You are invited to Miss Vanessa's
A Fanciful Twist Mad Tea Party, celebrating her 200th post. It is not just your ordinary party, but a Mad Tea Party, what fun. You are all welcome to visit all the guests and have a bite to eat as you romp through Blogland on an Adventure of a looking glass kind...

So there I was painting the roses red all week and looking for just the right cake for Miss Vanessa’s Mad Hatter Tea Party to celebrate her 200th post.

I’m late, I’m late for a very important date...and I was planning all sorts of things, but running terribly behind not sure of what sort of dress I shall wear...and then it happened. Suddenly Miss Vanessa said just one word (or two, I can’t recall) but she said that we could come to her party any old age we wanted.

Don’t you just love it when one of the creatives that live in Blogland inspire you like that? A simple word, a tweak of an image and you are off to an imaginary place creating all kinds of things. There are absolutely no rules at all, you can drink imaginary tea, dress up like when you were in Kindergarten or tell a story. Oh, that’s what I will do, I will come to Miss Vanessa’s party being the little girl that Blogland makes me feel like. Oh and yes, I will tell a story about this little girl and this Adventure in Blogland.

Well, the Mad Hatter would approve and so would little mouse in the sugar bowl. Hmmm, which age shall it be? Why yes of course I would come to the party at the age of seven. Seven is a very good number you know, Tweedle Dee Dee and Tweedle Dee Dumb told me this and...

The Red Queen commanded, “It doesn’t matter what age child, it is much to do about nothing, get back to painting the roses red. ” After all, my old dress and pinafore is a bit snug these days, but it fits perfectly when I am seven years old you know. So, I took my slippers and stockings out of the drawer, and found my perfectly blue dress out of the closet, swept my hair back with a proper headband and tah dah the Adventures of Karen in Blogland was inspired.

Yes, so seven it is, seven is the way I feel when I am in Blogland none-the-less, playing dress-up, attending virtual parties and speaking with so many people who inspire the child within. Let’s go and find our guests, shall we?

I took out my books about Alice Through The Looking Glass and the Adventures, and opened them up with a thud. I needed reference to my old friends inside. The illustrations reminded me of all my old friends. You know, they haven’t aged at all, as a matter of fact they are exactly the same age as I remember when I was just seven.

So it all fits perfectly together, you see. Oh, you must think me Mad...but isn’t that what we are here for, the party you see. I was very careful to not get my dress dirty, and my headband kept my hair very tidy.

Traveling through Blogland I was quite content to walk slowly and just meander on my chess board...

When all at once the Black Queen said come let's' run to the party..."Faster, Faster" squealed the Queen.

"Well, there it is child, over there, over there, walk through the gate and it's over there!" I asked "Whatever do you mean?" "It's over there!" So, I did as I was told, you know you never want to get one of these Queens angry or it's "off with your head."
I walked and I walked until I reached the gate...and well, I squealed myself, The Mad Hatter Tea party has begun. I was not disappointed. There was the party and as I approached from behind the host's chair I saw a party extraordinaire!!

Well, what rational unbirthday, cheshire cat, mouse in the sugar bowl, Mad Hatter Tea Party would it be without a proper pink flamingo chandelier accessory?

A cake on a platter with sugar bowl mouse on top, cookies on my chess board and pretty pastel accessories.

What perfectly Mad affair would it be after all without stacks of teacups and teapots filled to the brim with all kinds of tasty tea? So many questions and such yummy answers to the riddle.

I do hope that you enjoyed the Mad tea Party and had enough tea and sweets.

Now please be very careful if you nibble on that “Eat Me” cookie over there, it promises to make you ever so small, so that you can fit down the rabbit hole so we can all visit Miss Vanessa. Pleeeeeease be careful upon returning when you pour your "drink me" tea into your little teacup, this will help you to return to normal size.

So here we are on our way to visit the many adventures we will find today in Blogland. I can only imagine what magic will be inspired by the lovely Miss Vanessa’s party.

So, please do visit A Fanciful Twist and see the many guests at her Mad Hatter Party.

Cheshire cat will lead you, as Rabbit has wandered off again in such a rush.

