!
A toast to the color pink!
See you tomorrow.
What a lovely tribute to your brave and talented friend! I am off to check out here work at ETSY...thanks Karen!
This is a beautiful post, visually and spiritually.
OH MY GOODNESS KAREN! Did ya here me scream it? Well I did...this post is Too cute! You were busy! I love it!
You look super adorable in your Alice dress, what a wonderful table setting you have there. Thank you for sharing about your friend Judy and her work, it's a blessing to know positive people - and her work is stunning!
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