I love to collect words. I keep them in journals and computer files and on scattered bits of papers found in books and calendars.

I tuck notes safely in special places in my home and car, just in case I might need encouragement along the way. When words are strung together in just the right stream, poetry is born. Awesome speeches ring in the ears of millions, a beautiful story is told, we learn a fact that changes our lives. Encouraging words become a thought that dances around an otherwise hopeless situation.

Words...we wake up to them speaking to us in the morning and whispering to us before we fall fast asleep. Words can warn us, as we hear words that contradict the truth in our hearts. Words can change a melody into a grand praise celebration, or a melancholy lyric can make us feel sad.

Words encourage us to march on, or deplete us of our energy. Words warn us of impending dangers or entice us into trouble. Words enchant the broken hearted and mend relationships of every kind. Words can paint a picture, they can make us cry or create a new invention or spurn a new idea.

Words are a special gift from God to manifest our reality. It is our choice how we use our words. We can listen to the small inner voice and take part in the whole of creation.
"We know that in all things, God works for the good
of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28
God gave us his word to teach us and to encourage us. We can continue to create for beauty and love, using our words as our paint brush, to plant a word seed that will bloom into a positive blanket of inspiration.

Words can make us better people, encouraging us to reach our dreams. Careless words spoken and taken to heart can keep us from becoming what God intended us to be.
Words are so powerful, here are just a few:
Let these words dance in your mind without a dose of joy romping in your heart.
I pray every day for God to guide my mind and my mouth. To use the gift of words to encourage, love and support those around me. I ask God to help me not to be careless with these treasures. Most of all I thank God every day for giving me the free will to use the gift of words to manifest the truth and to create my life.

We can read the word of god every day as we witness what He has created for us to enjoy. Truly the Word should be our meditation every day and the joy we receive and give to others.

Maya Angelo, who composes glorious streams of words in her poetry for the world to enjoy said it best;
“life is not only to be lived,
but to be created.”
If I have a choice of creating my life with the words that heal or words of darkness, I will always choose light. we create our lives in the fashion that we like because God gave us free will. Temptations will always be there, but the joy lives in the light.

The song for this post is
Constellations. Perhaps the reason I adore creating here in Blogland is because it is a place where people take beautiful words and inspire, encourage and uplift us every day.
Good Morning Karen and Happy New Year!
This is a lovely post. I know what you mean about words...how powerful they are in enriching our lives and our minds with so many emotions, thoughts..inspirations..tears...confidence. One word can create dispair while another choice will be less dismal.
Its good to have a fine collection of words, to have just the perfect one for each occasion.
This is a very thought provoking post. The pictures are lovely.
Thank you...and I too become very inspired by the blogs of my blogging friends.
Come by and visit when you have some time.
I'll be back too.
Your words are always a source of inspiration for me!!! A beautiful written post...m..
Karen, you and your words are a constant source of inspiration to many.
My favorite word is grace.
What Beautiful Words!! I come here every single day for your inspiring words of wisdom. I love to read the words that come from your heart. You are a poet Karen, truly you are. Extra special Blessings for today. God Be With You!
Good morning Karen,
Words are so important and we use them so frivolously. You are right, I wish I could keep this post front and center in my thoughts so that I was as careful with my words as I could be. Words are powerful, and sometimes they can wound. I pray God would keep me aware of that and help me to use my own words wisely.
Words...very powerful they be. You captured it all so well and I so enjoy how you illustrate your posts with your own work. Is anything more lovely than a blue and white combination? So crisp, clean, and serene.
Hello Karen,
Lovely post!
~ Gabriela ~
Beautiful words and post Karen. Have a great weekend, big hugs always :D
Karen this is my first time to visit your blog. I am going to add your blog to my list of travel. This has been an inspiration to me. God some how directed me to your blog. I am so inspired by the beautiful pictures.
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