As soon as the Christmas decorations are down, I find myself thinking about Spring. I am daydreaming of pink blossoms. So, I am so glad that today is Pink Saturday over at Bev's place
How Sweet The Sound. So, I can visit all the posts celebrating pink. And I can share my Pink Blossom dreams with you.

Is it all the snow on the ground with the promise of more winter storms?

Is it because it's Pink Saturday, and sigh, I wish it were Spring?

Well, a girl can dream can't she?

Of Pink blossoms, bluebirds, and Spring baskets on a lovely Pink Saturday.

No matter what the season, LIVE, LOVE AND LAUGH...and have a HAPPY PINK SATURDAY!

The song for this post is
Beautiful, Karen! :)
What a pretty post. I really love your mosaic. Hope you get your pink spring soon!
What a Breath of Fresh Air to see this magnificent PINK POST of yours
So sweet and so creative, as usual!
I am having a giveaway in honor of my 100th post--please come by and read and enter!
Hope all is well! Dana
I recognize that feeling..when Christmas is over and the New Year has begun it should be a new (better) season too. Up here the truth is that winter only just started. Even as a child I thought Januari and Februari were the most boring months. The little lights are away, but it is still dark wheather. So I'm happy with your cheery post! Happy pink Saturday!
let me be still and listen :)
let me breathe deep and smell the aroma... :)
let me hear the birds and feel the warm spring breeze :)
Hi Karen....I'd like to be sitting under that pink blossum tree, sipping a large lemonade. Here in Maine I have a long wait for that. But, Today I could still enjoy Spring via your fabulous pics. Happy Pink Saturday, Kathleen
blossom wonderful!! is that a 'bleeding heart' flower in the third picture? if so, I have awhite version in my garden. take care Judith
Hi Karen, Lovely pink post. I used to dread January, Feb., and March. Those months seemed sooooo long to me especially January. Now, the time passes so fast those months fly by too. I use them to rejuvenate, organize closets, craft and oh so many other things. HPS! xo Lynn
Happy Pink Saturday, Karen!
Lovely floral Pink post!
~ Gabriela ~
Oh so true! I know I will do nothing but dream of spring for the next 4 months:>)
Happy Pink Saturday, dear Karen.
Thank you for sharing your hopeful words and lovely images with us today. Spring is my favorite time of the year. Hold on - it will be here before you know it.
Such a creative photo......I wonder if it will inspirer me to start my spring cleaning haha.
Happy new year to you and your loved ones.
Dream on. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Day.
Karen, thanks for stopping by and leaving such kinds "words" in honor of my 100th post! YOU are now officially entered in my amazing giveaway drawing! :)
I just read your previous post of "words"---Karen, that was such a tremendous post!! It is one I need to keep bookmarked so I can refer to it over and over! You are amazingly gifted!
Happy Pink Sat. Dana
Hello sweet Karen
Your pink post is as beautiful as always. I love the way you apint the photos.
Have a happy weekend.
Hugs, Rhondi
Karen, I'm visiting around from the ECS forum today. Beautiful post for a snowy Vermont day.
Happy Pink Saturday Karen. I also look forward to spring. It's my favorite time of the year.
My first pink Saturday..... I want some spring too!
So Springy it makes my heart ache! Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Pink Saturday... what a fun post..hugs ~lynne~
How beautiful..I loved your tree with the lace baskets..Happy Pink Saturday..have a lovely day.
I think I am a girl living your dream also. I can'twait to see the first buds of the season. But in all reality there is still too many days till we do. :)EllenL
What pretty pictures!! I love them all!
beautiful...but my decorations arent down yet and im not quite ready for flowers yet.
God bless
Wow! those flowers are amazing!!
What a great pink post - so creative! I can't wait to see the pink blossoms and the bleeding hearts. Today I get freezing rain and inches of snow. Thanks for the Happy Pink thoughts. ~ Robyn
How lovely! Bleeding hearts are my favorite.
Oh, how fun your post is! I love it! Spring, Spring, Spring! Happy Pink Saturday
Very Beautiful..m.
I just love the photo of the gazebo, it's beautiful.
Lovely post Karen. I wish it were spring. Happy Pink Saturday. hugs Margie.
Please, Come see my MaMa's hand made Christmas balls.
Beautiful photos, Karen!
Hi Karen, your pink blossoms are stunning. A great 'pick me up' from the winter dreariness. Today the sun is shining though and has brightened this winter day.
We were out of town a couple of days so my visiting is very behind. I am trying to catch up.
Have a wonderful Sunday...Jeanne
What a beautiful post! Happy Pink Saturday!
Thanks for the pink blossoms on such a gray day. Something to look forward to. Mimi
Happy New Year Karen!
This was another beautiful post :)
I hope all is well with you and I want you to know that I'm praying....
You can almost hear the birds singing in the trees! Oh wait, they are singing in the trees.. sorry.. I'm in south Texas.. it was 75 degrees this weekend! But I do look forward to sping, planting grain for the cattle, a vegetable garden for the people... The amazing aromas of spring... thanks for the reminder.
Hope you can drop by and celebrate my very first Pink Saturday with me.
Happy New Year! Dixie
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