Painting, painting, painting...

oday is
Mosaic Monday, and
Mary from Little Red House, is hosting this lovely day.

I am painting violets and hollyhocks this morning, and I am almost up to peonies on my list. I sent out the first batch of miniatures. I'll be putting on the finishing touches on Celeste's surprise and I will show you the reveal soon.

If you are one of my giveaway winners, I haven't forgotten you. I am carefully putting custom touches on each little painting to show you how much joy you bring to me every day.

The song for this post is
Anyone At All from one of my favorite movies
You've Got Mail. It's funny but when I first watched this movie, I thought it so unusual that someone could meet someone over the Internet.
Lovely mosaics - lovely flowers - lovely paintings! - delightful post.
Enjoy your Monday!
Karen, as always, the way that you show your artwork against your inspiration for it is marvelous. Your blessed, blessed winners!!
Lovely work, Karen! You're amazing! I always enjoy visiting your blog!:)
hi karen,
how fun to see my miniature among all of your other beautiful watercolors! how lovely to be able to capture flowers the way you do!
color me ... inspired!
VEry pretty paintings. I love what you did with them.
Have a happy Monday!
Becky K.
Hospitality Lane
What a beautiful array of colors!
Stopping by from Mary's Mosaic Monday to say hello.
Hope you enjoy your week.
Stunning...your mosaics of your lovely artwork and your flowers are the perfect combination of eye candy...applause!!!
Oh Karen, your work is so beautiful! It is always a joy to visit here and lose myself in the lovely images. Thanks you so much for sharing your talent at Mosaic Monday. :)
Oh, and I love that song, and that movie, too! :)
The watercolors are beautiful!
Loved this post -- as usual. You've Got Mail is one of my favorite movies, too. Your flowers are gorgeous.
Your paintings are so beautiful Karen, I can never see them enough. This morning I 'visited' Elyse at her lovely cottage and she was in awe over your painting of her border. I loved it too, you did an amazing job again and I am happy to see it here too!
Have a great start of the week!
Karen, I see my beautiful painting, and I adore it. You are such an angel to all of us.
This is such a lovely post.
Your mosaic and gorgeous paintings have made my day, love hollyhocks and violets, happy Monday, Kathy.
Your paintings are amazingly wonderful...wonderful compilation for your mosaics.
My dear Karen,
I just got the painting in the mail and I am so speechless! What a beautiful work. You are so generous, I don't know what to say. All I know is that our Lord would say to me, "Just go and do the same." I am honored by your generosity; this is what it is all about. Mille bisous, Anita
It's overcast and threatening rain but I don't care because your post has put the sunshine in my day once again. Thanks, Sharon
It's all gorgeous - my hollyhocks haven't bloomed yet!
Karen I love so much your mosaics with flowers and painting! are so cute! I love them!
just beautiful like always!
Your lovely paintings make beautiful mosaics!
Hi Karen
Beautiful photography and beautiful paintings. I love the blue hydrangeas. You have been busy painting and I'm sure you're having fun doing it too.
Hugs, Rhondi
Good evening Karen... as always, I find such delight coming here... you are truly one creative soul.... and it shows in many ways... We love you!
Hugs and blessings from above...
karen another beautiful post
Always feel happy after looking at and reading your blog
Wow!!! those colors are amazing, you are one talented artist Karen :P i've read about this meme so will check it out :P Hugs/M
What a lovely post and wonderful paintings. You're very talented.
Oh how I love your work....it makes me smile to just look at all those lovely flowers you do. You bring them alive....it's really quite awe inspiring!
Hope you're having a great start to your week sweet Karen!
The only thing better than my own hydrangeas outside my dining room window (complete with hummingbirds) are your paintings!
Love the the blues!
Karen, can we say exquisite? Your paintings are that and so much more! Great work!
Sheila :-)
So happy to have discovered your blog and to see that you delight in so many of the things I do.
I miss my Long Island garden terribly
and miss painting
so your were a joy to discover!
Each painting I see makes me wish I had chosen THAT flower for my own. You do such beautiful work, I can't wait to see my painting!
Hi Karen, I know I've already been here today, LOL! I came back over because I wanted to let you know that I'm having a giveaway! Be sure to come on over and join in!
These paintings are gorgeous!
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