The Gift of Spring for you

Excuse me while I gush, but honestly Winston Salem, North Carolina is in full bloom.

I have always loved the book The Secret Garden, and this song is haunting but so lovely.
 I am heading back to Boston on Wednesday.  I wanted to capture as much Spring as I could before I leave.  Come for a walk with me and enjoy the Spring here in North Carolina.

 I love to take walks along the paths of the Reynolda Gardenss of Wake Forest University.

 This beautiful area, is just some gorgeous gardens along a nearby road.

 Well, let's talk Azaleas...this glorious home is surrounded by hundreds of the pink beauties.
 It looks like a place that Thomas Kinkaide would have painted.

 Nothing is as quaint as Old Salem in Springtime. I took a walk today and brought home some magic.

Dogwood and wild wysteria...oh my!

I just love Wysteria, and it grows wild everywhere you look.
Let's talk white blossoms cascading over white picket fences, sigh.
 Charming gardens tucked away behind old historical buildings.

The robins always know the best places to hang out.

So, I will post again when I am back home.  My daughter, Sarah called to say that she painted the mailbox post white today, and filled the planter with pansies.

It's beginning to look a bit like Spring back home.

 I hope that you enjoyed my gift of Spring for you.  See you soon.