“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”
Philippians 4:4
I want to thank you for your prayers. I just went to the doctor yesterday and received wonderful news. I have been going through a series of tests and visiting different doctors over the last three months. I was hoping for a miracle and I believe I received one.

During this time I have studied the Bible for words on healing and how to fight fear. One night when I was losing my battle with fear I wrote a poem about how when faith dances with fear, beautiful thoughts seem as elusive as the butterfly. Yet fear can stain our mind with vivid thoughts. The only way for me to overcome my fears was to surround myself with music of praise and to keep scripture nearby for me to read daily.

I listened to sermons that kept my focus on God and not the problem. What I learned is that when fear begins to speak those frightening thoughts, the only thing I could do was to believe that God is faithful. I keep a journal which I continue to add words to that speak to my faith. I want to share what I learned during this trial.

Praise is our greatest weapon against fear. When we thank God in the middle of a storm, we are showing Him that we Believe. Here is a journal writing from a dark night of despair:

I needed so much to feel those feelings today, but I didn’t. It was difficult to list my blessings, when the daunting thoughts of fear returned.

The question of how to thank God in the middle of the messiness of life is almost impossible from a worldly perspective. Yet, I know that it is the only way out. “So just lean hard on Me, and the road will get smoother by and by.”

I stand at the crossroad of this chapter with no relief in sight, yet I trust you. I feel like crying and I am so tired Lord. Thank you Lord for this adversity, I trust that you have a plan and that all that burdens my heart will be used for my good. I reject any mood of discontent and cast my worries onto you. I give my circumstances to you Lord, I know that you can weave these details into great blessings for my life.
“Sing a little song of trust, O my heart
Sing it just because you must,
As leaves start
As flowers push their way through dust
Sing, my heart because you must”

I wrote: Thank you Jesus, just a whisper from you is enough to see me through.

Believing is what gives us the ability to pray, and the confidence to ask for prayer. Believing is what executes the very authority that God has given to us to say to that mountain "move." Although this has been a difficult three months, I am so thankful for what I have learned about overcoming fear, and thankful for people like you who prayed for me. I am thankful for this new faith that strengthens my path now. I know that these uncertain times require an abundance of faith.

The scripture that meant so much to me over these months was about the authority that God has given us to move mountains. When the diciples asked Jesus why they could not do what Jesus could do, he replied:

"Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Matthew 17:20, 21

And now I can write tonight in my journal of how Faithful God is, and once again He has brought me through a season of darkness. All along teaching me how to overcome fear by using my faith to sing praise for the very adversity that once made me fear. I will write that when we thank God in the middle of fear, we are speaking life into our circumstance. As I have reminded myself a hundred times...God is not the author of fear. I memorize this teaching so that I can encourage myself the next time fear visits my life.
The song for this post is God Will Make A Way.

Beautiful Post! I led worship for two different churches a few years ago. Thank you for reminding me of the power of song in worship.
Such an uplifting post. Thank you for the words to use when adversity knocks at the door, and for this teaching. Blessings and hugs,
Oh Karen, what a Blessing! An answer to prayers, a testimony to faith, and a celebration of Praise and Thanks for Our Father's grace! Today is a Happy Day! Bless you Friend!!
Beautiful, as always! I left you something at my blog! Have a lovely day!!!!
Karen, what a beautiful post. What a God we serve when we can come to Him with all our fears and concerns! Your post made me think of one of my favorite verses--Phil. 4:8
Beautiful post!
Thank you. :)
Well, Karen, your good news is my good news. Thank you for the health update--I think of you often and wonder if you are OK.
The words you shared were so uplifting---it's hard to hang on to such great thoughts when we're scared, but it is truly how must approach the battle.
I loved the photos on how you are embellishing the journal you are sharing---and I love your approach of using the supplies you have on hand and improving your skills by using those supplies, instead of taking more classes. However, I think your skills are pretty danged great--I don't see that you need to improve a thing!!
I was just finishing the post (it will go on my blog tomorrow) about the lovely Christmas Faire prize I won! I am so far behind on EVERYTHING!!!
Have a terrific day!
Karen, I am so moved by this post...so many of us are standing in difficult places and this post spoke to my heart. I am so delighted that your news at the doctor's was good and that you have shared your journey with us. Blessings...
My sweet friend
What wonderful news. He is a great and awesome God! The only way we really get to know that for ourselves is when we are in a position where we need to have him show us his awesomeness.
I love the song you chose to go with this too. It is such a good reminder of how God makes a way when it appears hopeless. We are going through something and there seems to be no way, no hope, no solution, but with God nothing is impossible, so we lean on Him.
SO glad to hear your good news!
Love Rhondi
Karen, I am rejoicing in this post. Once again, as always, we thank God.
Hello Karen,
This is a great post! Love the photos with the cardinal and blue jay.
~ Gabriela ~
What a relief! What a gift!!! SO SO SO GRATEFUL! Wonderful post and images!!!
Bless you! This was a beautiful post! I am so glad you have had good news from doctors but, you had already found the GOOD NEWS! Your photos that accompanied this post were perfect! The ones with the birds in the snow were dazzling. Thank you for sharing
What a beautiful beautiful post! I so admire your faith and trust in god. Thank you for sharing this.
Hello! Thank you for joining my blog! I will have more pictures and stories soon. I lived in Massachusetts too! Beverly, South Hamilton (Gordon Conwell Seminary) and Rockport! God bless you and praise our Lord and Savior! Anita
I am so happy that your news was good news Karen. I know how hard it is to keep believing and praising through the fear, but it brings so much peace and I truley believe God hears and honors our faith and praise!
Dear Karen, I had a friend once who said "Thank God for God". He is so faithful and holds us close during difficult times. I am thankful our prayers for you have been answered and that the doctors had good news. I will continue to pray for your strength. Your blog is a blessing because you are a blessing. Thank you for sharing your deep thoughts. (I love the song for this post!) ~Kathy
What an awsome post! These photos are gorgeous!! Your blog is beautiful and you seem like an incredible person yourself. Stop by often, Rita @ TesoroFino.blogspot.com
what fabulous pictures. what fabulous news. how fabulous to know to rejoice always, even when we are afraid.
blessings and angels to you Karen,
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