Karen from My Desert Cottage, is hosting
Where Bloggers Create today. Thank you Karen, this is really going to be fun to see everyone's spaces.

ucked upstairs, attached to the master bedroom,

you will find my art room.

The place where I write my blog and where all of my art supplies live.

I haven't done any oil paintings in quite a while, but I keep this painting here just in case I get in the mood.

ne of the things that I have learned over the years is that I am most creative when,

I am surrounded by pretty things, and not surrounded by all of my art supplies.

So, if I create a pretty clutter somewhere in my home I am filled with inspiration.

My favorite places to create are actually at my kitchen table

and my dining room table. Just looking at the pretty clutter of a project leads to more designs.

So, I often will take a small stash of my project and find a pretty place to create. I am able to focus, away from things that remind me of my Project To Do list.

n my other blog,
For The Love of Old Books,

I usually create nearest to my book collection in the living room, which is connected to my dining room.

It helps to be able to focus on just one project.

I like to browse through Antique books looking for just the right design

to turn into bookplates, prints or fabric.

Sitting at my dining room table,

I can browse for hours looking through my stash of ephemera and old books,

even while the family sleeps upstairs.

I find I am especially creative at night when the house is quiet.

I believe we can create a pretty place in any corner of our own
Never Never Land in
The Land of Blog. 

guess where this blogger creates is wherever I might find inspiration. Once I have come up with an idea, then I sit at my computer, upload the photographs and write the post.

