April is a few days away, and I was thinking about the Spring showers that will follow.

Spring is a time for daydreaming.

Looking out the window at spring showers, or going for a walk and splashing in puddles.

Dreaming of lovely days to come, when bluebirds sing, resting on pink blossomed trees,

and envisioning all the gardens in full bloom.

Yes Spring is here and although we might have some rainy days, they will bring Spring flowers and and lovely gardens in full bloom.

Bev from
How Sweet The Sound is hosting Pink Saturday, be sure and visit all the pink posts today.

Even if it is raining by you, here is a pink post that will bring you
sunshine. When you get there, just click play.

The song for this post is
My Dream is You. Happy Pink Saturday.

Please feel free to take any design from this post. Click to enlarge and then copy to your computer.
I repurposed these Antique prints from 1914, colored them with my digital paintbox, added pretty frames and created them for you.
these are just beautiful!!! such wonderful spring time imges :)
hi karen and happy pink saturday!
these illustrations are so lovely!
did you have flurries yesterday? we did. i am still waiting for that one last snowfall.
happy weekend
Oh how very pretty those paintings are. I love the little girl in the window. Can't see her face but it seems like she would be sad. Rain days are my favorite days.
I love how you touched them up with the softest coloring.
Karen, Thank you for sharing these images & thoughts. Beautiful. I also loved the photo of the rain on the screen. Simple things are sometimes the most specail aren't they? And to take the time to SEE them is a blessing & talent. Thank you for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday! Charlene
A beautiful post my friend!
I absolutely love the images!!
Hi Karen,
What a lovely lovely Pink Saturday Post. The pictures are just gorgeous and thank you for the wonderful gift of joy for this pink Saturday. Same to you.
Karen, Those are beautiful prints! I love the little girl at the window in her pink dress. Thank you for sharing her. I think I will print that one out and hang it in my studio.
Have a wonderful pink weekend.
delightful images! well done! I'm enjoying my first Pink Saturday hopping around to see all the pretties! I invite you over to my place to see my little Basket Full of Sunshine. until later...
I love rainy spring days. The light is often enchanting and if there is thunder and lightning...all the better!
Thank you, they are lovely. All of them! Have a wonderful weekend.
Scrumptious images as always and I couldn't help but snag the first...thank you! (I really hope that we've seen the end of so much rain. The basement has flooded three times already this spring and another flooding may be the end of me.)
Totally gorgeous images Karen... as always!:) always so inspirational!
Lou xx
These prints are gorgeous!!! I especially love the first one! Thank you so much for sharing these with us, Karen.
Wishing you a beautiful weekend,
What a simply enchanting post!! So pretty and delightful!
What an absolutely beautiful post...full of pretty images! Thanks for sharing them! ♥
This was lovely, thank you. Happy Pink Saturday.
Oh these are so wonderful! Reminds me of the old fashioned sepia pictures that my dad used to hand watercolor!
Happy Pinks!
In Shoes We Trust,
Maggie Mae
"Do these shoes match this purse?"
These prints are stunning! Happy Pink Saturday to you!
Thanks for the link. Two Easter Egg Hunts today for work. Kate came along for company and an excuse for free candy. It was so funny, I'm shooting for The Landmark and someone took Kate's photo for the local paper. Too funny! Went to Ink About It and spent way too much as usual. So far it's been a lovely weekend.
Beautiful pictures of the rainy days. It looks like we will be getting more snow here for our April showers.
Don't forget to "Look in the Nook"
Hi Karen, Spring is just popping out all over the place down here and the birds are singing like mad. Everything turned green in just a few days....it always amazes me. Happy Pink Saturday and the best of days to you! xoxo
Beautiful alterations! So, so pretty.
It's very generous of you to share the use of them with us...I may just have to take you up on the offer with the young kids under the umbrella - charming - thank you!
the images are beautiful Karen...thanks for sharing them with us...
Hi Karen
Those are such beautiful pictures!
Hope you're having a great week.
Hugs, Rhondi
The images in this post are absolutely enchanting. Thank you so much for sharing them. The adorable girl in pink looking out the window especially captures my heart. Is digital paintbox easy to use? You are truly sweet and thoughtful.
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