Stephanie Neilsen writes the blog
NieNie, which I read. Sometimes through tears, sometimes in awe and most of the time I come away with the love that Stephanie exudes in everything that she does. She is my inspiration! Here is a link to
her story.

Stephanie writes:
"Stephanie Aurora Clark Nielson returns from an almost fatal plane crash. Happy to be blogging again from Utah and recovering too. Four happy children and one sweet husband make her life as good as it gets."

Stephanie just had surgery again, this time to give her a new neck. Her husband, Christian is
writing to update all of her readers.

I hope that her new neck makes her feel more beautiful. We can be there for her by sending her a lovely letter or writing a card.

I can imagine that it will be a while for the healing to take place, and well, I thought it was a wonderful opportunity for us to send a card to wish her a speedy recovery.

Maybe we can't be at her hospital door with a bouquet of flowers and pink balloons, but our cards can be waiting for her when she comes home from the hospital.

To make it easy for you, I have created
a COLLECTION of artwork that you are welcome to use. Just download whatever you would like. There are three sets containing images in the collection called
Cards for NieNie.

Here is her address:
Nie Nie
2250 N. University Parkway 4876
Provo, Utah 84604

I am wishing you a lovely Pink Saturday. If you would like a button that says I read NieNie you can go

And now you can visit Bev from
How Sweet The Sound to read all the wonderful Pink Posts on this very nice Pink Saturday. The song for this post is
Song from A Secret Garden.
Oh Karen, what a touching moment to know that there is a dear soul out there, connected to us all through this wonderful medium of creativity, writing, communication and friendship that has the need to know we care. Thank you for highlighting this and weaving it into your lovely world. And as always, your visits mean the world to me, sweet friend. I am venturing out on watercolors....how about that!!!!
Bisous, Anita
Dearest Karen,
Thank-you so much for giving us the privledge of praying for and sending this beautiful lady wishes for many Blessings...happy weekend....m...
I read Nie Nie too, what a strong person she is! I am so glad to have her address so that i can write and give her my best wishes and let her know I care. Thank you for sharing this Karen!
What a beautiful post. Karen, thank you for stopping by. I will be back later to read NieNie's story and send her a card.
Karen, this is such a wonderful thing for you to do. Her story is incredible, but more than that, her spirit, her attitude, and her bravery amaze me every time I visit her blogs. I am so glad to be able to send her a card. Thank you so much for giving me that opportunity, and thank you for your beautiful art and your beautiful soul. laurie
You are all heart. All heart. That's one of the reasons I love you so much, Karen!
This is the most wonderful idea. I read her blog, too, and I think this is the most perfect idea ever. Thank you for this. Thank you for being YOU!
Happy Pink Saturday...
Sheila :-)
I will be more than happy to make a card and send it off. and a Happy Pink Saturday to you and yours!
I love Nie Nie! Jolts you right back into reality!
Happy Pink Saturday. Loved my visit!
Hi Karen, Love the post and thank you for introducing us to Nie Nie. She is amazing and her story a true inspiration. Prayers for her quick recovery.
Thank you for stopping by too and your kind words for MMP. You are always an encouragment to me and I am so thankful.
Blessings to you sweet friend and have a great weekend.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
What a beautiful person you are to be so thoughtful, caring and loving.
I will get a card off to her and keep her in my prayers that she will heal quickly....
She is such a survior...I am not sure I would have the courage, even with my God beside me.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Wonderful idea, Karen. Mine is ready for the mail. Thank you for the opportunity to send along many good thoughts for healing and renewal.
Happy Pink Saturday. Karen your post today is wonderful. Thanks for
your beautiful gift to share for
Nie Nie.
I'll be popping over for a visit & praying for her recovery. Thank you, Karen!
Thank you HPS!
Hi Karen,
I just wanted to say hello! I will send this brave lady a card!
omg, i had no idea. isn't she part of matthew mead's new magazine? so kind and lovely of you to relay the information.
hope you have been enjoying our beautiful weather.
Karen, thank you for the information about Stephanie, i will send a card out tomorrow!!!
Happy Pink Saturday, dear Karen. And, thank you for this wonderful post.
Stephanie and her family have touched our hearts in a way we will never forget.
Oh what a lovely thing to do. Friends sending good wishes is such a wonderful uplifting thing for people in hospital and recovering from illness, surgery, etc.
Happy Pink Saturday!
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