oday is Mosaic Monday, and Mary from Little Red House, is hosting this lovely day.
The making of a bookplate.

I love Antique Artwork, especially the beautiful work I find in rare old books.

As I browsed this book when I got home, I found this wonderful young woman reading a book.

On a recent trip to a favorite old and rare bookshop I discovered this treasure from 1884.

I thought what a perfect opportunity to show you the process I use to create a bookplate.

I find the image I want to restore and scan it into my computer.

Then after I upload it to my computer I use Photoshop to soften the lines, and then color and smooth areas. I crop the image for framing.

Finally, I upload it again and add text and framing using the editor on Flickr.

Then I download it to my IPhoto software on my mac and fine tune the enhancement. Once I am satisfied with the image, I print them out on beautiful paper, package them and photograph the listing for
my little etsy shop.

Oh, and this bookplate, my gift to you. So please feel free to copy her and print her out for your own books.

ishing you happy reading all the pretty Mosaic Monday posts. The song for this post is
To download the bookplate, click on the image...you will be taken to my flickr photostream. Once you are there you will see ALL SIZES above the image. Click on ALL SIZES and download whatever size you would like for your personal use.
What a lovely vintage photo and bookplate and an interesting mosaic.
Thanks for the freebie!!!
Wow, that was wonderful. Thank you for the bookplate. Have a wonderful week.
Karen, that is so beautiful...thanks for sharing the process with us...i had no idea there was an editor on flickr...i will have to check that out...
Beautiful work once again. Thank you for the lovely bookplate!
Thank you so much, Karen. The bookplate is so beautiful and such alot of Photo work with scanning, softening, coloring and all. I'm still working to get there with photo editing and appreciate your amazing skills.
I wanna have a slumber party with you and take notes as you tell me all your secrets of creativity... I am guessing this would be a VERY long party LOL
What a goregeous bookplate. Simply stunning.
Have the best week my friend.
Hi Karen,
What a beautiful vintage photo and love it that it came from a book in the 1880's.
Many thanks for telling us how you did this and the kind offer of using this lovely plate.
Have a lovely week
Just beautiful and very creative! Have a great week!
THANK YOU MILLE FOIS! I have been using Iphoto and I must learn some other applications as well, for like you, I enjoy enhancing and using old images. This one is exceptional,and I will use it! Bisous Karen! Anita
Lovely bookplate - and nice tutorial!
(Do you know about Picnik.com? I like it better now that iPhoto!...and it's only $25/year!)
Hi Karen,
I love old engravings, too. The details are so delicate and fine. Your bookplates are awesome!
Thank you for showing us this process. I often see pictures in books that I think would make a nice framed picture. Do you not have to give the illustrator credit when you sell them? I have photoshop and will give it a try. Valerie
It's beautiful, Karen! You amaze me with all you create!
Wishing you a beautiful week,
You are the sweetest person, ever! Did anyone tell you that today, yet??? I'm sure they have, but I'm telling you again. Thanks for this treasure. And thanks for your generous spirit, Karen. You are one in a million!
Sheila :-)
Great vintage photo! Thanks for sharing the process; it never occurred to me that I could make my "own" bookplates!
(Of course, I don't have a scanner or Photoshop for that matter!)
I'll just have to visit your Etsy shop sometime, I guess!
i love this bookplate..and thanks for taking the time to share your artistic process!
ciao bella!
oh...your pink post was pretty too!
creative carmelina
What a marvelous gift for us. Thank you, Karen!
WOW!!! So very lovely!!! Well done! Cathy
Omigosh Karen, you are so creative! Thanks so much for sharing the process with us. I may have to explore making some bookplates from my photos... :)
Your bookplates are wonderful and would make a great gift! Have you made any for fathers? Father's Day is coming up...
Thanks so much for the download...I love this beautiful image! ♥
This is a precious photo, thank you! Joan
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