It's a funny thing how friendships begin...

My friendship with Sally began with an e-mail.

It seems that Sally saw a journal page I had created and asked if I could customize it for her. She inspired me to create more journal pages. Sally loves to scrapbook and makes beautiful ones.
From there we e-mailed back and forth until...
it became a daily event. She blesses my life every day, and then the other day...

a package arrived, and wrapped in pink were wonderful gifts.
A beautiful bookmark

There was a beautiful bracelet in silver hearts with gold accents.
and a lovely book about God's Grace.

A Scrapbook filled with pages and pages of handcrafted pages,
Each page is beautifully embellished with loving touches.
Sally, thank you for your lovely gift of friendship, and for all of these amazing treasures. I was reading the book about God's Grace tonight and tucked my new bookmark inside. I will think of you every time I wear this gorgeous bracelet. My new scrapbook is sitting on my desk, so that I can open up to any page, any day and remember what a blessing you are in my life.

Today is Pink Saturday and Bev from
How Sweet The Sound has a host of wonderful posts for you to see, so please stop by.
The song for this post is It Began With A Letter
Speaking of friends, a lovely Pink Saturday friend Marina Capano from Argentina, always has the most gorgeous Pink Saturday posts. Marina is an interior designer, decorative painter, photographer and host of a television show. Please stop by and enjoy her beautiful blog called
What a lovely Thank-You post for Sally and perfect for sharing with so many sweet friends on Pink Saturday. Beautiful and thoughtful notes and gifts.
Karen what a lovely gift for you to receive and so gorgeous all in pink! You also gave a beautiful, heart-warming thank-you. Friendship is such a precious commodity to be cherished. I am happy for both you and Sally! Beautiful!
best wishes
Karen....thank you for your gift of friendship and for the many blessings you bring to my life! You are such a joy and a treasure to me and you bring so many smiles to my day. You are always there for me no matter what! I'm blushing just a wee bit but your post was so beautiful and touched my heart in so many ways!! Thank you sweet friend!! Sally xxxxxxxx
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love your box of goodies you received. How fun!
What a friendship...and it will grow and grow...I have one of's the best thing.
Hugs- Tete
You were greatly missed today. I hope that you are feeling better. Betty has some good stuff going and I even had a few breakthroughs. Maybe we can do a little road trip this week. Just get out there and breathe in some fresh air.
Oh it is wonderful when you find a friendship like that. I am really happy for both of you. you are both very talented woman. god bless.
Dearest Karen, I have to say that you are one of my "oldest" (not in age!) blogging pals. You have been with me since I started blogging, and I am grateful for the friendship that has developed between us; YOUR generosity with helping me find my talents and not being afraid to just use them for enjoyment has enriched my so much. When I was done with drawing (I gave it up 40 years ago), you and a few other blogger pals just snatched me right up and encouraged me to use it in whatever capacity. I find that the best way to approach it is with fun and love, and it has been a wonderful journey. What would we do without friends.....
Love you dearest, Anita
How thoughtful people are...thanks for sharing with us on Pink Saturday!!
Such a beautiful Pink Saturday post Karen and a beautiful friendship that sprang from your post too. You are a lucky lady. Best Wishes for a beautiful day. xoxo
Happy Pink Saturday! Love this sweet post! What a wonderful thing to develop a friendship like this and to watch it bloom!
God Bless<
Karen!OMG!I´m very happy! what a nice surprise!
It is an honor for me that you mention me! Thanks so very much!
thanks you,thanks you,thanks you ;)
I love your art and your blog
What a wonderful gift for you to receive! I love it! great quotes and I love that book!
hugs and love from spring!
your blogger pink friend!
Marina Capano
Well, this post just put the capitals in Happy Pink Saturday!!! I LOVED this tribute to your friend and the relationship you two have developed through cyberspace! It is amazing how we can connect with people we've never met in real life. I some times reflect on how "limited" my life was before I fell into the world of blogging.
Thank you for this delightful share! Sally is certainly a talent..just like you!
HPS.......L, Dana
Was that not that most wonderful thing? Friends are such a blessing and many times they are God's Hands in our lives, offering comforting touches and reminding us we are thought of always! Just lovely Karen, thanks for sharing that special moment....
Tina xo
The friendships I have found through blogging have been such a blessing in my life! I count you as one of those friends Karen. I can see that Sally does too:>)
Thank you for sharing.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Hi Karen,
Happy Pink Saturday. Thank you for sharing your lovely story about your friendship with your blog friend. Friendships are so special and precious and yours and Sally's is a beautiful one.
Have a lovely day.
Dear Karen,
This is such a beautiful posting - thank you so much for sharing your wonderful friendship with all of us! What lovely gifts and made even more so because they come from the heart and are meant to inspire you and make you feel good about each moment!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog (and for following along!:) I am so glad to have found you!
PS You asked about the name Nicholas... It comes from the Greek name "Nikolaos" and it means "victory of the people!" Isn't that just perfect for St. Nicholas? If ever a man stood up for people it was this one!
Oh, this is just perfect Karen. We have no way of knowing just how or if we affect someone's life with the comments or posts we bring to the internet. You have the knowledge to know that you gave joy and friendship to someone that has become very special to you. That is a gift that is working both ways to enrich your lives each day. Happy Pink Saturday, this was a lovely post. Char
What a sweetheart Sally is... Thank you for sharing the treasures she sent you. Friendship itself, of course, is the greatest treasure.
Awww, how sweet. How wonderful to have such a great friend!
Hugs, LisaKay
Hi Karen beautiful post and share...HPS
Hi Karen,
You are indeed blessed by such wonderful gifts from your friend, each one so pretty and thoughtful too. Friendship is precious! I like the quote by John Hay, "Friends are the sunshine of life." And indeed they are. Thank you for sharing your lovely post with us today and Happy Pink Saturday to you.
Karen, friends are indeed a real blessing, and what gorgeous gifts from one of yours...enjoy them all x
Oh dearest Karen, Your comment means so much to me; yes, at any time of the day, night or morning, you can find a comment, visit a friend, and be inspired and it has made such a difference. In January, it will be two years since I have been blogging and the opportunities and dreams just keep presenting themselves. Have a lovely Sunday dearest friend. Anita
What a lovely post for Sally. Thank you for sharing the sweet things she sent you on Pink Saturday.
Hi Karen, this post is so lovely and your friendship with Sally is very special. Thank you for sharing your charming gifts from your dear friend. I have always loved Edgar Guest's poem 'A Friend' It is obvious she shares your special friendship with you as well.
I love Marina. She is a darling woman and has art talent like you.
Warm hugs, Jeanne
friendship is such an amazing thing. it was nice reading your story. sweet gifts, too!
happy weekend ~ enjoy the extra hour!
Lovely gifts you received!I enjoyed your blog tonight. It's getting late here but I am finally getting to sit down at the computer. Hope your week is blessed. Debbie
I am so happy, friend, that you have found such a dear kindred. It is a magical place blogland. blessings and light, Amy
Sally's pink gifts are all so lovely and thoughtful! What a nice thing for a friend to do.
Happy Pink Saturday Karen!
Wonderful, friendships that we make on any level are precious......glad you found one so special!!!
Margaret B
I'm so glad you have a friend like that-everyone does-I have one-Tete-from Beyond the Garden Gate-a true Blessing from God!
OH, this is just beautiful, Karen, and what a lovely friend she is. But then, you are a very lovely friend, too. Enjoyed reading this...
Sheila :-)
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