This week I was feeling so angry. Anger about injustice, people stealing, greed. But It was unusual that I was feeling this angry. I spend every day surrendering that sort of thing.
Then I remembered last year and this post...
"I could feel my blood pressure rising and I could find no outlet for my emotions.
I sat blasting my worship music and trying my hardest to rid myself of the anger.
So many thoughtless people.
So much unkindness seemed to find it’s way to me this week.
Why is it so hard for people to be kind?
Why are people so busy trying to be in the “in crowd” that they have forgotten small acts of kindnesses to include the newcomer?
I just had a week of too many encounters with harshness and witness to wrong thinking.
I tried to look around to find some kindness.
I went to visit Chris Graham of Gratitude, Hope and Inspiration. Her post was about this thought provoking song Blessings by Laura Story. Thank you so much Chris.
The anger began to leave me as I read her words,
and then I found the song.
The words grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around. I knew that I would share this song today and I would write my words.
So, I will allow the Lord to turn what made me angry into a blessing today, and comfort myself knowing that everything I had endured this week made me remember...

this is not our home, and it wasn't His either.
As this song changed my thought's direction, I felt worship instead of anger."
Yes, I feel so much better today. I don't know why but Holy week and Good Friday always make my nerves raw. I guess it's just because I love Jesus so much, and my spirit grieves for what we did to Him. And maybe because we still have so much to learn.
And then I remember Easter Sunday and what a gift. If it weren't for Easter I wouldn't even have a heart for Christ.
This song Blessings, continues to teach me lessons. Chris has another lovely post about Easter, stop by and read her post and listen to her lovely music.
I'm so sorry that you had such a week. Every now and then one comes to us, doesn't it? I was going to say that righteous anger is a valid emotion, and then you shared how the anger melted away so I am not going to mess with that resolution. I am sending you a story in an email behind scenes. Some day I may actually share it publically, but not today. Love to you...
My dear Karen,
I was thinking of you today.
I was thinking of you as I was struggling to FINALLY upholster my harp bench with that most GORGEOUS French script fabric. It looks so lovely. Your art graces my great room in such a tender way. I thought of you and get this.......I thought of the consistent kindness you have shown me for FOUR YEARS to stay my blogging friend. Many people come and go. You are one of the very few that have stayed. Little acts of kindness are hard to come by these days. You are a wonderful example of someone who cares enough to be angry about injustice.
Bless you. Anita
Angry times serve us in some way. If it wasn't for anger would we stand up for the downtrodden? Would we just go about life in a pink fog whistling a tune drowning out the cries of those hurting, hungry, and sad? Nearly everything you mentioned we've all felt at one time or another and because we have we share compassion, sympathy, and empathy. I'm glad you found a way to overcome the brutal moments this week, but I believe it's ok to be angry, too.
Beautiful post, Karen. I have had these days, too. When people "reject the rejected", especially family, that is something I try to deal with everyday {not my children, of course}. Your words mean a lot to me.
Have a blessed Easter.
I'm so glad you were able to turn your anger around. We all have our moments, but God's grace covers it all. Blessings to you this Easter my friend:>)
Karen I just took the time to read your post.
Thank you for sharing your heart.
You helped me realize that we are never alone in our hurt and pain. Sometimes we feel like we are the only one who is hurting and we feel so alone.
Have a beautiful Easter weekend.
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