Every morning when I check my mail I receive an e-mail from The Whispers of God.
Like today:

Thought for the Day - May 15, 2011
"God has given us today - another day full of His wonder. Even if you are struggling through the day, there will be something that happens today that will be God telling you He loves you - keep your eyes, ears, mind, and heart open to Him."
Have an awesome day knowing God loves you!
Elmer Laydon

They are the loveliest messages and they truly work,

reminding me how much God loves us.

"God's love is unconditional. He does not love you more or less based upon what you have, what you might become, or what you might be able to do in the future. He loves you for who you are today."
by Elmer

"It's easy to live like a child of God for the hour or two that we might attend church services each week. The real challenge is living in His Word 24/7. No one said it would be easy but God did say He would be with us as we tried to walk the narrow path that He has shown us."
By Elmer

The Whisper of God also has a place on their site for prayer requests.

I love reading my devotionals, but it is so nice to get an e-mail with a message of God. I loved learning about how The Whisper of God got it's name.

To quote Elmer...Have an awesome day knowing God loves you!

The song for this post is Amazing Love.
As a thank you for stopping by, I would like to offer a gift of any image from this post for your own personal use. Please take home any image from my post, that speaks to your heart.
P.S. There are 249,627 people who also love The Whisper of God on Facebook.
Karen, what a beautiful way to start the day. you know when I visit here I always feel better when I leave. So I thank you for that and being an inspiration to me. you have no idea how pleasantly I am affected by your knowledge and love. Have a most wondrous day. hugs.
Hello Karen, I am not sure how I found my way to your blog but I am so glad I did. I took up the daily e-mail and saved the photo of the reeds and water for a paint to paint. Thank you so much for sharing and witnessing your faith to others.
Wonderful words for today and any day. I am so delighted to hear Wynonna singing and will listen again before I leave. Her story has touched me so much and I love her testimony that she will testify to love. It might be easier to quit, but she doesn't. Not ever. Have a sweet day, Karen.
What an absolutely fabulous ministry this is, KAREN!!!! My goodness, this is what we are to do in word and deed and you are so blessed to be the recipient of such loveliness. I too dearest am so blessed to have people like YOU in my life who have faith, have fun, and have fabulous love for all things good. Yes my dear, MOI, I am the artist of little CELESTE ET BALZAC the dog. I love him, he was a scrappy little terrier that I met on my trip to the City of Lights one year and I never forgot him. I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED THAT YOU ARE JOINING IN ON THE PARTY! YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK! I am so happy with the turn out; my HUSBAND is even going to attempt to write a quicky poem about his experience there with me!!!!!! OH AND YOU WENT TO BRIMFIELD???? I USED TO GO THERE ALL THE TIME during my tenure in Mass. What joy to find FRENCH ANTIQUES! LOVELY, LOVELY, MAGNIFIQUE!
So dearest, on the list goes your name with your link as I prepare a draft for the 28th. Enjoy your week, Anita
Oh my goodness, thank you for your post. I needed it today.I am going through some rough spots but God's grace is with me every step of the way.I am going to definitely subscribe to their e-mails.
Hi sweet karen
I too receive the Whisper of God devotionals, and I love them. It seems like the thoughts are always perfect for each days circumstances....exactly what I need. God is good!
This is lovely, Karen. I look for His gifts everyday - and am comforted in knowing that He is always near.
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