Our friend Mary from Daisy Bouquet posted about her daughter today. Mary is one of the most giving and generous people and she needs our help.

It seems that there was a fire and her three grand children and her daughter lost everything. Mary is happy and feels blessed that they are okay.

Here is a bit of what Mary posted:
They came out in pjs. no socks, shoes or coats. They have lost everything. The oldest child wears glasses and they were lost. Our daughter also wears glasses and I do not know if hers were lost.
The ARC put them in a hotel for 3 days. After that I do not know. We have been up all night and have not sorted out things yet. I have not been able to go as I am recovering from pneumonia and my husband leg issues have him in a boot and on crutches and he can barely walk.

I was wondering if maybe we could all help. It's freezing in Kentucky and I just sent the children boots. Pink for Asia, red and navy for Allen and navy blue for Asa.
They need everything, because they lost it all.
Allen is a seven year old boy.
He wears size 6 in shirts and pants and size 8 size coat and size 10 shoes
Asa is a nine year old boy
He wears size 8 pants and size 10--12 shirts and 10-12 size coat, and size 3 shoes
Asia is an eight year old little girl
She wears 7 - 8 pants, 10-12 tops and size 10-12 coat, she wears size 2 shoes
Mary's daughter Amanda wears size large pants and XL shirts

You can contact Mary at:
Or you can contact me and I will send you Mary's mailing address:

Thank you so much. Our prayers are needed too. Let's help the Lord to raise them up on eagles wings and provide for them. I just can't even imagine what this must be like. And those little children lost it all after Christmas. I just read a book about how we can be part of someone else's miracle. Please let's be part of a miracle for these children.
If we each just send one thing, it can make the difference. We all can make a difference.
This is so thoughtful, Karen, and a real blessing to that family.
Sheila :-)
Oh dear....first of all thank you again for coming by and leaving your wonderful comments, Karen. This tragedy puts things in perspective once again that what is essential is the love that we share. Thank you. I will visit with Mary. Anita
This is so beautiful Karen. I have read and reread this and have shed so many tears. What a blessing you are Thank-you so much for your beyond words kindness...Blessings..m.
OH Karen, Such a sad thing to have happen to them,, but Praise the Lord they are all safe and unhurt... I will be digging and sending them something,, every little bit helps... My Prayers will be with them all.... Thank you for letting us know, you have such a Loving and caring soul....
Hi Karen,
Thank you for letting me know about this family. I will pray for them.
Love, Susan
Karen this is so sad. I can't even begin to tell you the wonderful person that you are..I would love to be able to send a package but unfortunly I lost my job back in July..I have nothing extra..But I do have prayer..I will remember this family..we just never know what is ahead of us..My heart goes out to each and everyone of them..this is the first time to visit your blog and what a blessing I have received..you are very much an inspiration..
Hi Karen,
Oh my heart just breaks for this family and what a blessing you are to post about this to make us aware.
I will be sending something and keeping them all in prayer.
Please send me the address.
Thank you dear friend.
Hugs and blessings, Celestina Marie
Hi Karen,
I ordered fleece hats for the kids from maplesugarlane.etsy.com.
This is another great thing about Etsy.
Love, Susan
Dear Karen, another reason to love blogging. Sending out the signal someone is in need. I thank God Mary's family survived the fire. Please send me her address. I will send something to her daughter. What a blessing you are. ~Kathy
Thank you for your sweet kind heart:>) Pleasse send me Marys address. I am so glad nobody was hurt.
Oh my...hadn't read Mary's blog yet and will visit directly. Seems as if there are many challenges and you are an angel to help.
Karen,Thank you for sharing this story. I had a fire in my house back in 1995 and I know how hard this is...
I am going to do something...everyone thinks your insurance covers things...but it does NOT cover all that one thinks. If everyone just sent something small it would help as we realize times are tough for alot of us.As small as it will be...everything helps!
Karen, thank you for letting us know, we can all help in some way.
I will visit her blog and sending prayers to her family.
The photos in your previous post are wonderful, thanks for sharing.
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