I bought the book and it sits on my bookcase next to my favorite chair. It has been on my stack of special books for over twenty years. When this old world begins to get me down, I turn to a chapter and read a favorite essay. Every page of this little green volume touches your heart with her wisdom and grace.
I thought that I would share one of her essays today, as I show you some flowers that I found while visiting my mom in Vermont this last weekend.
The Garden of Life, by Margaret Moore Jacobs, Litt.D.

Don't you love to go into your garden early in the morning before everything wakes up, while that fresh smell of dew is all over? Then at noonday, when the sun is highest, that is when the flowers seem to be their gayest selves. And I can never miss a peep at least at sundown. It seems to me that is when my garden is nearest to the heavens, so still and quite and the stars beginning to shine down.

I love the sunshiny days and the rainy ones, too. Haven't you been in your garden just after a shower of rain, and could you ever forget that fresh clean odor that words cannot describe?

Life seems so easy for the flowers. God gives them everything they need for life..sunshine and rain...morning, noon and night. He gives them nourishment, and they grow and blossom. Why cannot we be more like the flowers? If we only would try to be, life would be so easy and happy for us, too.

God has given us everything we need to grow and blossom in this garden of life as He has the flowers. He has given us so much. It seems we give so little in return.

For nourishment He gives us love, and prayer. If we only keep these two things in our lives we will need nothing else to make our lives beautiful.

Have you ever noticed how our flowers respond to love? So it is with folks. They do, too.

But sometimes we feel our part in this garden is so small it is not important, that the important tasks are for others bigger and stronger than we. But have you ever noticed that some of the smallest flowers give the sweetest fragrance? So it is with our lives: oftentimes the smallest give the most beauty to life.

After doing some research on the Internet I found a wonderful site about Margaret Moore-Jacobs, that has photographs of her and her husband and her "dear little house."

Very pretty post and words to go with pics. I have often thought that being a gardener in whatever capacity is a blessing.
I almost feel sorry for my friends that don't have the love of flowers that I do! LOl
Karen, everything about this post was beautiful. I loved the essay and the beautiful photos:>) Thank you!
Karen! Thank you! I have just visited for the first time, but surely not my last. Margaret Moore-Jacobs...just the words I needed to read...thank you so much for sharing them. I have really enjoyed looking at your beautiful pictures...peonies are my favorite, oh if they could only bloom all summer!!!!!!!!!! And your favortie garden buddies...I have three of my own, Sadie,Annie and Maggie....
I'm so glad you have The Secret To A Happy Life - what a treasure it must be to you.
The story is so special, and your photos enhance the heartfelt meaning.
I hope you found your mother well, and that you enjoyed your time together.
Have you posted your photos on the flickr flower groups? It's really fun getting badges...just like being a kid and winning ribbons at the fair!
I am looking at all these gorgeous flowers and drooling all over my laptop! You hare an amazing camera and know exactly how to use it. Just gorgeous.
I am a book lover also so really relate to that. We must be from the same mold :)
Thanks for blessing me today with beautiful words, music and photos. It encouraged me, calmed me and gave me hope.
God is really using your gifts to touch many lives through this blog.
Rhondi xo
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