Today is Thankful Thursday. Rhondi from Rhondi's Rose Colored Glasses hosts Thankful Thursday and writes a beautiful post celebrating today. If you visit her, you will find a list of Thankful Thursday posts as well.

The first thing I do every morning is sit in my favorite chair and meditate. Devotionals have a verse for the day and a writing by the author. Sometimes there is a poem or a quote, and lovely thoughts to begin your day. There is one little devotional that speaks to my heart the most. The name of the devotional is Streams in the Desert. Written by L.B. (Mrs. Charles E.) Cowan, she shares writings from many great writers, including her own. I cherish this little book, and have been reading it for years. I always find inspiration and comfort. I have given this book to many friends and my family. I found a link to Streams on the Desert on-line, if you would like to browse. The one on-line is an updated version, I have both versions next to me.

I loved this poem that was written for yesterday's reading:

"God is in every tomorrow,
Therefore I live for today,
Certain of finding at sunrise,
Guidance and strength for my way;
Power for each moment of weakness,
Hope for each momoen of pain,
Comfort for every sorrow,
Sunshine and joy after rain."
I am thankful for this little book, it has been streams in the desert during difficult times and inspiration for being mindful during the joyful times. We all have a bluebird in our life, and taking time to remember our bluebird resonates joy in our heart. The secret to happiness is being thankful, and Thankful Thursday is a wonderful reminder to remember our blessings.

I keep hearing about this book, I need to look it up and get myself one. Thanks for the reminder Karen:>) Have a great day!
What a beautiful post! I love devotionals and have not heard of that one, but you can be sure I will be checking it out. I love "Journey to the Heart" by Melody Beattie, and "Grace Notes" by Alexandra Stoddard. One can never have too many devotionals in my opinion.
I haven't visited you for awhile and I am sorry for that. I am adding you to my blog roll as I am today reminded of the beauty in your words. Thank you!
Hello my dear friend
Isn't Streams in the Desert the best devotional? I've had mine for20 years and every time I read it, it is exactly what I needed for that day.
Your post today is lovely.
Rhondi xo
Love to read your blog! Seems like bluebirds are popping up everywhere! I just posted this watercolor on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/10432106@N07/
& noticed several more bluebirds posted!
We read this devotional every morning as well. In fact, we were going to move on to a different one, but have returned because we like it so well. We actually read two...Streams and Our Daily Bread. Perhaps we should read three picking up the one that we left off. ;>
What a lovely room to begin the day...
Karen, this is such a lovely post. Thank you for sharing this book with us. And your home is so pretty! I love your yellow and blue toille.
I read yesterday's post as well, and I pray you get the health report that you want! God is GOOD! :-)
Sending much love to you...
Sheila :-)
Lovely post, Karen. Happy Thankful Thursday to you.
I love that devotional. It was one that got me through some serious trials.
I remember reading that her devotional came out of collecting inspirational materials for when her husband became very ill.
How thankful we all can be!
I have both it and My Utmost For His Highest in my quiet time basket.
Thaks for sharing - happy to know about hte book too. This is my first week doiing this and I am learning so much!
Thank you,
Paula in Idaho
I need to find my copy of this book. I have forgotten all about it! Thanks for sharing such lovely thoughts.
Love the poem. Thanks for the inspiration. Mimi
Thanks for sharing the devotional and the poem.
Thanks for sharing that beautiful poem, Karen ... and for the link to the book!
I am loving the teapot on your table...! Tara
Karen, this is such a lovely and inspirational post. I am thankful for your kind and gentle spirit.
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