So come with me where dreams are born, and time is never planned...just think of lovely things and your heart will fly on wings to our own Never Land in our Land of Blog
Where Bloggers Create.
Hi Karen, Oh I so enjoyed your party and seeing the many spots within your studio and home that are most inspiring to you for creating your wonderful artwork.
You know how much I love the black toile, as my studio still carries the style too.
I can also relate to the quiet time at night when the creative juices seem to take flight. What a blessing for you to live in such a gorgeous and inspiring place.
You are so talented and I can see why you are so inspired.
Thank you for sharing.
I hope you can stop by my party too.
Blessings always, Celestina Marie
Hi Karen, I love your creative space and all the other inspiring spots in your gorgeous home.
You know I love the black toile as I have it in my studio too and never tire of it.
I can see why you are so inspired with the beauty that surrounds you. Every spot is gorgeous and I can so relate to the creative nights when the inpsiration hits and the world is sleeping.
Your pics are wonderful and as always I am inspired with your awesome talents.
Thank you for sharing. I so enjoyed your party.
I hope you can stop by my party too.
Blessings always, Celestina Marie
Oh my....I want to come right over. It is very nice, thanks for sharing. Susan (this is one fun blogging party)
Wonderfully gorgeous..super inspiring! A dazzling space...what a treat!
Just wonderful Karen. I think you could create anywhere, you are so talented.
you are so inspiring. i really love all of your creative energy and generosity.
happy weekend! supposed to be warm!
I love your creative spaces. I have red toile in my craft room.
I do the same thing as you, I bring things down to the dining room or the living room to "create".
I knew you would have a beautiful studio. Your home is just gorgeous. No wonder you are so inspired!! Thanks for letting us visit!
Hi Karen! I loved the tour and love all your b/w toile! I see Celestina Maria has already posted and you both have the same elegant taste!
Like me, you create all over the house! I do have my "official" studio, but I also paint on a table on our porch that hubby made from an old singer sewing machine base. And I have a sewing room in half of our family room.
I could easily take over the whole house! ;-)
Love your creative spaces. I really enjoyed my visit here. Enjoy the rest of the parties.
Now I knew that you enjoyed working at the dining table...have anything to do with the handiness of the coffee pot?...but I didn't know why. How very interesting. Ahhh, that's what you meant by bookplates. Did you see the information on that post with the free site that offers soooo very many free images from vintage books? Check it out again.
I love all your creative spaces, they are all just beautiful. And I agree about your best work after the family is in bed. I enjoy that too. Great post and thanks for sharing your beautiful space.
Hiya Sweetie pie!
I have to run over to see again and again -- I love to see where you work your magic -- so really Im not surprised... but always inspired.
Like you -- i create just about anywhere I can -- but am finding a nice spot in my studio these days.
Stop by ... :) hugs GF
You not only have a beautiful home, you have a gorgeous art space.Being able to surround yourself with inspiration is wonderful and I see how well it works for you. Your talent shows in this wonderful post. You have an amazing way of looking at art. Thank you for sharing your spaces.
Hi Karen,
It was so much fun getting a glimpse of your creative spaces! Of course I especially enjoyed seeing your wonderful collection of old books!!!
Love the black and white! Especially the toile...it's so pretty. Your book plates are incredible! Thanks for sharing!
Queen Bee Studio
Your creative space is just as I had imagined. . . creative and beautiful! I was so glad to read that you use your dining table as one of your spots!!!
L, dana
Love your toile curtains, and the light in the room - just so lovely. What a great place to do your work!
Great post Karen.
As you have said so long as it is pretty and inspirational it doesn't matter where we create
Just beautiful. I am so happy to see where you create the art I love so much.
I like the very early morning to work on my blog. A cup of coffee and ideas that have been dancing around in my head do better when I am the only one awake.
Delightful post! Loved seeing your home and love black and white toile!
Karen this was a delight! Love that you use different rooms to keep you creating and inspired! Blessings dear one.
Karen, I enjoyed seeing this SO much. It is where the Queen of Creativity does her thing, and what a wonderful thing she does!
That basket with the lettering on the sides is divine. Love that! Love the toile ones, too. You just have a great space, and I think it's neat that you create around the house. That's as it should be!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Sheila :-)
Oh, Karen, this is so beautiful! Your Never Never Land corners are full of light and inspiration as is your art!
Have a lovely day, dear friend!
Karen that was so fabulous! I love the black and Toile! One of my favorite fabrics although for some reason I don't have any!!! I also adore that book basket you have. Did you make that?? Its TDF! Thank you so much for joining the party this year. It was wonderful!
My Desert Cottage
Happy Pink Saturday and WBC, dear Karen.
Not only do you gift us with the beauty of your posts, your space reflects the beauty in your heart.
Each space is lovely, and I believe you can create beauty wherever you are.
You will always be special to me.♥
Wonderful spaces you use to create!
