I've been wishing and hoping
for Spring Bouquets, and to see my fairies in the garden.
I've been wishing and hoping to see my first butterfly,
for Mr. Robin to appear at my window,

and for all the little flowers

to begin to bloom.
I've been wishing and hoping for the window boxes to spill over with abundant flowers.

Yes, I've been wishing and hoping for Spring to arrive...

Oh, and while we're on the subject of wishing and hoping, I wouldn't mind being the same age I was when this song was on the Hit Parade.

Please travel to visit Bev from How Sweet The Sound to visit everything in the Pink.
P.S. If you want a lovely pink treat make sure that you visit Grace from Pink In The City.

How cheerful and just beautiful...your talent is so inspiring and enjoyable...thanks for sharing. The song was so fun!
Happy Spring.
Ahhhh.... what beautiful pictures, thoughts and music!!!
It's definitely spring time here in south Texas.... the flowers are blooming, bees a buzzing and butterflies a fluttering......and we're praying for rain.
Happy weekend!
Karen Harvey Cox... do you know how pretty your name sounds? I'm sure you do.
I just visited sweet Grace, and I love her.
Now I adore your pretty window box, and I know exactly how you feel about spring.
It's been a brutal winter in in Ontario, Canada.
Our river broke through on the 21st. We still have ice-burgs laying on our lawns. BE GONE WINTER.
Happy Pink Sat. Karen Harvey Cox ( I love saying it).
Love Claudie
Happy Pink Saturday!
I absolutely love your spring pink!
I am hosting an auction on my blog of vintage and antique linens ~some are pink! :)
Come by and take a peek.
Just beautiful...I heard a robin, still have about 4 feet of snow,,but soon. I loved the one photo of the beautiful lady, makes me smile. have a fabulous weekend.
Happy Pink Saturday.....so fun to join in all the Pinkness...I pray for God to bless each one of you...giving you peace and strength...enjoy the day!
A lovely post, as always. I particularly like your finished card (with tassels). You are so talented!
Happy Pink Saturday from the UK.
Oh how utterly gorgeous my friend...out of all the flowers and faeries, YOU are the most beautiful. What a WOMAN! And I bet you are still every bit as beautiful and even more so, as we take flight towards our destinies....lovely as always, Anita
Lovely & cheerful : )
Beautiful art, beautiful photography, beautiful you. You do know that you are a beautiful woman, right? I hope so. I don't ever wish that I could go back to that age because that would mean giving up way too much. (Okay, maybe for a day.) ☺
Have a happy weekend...do something on the spur of the moment and have some fun. Spring is on her way...though I do wonder what she found elsewhere to intrigue her so.
That was a fun post and I love your artwork!
HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!
LOL and I am wishin' and hopin' the same things for alll of us!
happy pink Saturday...
Hello Karen,
Love your photo! You look smashing!
And those garden photos are also beautiful...
~ Gabriela ~
Hi Karen, thank you so much for your very sweet comments and your visit. Glad you like the music...sorry about the sniffles. Mine are from my miserable cold. lol Your post is so amazing! Your photos are gorgeous. Love the song and I too wish about the age thing! :) Happy Pink Saturday!
Aaahhhh such a sweet post!
Happy PS!
Just found you on flickr too :))
Have a blessed weekend!
Kay Ellen
What a beautiful post Karen! I am wishing and hoping for spring too. It is my favorite time of the year! Happy Pink Saturday!
Hi Karen, I to am wishing and hoping for Spring to happen faster here in the mountains as well. Your post is fun and makes me smile. I too love fairies. My mom always gave us the world of fairies to dream about. Such beautiful pictures to make us 'Smile.'
Your photo is so sweet to share with us. Beautiful describes you then and now. I like the music too.
Wishing you Spring.
Hugs, Jeanne
Wishing and hoping right along with you Karen:>)
Thank you precious precious girl for featuring my blog! You are so sweeeeet! I had so much fun visiting your blog and look forward to visiting more! Happy Pink Saturday! Grace xoox
Lovely post Karen! Have a wonderful week! xo
I would love to see you at Brimfield! I actually just switched my space to B-55 Sheltons in the same row as Cary and Melissa. My friend Amy decided to do the show with me last minute so I needed a bigger space! Stop by the shop some Thurs so we can catch up! Beautiful blog as always!
Beautiful! I am wishing it were Spring here. We had snow yesterday! Fortunately it was warm enough it didn't stick. Happy PS (a day late).
Happy Pink Saturday, my sweet friend.
wishing and Hoping. Ah, I remember it well. But, I don't think I want to go back. I'll stay where I am. Some of those lessons in life were hard to learn.
I wish you butterflies, flowers and robins. They will be there very soon.
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