Today, Saturday, June 21st Cielo is hosting a Garden Party. Cielo's blog is called House In The Roses, and is one of the most beautiful blogs in Blogland. I can only imagine what her garden tour will be like. Make sure that you stop by Cielo's beautiful place and see the links to all the people who are showing their gardens today.

Our Gazebo is probably the prettiest thing in our garden. I love the way it looks in all the seasons, but summer is my favorite. A lovely place to sit with a glass of lemonade and a nice book.

This is the path that leads to the garden.

Later in the season this is what the daisies will look like in full bloom.

This is our deck,,,

Mr. Bunny sunbathing in the garden. When Mr. Bunny was just a baby, Samantha thought that she was one of her squeaky toys and had her in her mouth. My daughter gently removed the bunny from Samantha's mouth and placed him in the woods. Well, he is the tamest bunny and not a bit afraid either. He does play hide and seek with the dogs, and always wins.

I hope you enjoyed my stroll through the garden, and now if you follow the link to Ceilo's garden, you will find many other gardens to enjoy at her garden party. I have a feeling you might be seeing lots of roses in Ceilo's garden.
Today is Pink Saturday and it is being hosted by Bev from
How Sweet The SoundPlease visit Bev and see all the links to blogs posting PINK. Here are some pink celebrations in a collage that I created for this PINK Saturday

I am hosting a giveaway as I mentioned in my last post, So, any comment left today will also be included in my giveaway. I hope that you enjoy all the lovely posts in Cielo's garden party and Bev's Pink Saturday.