Your book plates are amazing. I like to be surrounded by things I love too. Thanks for sharing.
I loved seeing your space and hearing what inspires you. It's nice to know that even though you have a space you still enjoy your kitchen table best. I feel guilty when I want to create at mine!! But I do love it there because of all the light that shines in:)
What an awesome post. I think your art room is lovely and so well appointed.
I do agree with you about being able to create in any pretty setting in the house our out.
Hope you have a great weekend.
You have a lovely place to create art there !
have a nice weekend .
Love from teh Netherlands ♥RINI♥
Beautiful studio space Karen. I love the black toile & your wonderful artwork.
Hi Karen!
It is so nice to stop by here and see your beautiful work spaces
I love Black and white toile!
It is so timeless and still so fresh and new!
I also love your blog...It's really beautiful how you edit all of your photos!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Your studio is beautiful, but I know what you mean, I create all over the house too. It sure is fun to take a peek around though:>)
Ah, so this is where your artwork is created. Beautiful. I love that you create in various places around the house. Thanks for sharing your space with us.
I have enjoyed visiting and sharing with you your creative places. thank you for the journey and for the wonderful tour. Angela
You have such a lovely space.. I love how you just don't stay in one room to create, Maybe I should try that, Your Photos are beautiful... Thanks for sharing your space with us.. Linda
I love this:
'Just looking at the pretty clutter of a project leads to more designs.'
I feel exactly the same way. A supposedly clean counter just looks empty to me. Thanks for taking me into your creative space - enjoyed my visit!
Hi!What a nice space!
Beautiful, thank you for sharing!!!!
visit me anytime...
I absolutely love your space, Karen! I love the black & white, and I love your desk {and that it is in front of that wonderful window}. I know what you mean about finding the quiet time at night good for creating; I do, as well, except I usually have to push it away since I have a day job I need to get up early for. I do let it out on weekends though! I wish I had your space though, it would be convenient just off the bedroom. : )
Hi Karen,
Yours is definitely an inspiring studio/places to create beautiful items. I love when the house sleeps too and am inspired by the peace of night. You have so many talents, thank you for sharing them with us here today!
Hi Karen, I love your creative space, it's really nice! I too love old books and Paris! Thank you for sharing, marcia
Wonderful! I enjoyed seeing all of the spaces within your home where you create. Especially with your vintage books. That looks like it would be fascinating.
I was so glad to know others find inspiration in the stillness of the night. Often my best writing comes in the wee hours of the morning. Thank you for sharing.
Blessings to you, Jan.
Your creative spaces look so pretty and productive, Karen. You make the most inspiring artworks and your bookplates are so whimsical and bring back memories to me.
Love your creative style!! What a gorgeous space. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Karen,
Many thanks for giving us a peek into your beautiful work studio.
You have so many beautiful and inspirational places to work and do all your wonderful artwork and creations.
I have enjoyed coming to your party and thanks for the visit.
Happy weekend
Oh how I love your black toile curtains!! Just adorable!!
Best wishes,
I loved this post so much!!! happy week-end...m..
Hi Karen,
What a pretty place to work. I love the toile. Thanks for sharing. This party is fun.
Janet's Creative Pillows
Hi Karen,
I totally agree with being in the area that inspires you. Your home is beautiful and you have many different to spaces to spread out stuff..just lovely.
It's such a pleasure to be back for the party again this year and visiting all of the wonderful creative souls and their creative space. Thank you for sharing yours with me.
I would love for you to visit with me and stroll through my studio..it's been a labor of love to put together and now after a year in our home putting everything together as it should be I feel like I can "spread my wings" and fly!
Have a wonderful day,
Stephanie ♥
Wonderful spaces to do what you do Oh so well...beautiful home too! Thanks for the ispiration!
I love your header....love your space......love that you created the space off your bedroom but ended up at the kitchen table.....we share a lot of similarities. I love old empherma and antique images too....they are my best inspiration!!!!
What a fun post! I love to see where people get inspired to create.
Your home is beautiful!
lovely! thanks for sharing!
What a lovely tour and beautiful images! I LOVE the frames you used on all your photos! So fun seeing all your different projects and interesting to see how you have designated areas for them. Thanks so much for sharing your creative spaces!
Hi Karen, can I move in with you?? : ) Your studio is really gorgeous. Mine at the moment, needs a good going through to clean up clutter and organize things so I can actually find them when I'm looking for them. Enjoy your beautiful space.
What a wonderful creative space you have! I soooo love toile! The black is awesome! Thanks for sharing! Come on over to see Where I Create!
Creative Blessings,
Hi Karen,
What a wonderful post. The black toile reminded me of Celeste's blog!
Every photo was filled with inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing a little bit of your heart and soul with all of us. It was a real treat.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Love your creative spaces!!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Artist Basket!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
