Amisha is hosting a Being Creative Blog Party at Gorgeous and Fun Things today.
Thank you Amisha for being one of my creative muses.
Today's topic is my favorite one...Inspiration.

I am open to inspiration with a joyful expectancy sometimes, and then other times...

I can go for a drive and find a sweet country road that leads to an unexpected capture.
It might be from seeing something that

I think would make a wonderful background for a photo.

and all the way home I am dreaming of a fabric design.
I can always find inspiration in The Land of Blog.
I can find inspiration in a favorite shop while observing sheer genius staging.

Sometimes, I will look through old books or magazines and get whisked away by the sight of some eye candy.
Or it might be when I see something else,
in the middle of assembling a project.

Many times inspiration happens unexpectedly.
Like the time I had left my Vintage suitcase in the trunk of my car by accident. Then while looking for a gas station, I turned down this road..
Suddenly I stumbled upon an old train station, which created a perfect photo opportunity.
When inspiration arrives unannounced it is pure joy, it's magical.

Then there are times I spend gathering and gathering ingredients without any purpose in mind at all.
Until one day I wake up and know what I am going to create. The "Creative Epiphany!"
All at once the ingredients that I have gathered and images that I have memorized suddenly evolve into that creation.
And that is the place where creativity is born.
Inspiration...a divinely led process, that I believe leads us.
The trick is to let go and follow your heart, be open to possibilities, believing in your creativity, even when it plays hide and seek with you sometimes.
Now, let's fly over to see what Amisha has created today and don't be shy join in and share your thoughts on Inspiration.
Our friend Natasha of 5 minutes just for me inspires me musically each week by hosting Sunday Song. Thank you for being one of my creative muses Natasha.
Mindy Gledhill sings Whole Wide World. She has a brand new video, and Stephanie and her little girls from Nie Nie Dialogues are in it. It is the happiest video!
Hi Karen, what a great creative inspiration post. I always think the best inspiration comes from the most unexpected sources and when we are not overthinking it. Thats' when I kill my creativity.
Thanks for sharing. I love your vintage suitcase.
Just a beautiful post. Very creative and lovely.
What a gift the internet has been to us all, who enjoy connecting and creating. Dearest, I want to invite you to come to read my post; I used your generous offer of photos, and in the final step of my message, I used your glittery bird. THANK YOU SO MUCH for making your magic available. What a gracious woman you are, and what a lovely world you create each and every time. Anita
And Epiphany is always "seeing God." I love it, Karen. You truly are open to the moments that make up this life.
Oh Karen, I have no words to say except that I heartily, heartily agree with you.
And the creative epiphany, so, so true! I feel like my subconscious is brewing away ideas that I don't even know of yet.
And thank you so much for meeting up with me on Friday, it was fantastic! That lace is still on my mind but I don't know what I would use it in. But I have a feeling it's going to come home with me at some point.
What a delightful post! Everything is just a treat for the eyes! But that fabric - wow - I absolutely love it. And how serendipitous for the envelope to fall out of the book. Great stuff!
Your art, creativity and inspiration are so MAGICAL!!!
Love the train station with the suitcase!
Hi Karen, I bloghopped my way here. What a beautiful post this is, there are so many wonderful photos here that I love. I am inspired by most of the same things as you.
Thanks for sharing!
Oh Karen, let me tell you, if we lived close by, I would go in a HEART BEAT to see you..Concord? Marbelhead? Boston? Oh, that would be so lovely. Thank you for your constant comments that just help me believe in my creativity. What do we have to lose if we just jump in and create, no strings attached, no concerns about getting famous, published..we would just simply bless others and fly as a bird...thank you for the inspiring image dear one. TRULY GORGEOUS!!!! Love to you, Anita
Awesome...... keep being so kind and creative, may God bless you
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