Your garden photos are just amazing. What a beautiful place you have to look at and admire!!!
I also really like that flower shop. It's beautiful in it's pink glory :)
take care,
Karen, your garden is heavenly! Those stairs and the deck and, well, everything! What a treat to see that little fox. I love all the wildlife in our backyard too. I dont even mind when they eat some of the flowers:>) Have a great Saturday!
Wow! What beautiful garden picture. They look like photos right out of Better Homes and Gardens!
Hello Karen!
There are no words to express the beauty of your garden...simply amazing! Enjoy!
Your garden is the most splendid creation of beauty. I could get lost there with all the beauty surrounding me. Reading for hours, listening to the sounds of nature and watching all the animals running about. This would be a vacation for me everytime I went out. Wishing you a bright and beautiful weefend....Mary
I have a Mr. Bunny too. But he is not free, he is caged with Mrs. Bunny. We also have 4 chickens and 1 cat. I LOVE animals. I enjoyed your blog, pretty pink saturday.
Oh Karen! Your garden is breathtakingly beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing it and it's residents with us.
What a lovely palce! Do you ever want to leave it? I don't think so!
Karen, it is so beautiful, and your words with the pictures made me feel like I'm right there. I hope to one day have beautiful flowers again, and I will. Thanks for sharing.
take care,
OMG Karen, your gardens are so gorgeous and beautiful and wonderful WOW!! I loved walking through your gardens. Thank you.
I really enjoyed the tour. I am convicted by your great attitude toward your bunny friendly garden :] I sometimes feel a bit like Mrs. McGregor when our bunnies visit and eat my lettuce!
Karen your garden is simply a delight to tour! I see many plants that I also have in my garden..including the bunny visits and that bunny ornament holding his geraniums!Mine holds a basket of Bocopa.
In looking back at your previous posts, I see the love of my life..
((the Peony)) Wonderfull images!
So nice to meet you! I am also participating in the garden tour and what do you think I posted! wink
Karen what a fabulous garden you have. It is so big and beautiful
All your furry little friends must think they are in heaven in your exquisite gardens.
Thank your for participating again in Pink Saturday. What could be better than Pink and a Garden Tour?
Hi Karen
What a wonderful blog you have! Found you while visiting Mary @ across the pond. Your garden & dogs are beautiful :-}
Looks like a slice of heaven to me. Beautiful!!
I loved your garden tour. I could spend the whole day here. But, I really need to get outside this morning and deadhead my flowers!
Karen ~ eveything in your garden is beautiful and Diana's music is perfect. I love my gazebo too ~ do stop by to see it when you have time.
Such cute bunny pics ~ we have plenty of them, also a pair of foxes who have had babies under the shed two years in a row!
Thanks for sharing the loveliness ~
only we gardeners know how much work it is to keep everything growing ~ but so worthwhile as long as one's back holds up, LOL!
Best wishes for the weekend ~
I adore the screened gazebo,. You have so many beautiful flowers in your garden. Thanks for the tour. Hugs, RoseMarie
Such a beautiful place to visit. My favorite photo is of the steps leading up to the gazebo. I love all the animal pictures, too! Thanks for sharing your lovely garden.
Just popped over from France yto visit your beautiful garden. How I would love to walk through it in reality!
Hi Karen, What a beautiful post you have treated us all to today!!!....And that little "pink" flower shop? cute!...I would love to enter your giveaway!...Will be back again soon! Great blog!...heidi :)
You have one of the best gardens I've seen.
You are also the only person I know that has a fox come and visit them! How cute. I love the little bunny to.
How nice of you plant pretty flowers for him to eat. LOL
Well it looks like you have lots and lots of flowers so there is enough to share with the bunny.
So pretty! And Mr. Bunny is a wonderful ornament!
Such gorgeous pictures!!! That flower shop is amazing and your doggies are too cute! xo!
Hi Karen
You live in such a beautiful place and you have such a beautiful way of sharing it. Thanks for blessing me today with beauty!
What a beautiful garden. I so enjoyed the tour and meeting all your furry friends.
So magical like the Secret GardenPink shop in Vermont shocking!! I will have to pass onto Lachambrerose poor gal from Dallas up in Stowe! Thank you for sharing..Byebye Bunny!
Denise Mass.
Karen, you have one of the prettiest gardens and especially that walk up to the gazebo. Your bunny friend is so sweet. I love your deck too. What an inviting place. I see samantha has her spot to look out over the area. Too cute. Loved your music for today and the flower shop too. Thank you for sharing your inspiring garden.
la rea rose
Hello Karen, I am on my first visit to your blog and I must say that I find your yard and gardens enchanting! Your photographs are stunning as well. I was watching the bonus features on Miss Potter (movie about Beatrix Potter) and every picture of your little woodsy creatures made me think of that and the magic she created painting the animals that she loved. You have done that in your photographs. They all looked poised and ready for their next great adventure (though hopefully NOT with Mr. McGregor)!
Blessings to you,
Christi from Charm & Grace
What awesome colors!!!! Everything is
just gorgeous!!
M ^..^
Your garden is beautiful. I have no other words to tell you how much I love the look and those steps leading up to the gazebo. Thank you for sharing!
Very, very beautiful!
I love these songs too.
Greetings from Poland!
God bless you!
Hi Karen, your garden pictures are just beautiful! I love those puppies! I don't think my Newf would give that bunny any piece at all. I love all your pink flowers!
Blessings, Shirl
Wow! You should charge admission for a garden of this callibre! "smiles" Absolutely stunning and beautiful! And your pictures captured everything so well! Great post! ~Rhonda ;)
Your yard and gazebo are just stunning! What a beautiful escape! And Mr. bunny is so perfectly at home among your fabulous flowers and bountiful blooms! This is one of the most beautiful yards we have had the joy of seeing!!
kari & kijsa
Hi Karen, thanks for stopping my my garden tour today too and leaving such a sweet message. I love your garden and your pink saturday post! How come with all those bunnies and squirrels, etc they don't eat your flowers? They destroy my garden all the time and I won't tell you how I try to control it! teehee
Love, Ann
Your grounds are beautiful to behold! Last night I was reading that there are four ways to look at a garden. One was through the eyes of design.
When a saw your terraced path leading to your gardens, I thought, "Yup!" that is design and what a beautiful design it is! I sure would like to sip lemonade while sitting on your deck overlooking your landscape! It is all very lovely!
Oh Karen, how beautiful!!! Your gazebo has me drooling. :) Your flowers are so lovely, despite the rabbits. I have tried to keep bee balm and phlox, but the deer always decimate them. I loved the picture of the fox -- what a treat to see him! I will think of you now with a lemonade and a good book, relaxing in your lovely gazebo. :)
Hi Karen,
Your garden is like something out of a movie set. Stunning.
I enjoyed the tour as well as seeing your little critters.
Have a blessed Sunday,
I love your beautiful garden and this beautiful song!
Greetings from Poland!
Hi Karen! Your garden photos are just amazing.all are so terrific! I love your flowers and so nice Mr. Bunny, que lindo!
I love to much like you make banner, its so fantastic, and it is excelent estetic!
congratulation for nice post and nice blog.
see you
warm regard
And Happy Summer! in my country began winter brrrrrrrr!! what cold!
What an amazing garden! I love that gazebo...always wanted one of my own. Oh my, I bet you spend hours there! I couldn't believe how close that bunny let you come! He really must be tame. Your flowers are all so beautiful.
Also loved the pink flowers and that beyond adorable pink shop.
I'd love to be in the drawing for your give-away!
Oh your blog is lovely!
My first time to stop by...
Nice to meet you:)
Have a blessed Sunday!
Stunning!!! I love everything, but what I love most are the animals, and the way you welcome them to your garden with open arms. Me too. When we lived in the hills of the East Bay (in the San Francisco Bay Area), we had beautiful deer who would come into our courtyard, walk across our deck, then down the 16 steps to the back yard. Swear to God. Bucks with huge racks, mommies with babies, yearlings, the works. It was an absolute joy to have them in the back yard nibbling on everything. Neighbors would ask why we didn't shut the gate to keep them out. Why would anyone want to do that???!!! Our backyards, like your yard, has always been a magical place and a haven for wildlife. It has been the source of endless hours of fun for us, the kitties and T-Bone, and I imagine you have the same kind of memories. However, we have never had a fox (so beautiful!) that I know of or a rabbit, but I'm still waiting!
What a wonderful post and garden. Keep up the good work! And yes, I want to take part in the giveaway. I loved your previous post and when I have time will come back to read more. You have a new fan. Too many talented ladies in blogger land. I really do have to get around more.
XO Suzanne
I love the walkways, your flowers, wildlife...EVERYTHING!! Just stunning- it looks well loved and cared for. Thanks for sharing it!!
Hi Karen,
Your garden is just beautiful, it must be so wonderful to sit relax and enjoy the beauitful view. I love your gazebo you can't help but want to walk up the brick path to it.
Cheers Linda
I'm in paradise! Thank you so much for all you did for our garden party, and for participating... What a delightful occasion that was! Blessings to you and yours.
All gardeners live in beautiful places because they make them so (Joseph Joubert)
Hi Karen,
What a gorgeous garden and deck area you have! I miss getting all those visitors in our backyard. When we lived in England is wasn't rare to look outside and see a family of deer, a fox, and lots of rabbits.
Hope you have a fabulous week.
Sandy :)
What a beautiful garden you have! Samantha and Cocoa are so cute. Love that pink flower shop!
Have a perfectly wonderful day.
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