What an amazing space you have created! It inspires me to add to my own crafting area.
I adore all of your storage solutions.
Such a wonderful creative space! Thank you for the fantastic tour!
Your space is wonderful and inspiring, I love the way it is all put together, evening is a great time to create or very early morning, when all is quiet and peaceful. Thanks for sharing your space, this blog party is an inspiration in its self, just sharing and peeking into other worlds! Stop by when you have a moment. XOXO
Such beautiful spaces to create in! Thanks for sharing!
A wonderfully inspiring creative space...thank you for sharing it with us : )
Hello Karen, I so enjoyed seeing all of the special spots where you create... I love that you put "pretty" things all around to inspire you and I adore all of your vintage books and ephemera... thanks for sharing these wonderful places... xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Karen: It was fun to learn that you create all around your home. Your blog and your creations are lovely. Thank you for sharing. I hope you'll visit Brynwood when you have time. I'd love to have you stop by.
Hi Karen, you are so right, you can create anywhere especially if you are surrounded by things that inspire your creativity. I really enjoyed my visit with you, I hope you have a super day!
Hi Karen, I have really enjoyed my visit here. It is fun to be able to create where ever you feel is the right space on any given day. Your home looks like it is full of inspiration and I love your old books. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
All of your creative spaces seem like they would just feel so nice to visit. I love what you have done and your home is beautiful. Thank you for sharing! xoxo Rhonda...
Ooh la la, i love your area, i love the toile, and i too agree, i need my are to be some what cleaned-orgainzed and lovely-otherwise i get overwhelmed.. Your rooms are eye candy.. So glad i met you hear at the party- I am a new follower and will be back over- love your style of work- i like the old books too-
I am so glad to hear that someone else is highly creative at night! Not everyone gets it you know! I have the same love of old ephemera and books - they truly ARE inspiring! Thank you for sharing your creative space!!!!
Romeo and "her"
oh gosh Karen! your surroundings are so wonderful and inspiring, it's no wonder you create such gorgeous work!!!
Hi Karen, your like me, you spread out about the house. Love the Artist basket, I have never seen one like that it is very cool. Thank you for letting us have a peek into your space.
What a lovely space! Thank you for sharing it with us.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful home with all its treasures. I find myself inspired to root through my bits and pieces and make something beautiful! But first, I must check out 'For the Love of Old Books'. Books are where my true passion lies.
It was grand visiting with you...
Oh what a lovely craft space. I love all your old books. x
I can see how being surrounded by pretty things can stimulate the creative flow, and you certainly have many beautiful things to inspire.
Enjoyed your pretty little inspiration spots! The black and white fabric and old books especially. I also loved seeing your scripture from Phillipians posted. Enjoy this beautiful creative day.........or night and feel the hug!
What a Beautiful Creative Home ~ Your Studio & every nook & cranny that you find the Inspiration to Create....
Thanks for Sharing
How lovely Karen, thank you for showing us how you are inspired!
I love your creative space, and had to smile when you wrote that you also create elsewhere in the house. I actually keep my creating confined to my studio, but when it comes to storage I spill out of that room into a couple of others! I think I might have too much stuff.
Your studio is lovely (I adore black & white!). Happy creating, wherever you might be sitting! ::Jill
Hi Karen,
I really enjoyed seeing your space and your photos of the gardens are just beautiful. I love the way you did the cubed collage of photos. Cheers from Brussels - Cathy
I love working at my kitchen table too. Thank you for sharing your creative space with us. Have a wonderful weekend. ~Natalie
love your workspace and will have to vist your blog as it looks like something I would enjoy
Your whole post was inspiring, I love the layout and little extras you add. Every place you pictured is beautiful. I especially like the black and white toile in your creating space. Thanks for sharing.
I loved seeing all your favourite spots but mine is where your toile is! And the wall colour is fantastic with it - so pretty but sophisticated.
I love you art room, and your dining room! I also love the black toile, I have a black toile quilt for my bed. I love working late at night when no one else is awake too-so quite and peaceful!
Your space is beautiful and so is your art! Thank you so much for sharing! Happy creating! :)
Everything throughout is so pretty - so I think you must be creating a lot - surrounded by such lovely things. I enjoyed reading your post about what inspires you to create - very encouraging. Thanks for sharing. Happy creating!
I also love looking through my supplies and alot of times thats where I will get inspiration. Plus its always fun to find stuff that I have forgotten about. Thank you for sharing your creative space, it has been a lot of fun! ~Sherry
I love your beautiful place
and I love You.
Your beautiful heart is here!
What lovely creative spaces, blog and old books! Thank you for the tour!
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