I do hope you enjoyed your tea and cake and please take home a freshly painted red rose, I painted them myself.
Oh, and Miss Vanessa thank you, thank you for all the inspiration. You will never know how very much I needed an imaginary magical place to go this week. To surrender my cares and be asked to share in your always inspirational, always so clever Fanciful Twisting Adventures. This one takes the cake...oh and please do take a piece of cake. Congratulations on your 200th post, and I cannot wait to follow the road through your links to visit all of your guests.

So down the rabbit hole we go to Vanessa's to continue our adventure at
A Fanciful Twist Mad Hatter Party.The music for this part of the post is Painting The Roses Red, and I'm Late. Not too late for Pink Saturday though...

Did I mention that it is
Pink Saturday and Bev from
How Sweet The Sound is hosting her Pink Saturday celebration. In honor of today I would love to share my friend Judy's pink creations for the pinkest cause in the universe...celebrating a tribute to women who have won the battle with breast cancer and those who are on their way to recovery.
So, without further delay, here is my friend Judy...The Color of Hope is Pink
Judy and I have been friends for over twenty years. She helped me get a job at her company years ago, when I was temping there. She was there when I got engaged, she was at my wedding, my baby shower and of course when my daughters were born.
Pink PerfectionWe shared many times together, and even when I moved all the way to the other side of the world, I was greeted by her Fax, at our hotel welcoming us to Hong Kong. We managed a long distance friendship for ten years and when I returned to the States we found new ways to share all the things we have in common.

I am so proud of my friend Judy. Judy is a breast cancer survivor. I watched her face the challenge head on without whining and with lots of strength and such a positive attitude.
Pink PizazzI remember when she first found out and she called me. She said “Well, if I have to do Chemo than I am going to find the best darn wig I can.” And she did find the best darn wig you have ever seen!

