Today is Pink Saturday and Bev from How Sweet The Sound is hosting this pink day.

It seems that there was a fire and her three grand children and her daughter lost everything. Mary is happy and feels blessed that they are okay.

Here is a bit of what Mary posted:
They came out in pjs. no socks, shoes or coats. They have lost everything. The oldest child wears glasses and they were lost. Our daughter also wears glasses and I do not know if hers were lost.
The ARC put them in a hotel for 3 days. After that I do not know. We have been up all night and have not sorted out things yet. I have not been able to go as I am recovering from pneumonia and my husband leg issues have him in a boot and on crutches and he can barely walk.

I was wondering if maybe we could all help. It's freezing in Kentucky and I just sent the children boots. Pink for Asia, red and navy for Allen and navy blue for Asa.
They need everything, because they lost it all.
Allen is a seven year old boy.
He wears size 6 in shirts and pants and size 8 size coat and size 10 shoes
Asa is a nine year old boy
He wears size 8 pants and size 10--12 shirts and 10-12 size coat, and size 3 shoes
Asia is an eight year old little girl
She wears 7 - 8 pants, 10-12 tops and size 10-12 coat, she wears size 2 shoes
Mary's daughter Amanda wears size large pants and XL shirts

You can contact Mary at:
Or you can contact me and I will send you Mary's mailing address:

Thank you so much. Our prayers are needed too. I just can't even imagine what this must be like. And those little children lost it all after Christmas. I just read a book about how we can be part of someone else's miracle. Please let's be part of a miracle for these children...let's be their gift of HOPE.
Karen, while I read this yesterday and planned on emailing you, I got tied up with things here, trying to get ready to work in this house. I think this is so sweet of you, and I would like to help. Please email me with the lady's address.
Sheila (see you when I return from break!) :-)
Oh Karen, what a beautiful post, and how loving and giving of you. I'll see what I can come up with. Mary is right though. I am so thankful that nobody was hurt. Another blogger posted about a friend whose husband and children were killed in a fire. Only the mother and a step-daughter survived. So much sadness - it's heart breaking. Thank you for writing about Mary and her family. laurie
Lovely post! Happy Pink Saturday!!
Hi Karen.
So nice to meet you!
What a wonderful post about Mary. Thank you for your help and support.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Karen, this is wonderful. I will be praying for Mary and will try to help out. Thank you for presenting this need in such a beautiful way to get people's attention. You are a real pearl of great price! Anita
Oh Karen -- what a touching sad story.
Is there a way we could make a contribution to some sort of bank via PayPal?
I would like to donate if possible. Just email me the info?
If you get a moment I would love you to stop by-- say hi and maybe join us next week at Fridays- Finding Beauty!
TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥
Karen, Thank you for sharing this information. Although I have not visited Mary before, but I will now.
Your pictures and words were touching. Have a great PS! L, Dana
Karen ~ Yes, you can give the gift of hope. I will contact her and see what I can do for them. Thank you for notifying us so we can help! Happy PS.
Happy Pink Saturday!
This is such a great post!
We can all give the gift of hope.
~ Gabriela ~
Hi Karen; What a lovely Pink post,, my Prayer's are with the family,, and I will be looking for some warm thing to send them.... Happy Pink Saturday
Karen, you idea of a gift card is perfect! Because they have no where to live now the mundane items that make a home are not even important at this point so a gift card will bless the family more than any words or items. I will send a card too if I could get the address?
Thank you for letting us know about this need. I will pray that the Lord will bless them abundantly beyond measure.
dear karen,
your blog was so moving. i will set about giving the
gift of hope more purposefully.
thank you,
What a heartbreaking story.. I will keep them in my prayers....would you be willing to email me the address where we can send items?
Thank you!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Oh my goodness, Karen. This is heart breaking. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. My prayers have started.
We must have hope.
I'm a day late and a dollar short☺ Was able to leave some messages for Pink Saturday yesterday and finishing up today. Over the holidays I was MIA from PS and really missed it but knew that I wouldn't be able to visit many blogs. I'm back today and must say that it feels so good to visit familiar places - like coming home again.
I am so very sorry to read about the fire. My gosh, what a horrible thing to have to go through, let alone during the winter and with children. I don't have clothes for them but I'll email and maybe there is something else I could do.
Thank you for sharing Mary's story. May she be blessed with the generosity and hope that she needs right now.
Karen, we don't have much extra money right now, we are retired and its so tight, but I am a a large gal and i have some XL items that I would love to send to this sweet lady. if you could email me the info, I can send some things off in the next day or so...I complain so sometimes and we really have so much I would love to share what I have...
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