I never heard her complain, the doctors were amazed at her great attitude. To her there was no choice but to win the fight, and she did.
Pink Pizazz Too
Not only did Judy become stronger than ever during her battle, but she discovered the creative that lived within. Judy creates many things, but truly loves to design jewelry.
Pink is for GirlsShe has recently added a new line of bracelets as a tribute, she writes:
“A tribute to women who are thriving after breast cancer and to those on the journey to wellness."
PINK IS POWER"I stumbled into a new local bead shop about 2 years ago and was amazed at the array of beads and classes they had to offer. I signed up for a beginners class and was immediately hooked. I never imagined that I could be crafty but this medium was just what I needed. I swear that chemo therapy (I'm a three year breast cancer thriver/survivor!)released some inner creativity in me for which I am grateful. See, there is a silver lining to chemo therapy, in addition to wellness!
Pink is Power Buttons and BaublesI can't tell you how much I enjoy making these items. I can't wait for the end of the work day to get up in my work room and get busy. I certainly hope that feeling comes through in the finished product.
Pink PerfectionI have created some new items in tribute to all women who are thriving after breast cancer and all those on the journey to wellness. I am offering them at a discounted price with free shipping. "
Every purchase comes in an adorable taffeta/satin pouch
I hope that you visit Judy's wonderful Etsy shop called
JuJuz Beads
and find these lovely bracelets. The perfect gift to give someone you love, to celebrate their recovery or give them inspiration and hope for their journey to wellnesss.
...The color of hope is surely the color Pink.
The song for this part of my post is
Only Hope sung by Mandy Moore.
Please stop by Bev's
How Sweet The Sound and see the many many pink posts today.
I was hopping about, hoping to visit some of the party goer's early! I am so glad I dropped by! The cake was delicious, the watercolors dreamy!
Hi Karen, Both your posts are amazing. You know I kept eating from those cookies and drinking tea to grow up and down, up and down...Your Alice is so sweet and your rose is too and all the pink lovely stuff...Hope you will have a lot of fun today! Best wishes LiLi
Hi Karen, I am up very late finishing both my posts for tomorrow. I started going down Vanessa's list & came to your blog. Just wonderful! Your "party" was great & so was your "pink"!!!...I will be back again soon!...Heidi :)
Your tea party was soooo mad, and I was very glad to meet your 7 yr. old self. I wondered where that silly Cheshire Cat was, and now I know: at your mad party!
Don't forget to stop by my garden on your way down the rabbit hole!
it all fits perfectly together!
you are so right!
you really have a skill and talent
for paining roses, missy!
my hat goes off to you!
see you at the Mad Tea Party!
{{ i have a give-a-way
for somepinkthing
on my blog today so
do hop over! }}
thanks for the trip through wonderland and you're right, judy's bracelets are beautiful and inspiring!!
What a magical week you have had in blogland. I hope I remember the instructions about cookies and tea...What if I get wrong...that's another story. Enjoy and thanks for my morning smile.
What fun I had romping with you through Wonderland! Love your Mad Hatter! I am sure we will party well into the night at Vanessa's!
I, too have a best friend who battled breast cancer with so much courage and strength. She is now cancer free, a 'survivor', what a beautiful word! Thanks for your beautiful post! Twyla
Karen, you are an inspiration!! Your 7 year old self fits beautifully into your Alice dress and I couldn't wait to eat the cookie to make myself small enough to slide down the rabbit hole to the rest of the party at Vanessa's..we are having so much fun!!
As for your pink post -- it's catching my heart. I'm a 3 year breast cancer survivor and must go and visit Judy. Art is what has kept me going and brought me forward -- I think this happens to many of us who have walked on this journey. Thank you so much for sharing your "pink".
WOW!!! Wonderful party items and LOVE that cake. I'll be over soon.
What can I say, this was all just so delightful....
I love the image of you as Alice!! What a great idea and you have the greatest expression:) Wonderful photos of all of those treats. Have fun at the party:)
Very cute. I love how you have the tea cups stacked all skiddywompous like that...LOL! Lovely pink goodies. I'm glad you have such a lovely friend in your life.
Two great posts, I enjoyed the party and thank your for the lovely painted rose. Also, a lovely tribute to your corageous frind.
A wonderful Tea Party and not just any old tea party but a Delightful One!!!! What fun and yummy goodies to go along with adventure!!!
The story and tribute to Judy makes me get all teary eyed. What a wonderful friendship you have had through the years and what a strong woman she is and to give others not only courage and inspiration as they are fighting their own battle but to also create these pretty pink baubles is a testament to her compassion and giving spirit!!! I am always amazed when I hear stories like hers!! Thanks so much for sharing your story!!
Have a wonderful PINK day!!
Oh what a fun tea party! Thanks for inviting me :) This is one of my favorites stories.
LOVE both the pink saturday post, along with the party!!! I participated in them both as well, and it is so much fun!! I especially love your white rabbit and red rose for the queen! ;) xoxox!
Hello Karen!, This post of yours today is just wonderful!...great job!amazing pictures, And your "Pink Saturday" picture is so charming! !
Have a lovely weekend,...Marina XO I hope you in my post too!
Karen, this post is absolutely exquisite. I love the magic you weave to captivate us.
I thought I had left you a comment earlier, but maybe not.
Happy Pink Saturday. You and your friend are so blessed to have each other.
I so enjoyed my visit to your Wonderland! Your creativity is inspiring!
And so is your friend's story!
It's been very nice to meet you!
just blog hopping through the tea party & what a lovely party you are having here! =)thanks for having me, it was lovely.
i LOVE what you did for the party!
amazing and inspiring
and your seven year old alice self!!!
Wow! A tea party for seven year olds and Pink too!!! Thank you for the painted rose...tis lovely!!!
Hi Karen!
Your party is lovely...I DO SO LOVE that mad hatter! What a wonderful, whimsical creation! The cakes and table were just ... FUN! They made me giggle...your friend's story is oh-so-inspirational...I'm sure you're a good friend!
Thanks for hosting this fab little soiree...hope you have time to hop by mine!
Hello, Very lovely post! Full of inspiration and magic!!!!
glad to have met you!!!
Hi Karen
You really made me feel like I was in Wonderland! What a great tea party. I love the table you set for tea and the cake was delicious too. I can tell you had a ball creating this wonderful experience for us. Thanks.
Hugs, Rhondi
Oh my goodness...what a party!!! The table looks fabulous. That Alice is delightful. I'm having soooo much fun!
What a fun post! I enjoyed it so much. I don't think there is a single one of use who didn't wish when we were younger that we could jump into a movie or book and live the life and adventures of one of the characters!
Thanks also for sharing about your friend Judy.
Hi Karen :)
This was such a fun post and it turned into a very inspiring one.
Your friend makes beautiful jewelry!
Do you see me Karen? I'm afraid I didn't heed your warning and nibbled a bit and now I'm smaller than small! But that's okay as you won't see me hiding and looking at everything waaaaay too long!! Your art is outta this world- so fun and perfect for the TEA!!
Wow, what a fabulous tea party! Absolutely wonderful!
Hello Karen,
Can you please take my hand : I ate your cookie and now I'm two and you are 7.. Can you take care of me at the colorful teaparty ?
You painted the roses so perfectly red and you're so gorgeous in your dress...
Just another cup of tea ? Of course... I'll wear one of your friends pink beauties when I'm big again...
Inge (from Belgium)
Such a cute piece. You have a fantastic Imagination!
Nice to meet You!
I'm tryin' to gain 20lbs @ this party!!
Cheers, Sue `*>~[
Your tea party was just wonderful! Thank you for the treats! ;-)
How beautiful and you make a wonderful Alice! Come by and have some animal crackers.
Wonderfully delightful post. I especially enjoyed the tea party.
I am late but I am here. I am mad about your cake! Lynn
I live in Florida and see a lot of flamingos, but the one you have is seriously the coolest I have seen.
So happy that Little Babu whom I brought to the party will have someone to play with. He's frolicking with the other youngsters in the pool. So nice to meet you at this lovely soiree! -- JeriAnn
Your party creations were FABULOUS!!!!
I was very touched by your tribute to your friend. What an inspiration she is!!! Thanks for sharing her remarkable story.
take care,
I am so glad I stopped by today! What a wonderful fanciful tea party you have thrown.
oooooh you are the cutest Alice ever! Lovely watercolors and thank you so much for the deeelicious cake...YUMMMM!!! Happy Tea Party to you! xox..jenn
your tea part was divine and i'm glad i learned about your color pink cause..
Ohhh! That was fun! Thank you for this most enchanting visit!!
I wasn't going to eat anymore at our party, but that cake was just too tempting! You make the most precious Alice!!
wow!I am just knocked out by your fabulous paintings! The way you transformed yourself into Alice was wonderful! Happy Tea Party day!
xxxooo calamity kim
I wouldn't mind controlling how small the "eat me" cookies made me. Just a few dress sizes, nothing ridiculous.
Thanks for the story and the yummy treats!
Wonderful, creative post! Love the face picture injected in the story pictures, how clever! ~Rhonda :)
what beautiful water colours you have created - what fun we had at the party! your cake was delicious! id love another piece please!!
oh so many wonderful things to see here. thank you for the hospitality. Love my red rose. your painting was perfect
Just eye candy...My visit was totally delightful! I couldn't help dancing to the wonderful music!
the MaD tEa PaRtY pictures are wonderful ~ and I loved your adaptation of Alice's story :)
and Judy's story and her beautiful pink creations was touched my heart and warmed it all at the same time ~ thank you for sharing such lovely things.
I loved the 7-year old Alice who gave us a tour of Wonderland. Such a fun party.
Hi Karen,
I love your collage with your cute picture when you were seven. Now I remember that one! Judy's beads are so nice too.
Love, Susan
Fun tea party, I love all your pink!
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
"Alice" has always been one of my favorites - - ever since I was 7!
What a delight this post is! Love the flamingo chandelier.
Still making the rounds. Loved your party. Please stop by and visit.
Irma :)
I had to come back to your blog tonight to look at your Alice in Wonderland post -- I love Alice, and your tribute is so wonderful and whimsical! How fun to make her face from your photo!
Congrats to your dear friend being a survivor. I am a cancer survivor too, but not of breast cancer. Pink still represents survival to me though.
Thanks for you comments on my blog. I was so sorry to learn Tasha Tudor passed too, even though she lived a wonderfully long life.
How wonderful that you also were aware of Fraunces Tavern! It's such a little historical gem, and a must visit for any George Washington fan.
Have you been back to NYC recently? So much security since 9/11!
It was nice to visit your blog again a little longer. I'll visit again soon!
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