I went for a ride, which usually helps, but I was just too tired to muster the usual excitement. I tried to photograph a favorite garden in the rain, but that didn’t work either. A nap, reading inspirational messages, talking to my mom and my sisters. I even attempted a new art project, but my creative muse must be taking a break. My husband had helped around the house all weekend, helping to catch up on laundry and errands. My daughters were helpful and pleasant and I got to spend time with them. But still, nothing seemed to pull me out of the weariness...I think I was just feeling too too sorry for myself.
Then this morning I stopped by a few of my favorite blogs. Celeste made me cry when I read her wonderful story about never tiring to give, because God always replenishes us with more. Mary Ann made my smile at her beautiful post about her lovely hankie collection and I was reminded of her sweet generosity and never ending energy to create all kinds of special things for others. Kathy wrote such nice words on her post about receiving my giveaway. And my special friend Suze who always makes everything more special, gave me an award.
I sat down and the sadness drifted away. Why, because in the middle of my woes I had forgotten that I am not alone and my basket of burdens pale in comparison to others. Perhaps that is why I am so in love with blogging and the connections that are made. It is a peek into so many lives across the globe. You can spend an entire day with people and be pleasant, have lovely company but still feel a hunger for connection.
Perhaps, blogging lets people cut to the chase. It is difficult to hide your excitement, sadness or curiosity when you are writing and showing images that speak to your heart. You can travel from one group to another in this virtual world, without worrying about the cost of gas, or how much time it will take to get there. You have all the time to spend in your studio creating, accomplish the things on your "To Do" list, spend time with your family and still have time to visit your friends in Blogland.
Ahhh, but the heart of it is, the heart connections are the special thing about this lovely place. People contribute to create wonderfulness to raise money for research, like Terisa. Karla is collecting 100 cards for her Great Aunt's 100th birthday, Lisa who truly is the keeper of the hearts, hosts an amazing One Heart One World giant giveaway each year. And that is when I remember like today, that I need to step outside of myself when burdens become too bothersome. Blogland is a constant reminder of purpose.
You laugh with people you have never met, you cry when someone you blog with loses a dear one, has a medical concern, or drifts into a creative slump. You are challenged to take your creativity to another level when you dance with the Creatives and accept their invitations.
My sadness has been melted this morning like a gentle rain. My self-pity seems to have taken a vacation, and I can feel my energy returning. The ability to connect to other’s hearts, a reminder of purpose, being rewarded for creating, and smiling at beauty. Perhaps this is the recipe for getting rid of weariness and feeling sorry for oneself. All I know is that I am so grateful that I decided a year ago to begin the art of blogging. I created this post to say thank you, and just like Celeste's story, share the cup that she helped to fill for me this morning.
Thank you,

The song for this post is Garden In The Rain, sung by Perry Como.
Blessings to you Karen. I agree wholeheartedly with you, blogging brings people together and is a constant source of positive vibes. I am so glad that you were able to get what you needed from it to shake off the weariness. I have experienced that feeling from blogging too! Have a great day:>)
Thanks for a great post today...I have had a virus for three days and feeling, well, unaccomplished! Just yucky! But visiting Blogland friends really, truly makes you feel so much better ...and you ALWAYS do this for me!
gorgeous pictures today!!!
have a great week
Dear Karen, I am thrilled you received a blessing from my shared story this morning. However your post tells it best with an inspiration for all. As an artist I also can relate to eveything you spoke of. Times when we think we are alone with the day to day challenges that we face. But coming here shows us once again the God is in control if we just let him lead us in the direction that he has set forth for us to go. Yes, our blog friends are a generous gift. Those we may never see, but we know are there, if we just click and point!!
I love your post with pictures and I especially love your heart from which it comes. Thank you dear friend.
p.s. the graphics on my challenge post are not from the story, but rather from another treasured book I thought were fitting to team up with this story. From a little cup to a flowing well.
Blessings and have a great day:) C
What a beautiful post Karen. It really is a wonderment, this blogging world, the empathy and caring and sharing and love that is spread STILL amazes me. I have been on the receiving end of a much needed spirit lift and likewise try to do the same in kind. That is the beauty of this whole thing.
I may not comment like I would like to many blogs but I read and care.
I couldn't agree more about the connections we make through blogging.
I felt so miserable last week, I almost closed my blog. After giving it second thoughts, I decided to let it sit (Blogging without obligation..!), now I feel ready to go again, and am so pleased I have my blog so that I can share things, good and bad with others, who also have ups and downs.
That's what life is made up with it seems.
I love the bust in the top photo..is it Janus..?
Karen, What lovely peaceful post. And you are so right. When I need to be uplifted or inspired I spend some time vising in blogland.
Have a lovely day
What a sweet posting. Yes, blog freinds are the best, there is always something out there to cheer us!
Thanks for mentioning my aunt's birthday, I am so pleased that so many people are resonding and making cards! There are great people out there in blogworld!
What a beautiful post Karen. I often go through those same feelings and I must say, blogging friends are a blessing.
I'm glad you're feeling better.
Enjoy your day!
This is such a heartfelt and lovely post, Karen! I can't tell you how many times I have come to this computer to sit down and read what my blogging friends have to say - things that always cheer me up when I need a little lift from the day-to-day doldrums! =)
Great post karen. Blogland is a wonderful place
oh karen, reading this post makes dream, so nice, love the song selection as usual and the RAINBOW my fav...big hug to you :)
hi karen,
i hear ya!!! we all have are days, don't we? you are such a dearheart! i am touched to read that i brought a smile to your heart! i have to agree with lisa o. bloggyland is an EMAZING place...being a part of this wondrous community has expanded my life beyond imagination.
thank you for writing this inspiring post!
hugs, mary ann :0)
Hi, Karen
I'm new to blogging but I've been reading posts for months. Yours is always beautiful and a blessing! Love to you, Susan
Hi, I've been away from reading and checking up on all of my blogging friends, but your post today really touched me. It is all in God's perfect planning that your post was there for me to read today. Thanks for your words.
I am in total agreement with you. We are all a caring group of people who want to help each other in time of need to be there for the happy highs of life and the sad lows of life. There is so much love being passed around each day in blog land I am so thankful my friend Phyllis introduced me to it.....Wishing you a beautiful tomorrow
what a wonderful post, wonderful thoughts to remember
Thank you .
This wonderful world of blogging has brought me peace also. I have met so many wonderful talented people including you and I have learned so many things and shared so many ideas and stories and inspiration and yes pain too.
The friends of the blogging world are as close as the friends sitting right across the table from you. I cherish every new friend I make.
I love these pictures, they are so peacful and beautiful. This was a wonderful post and I enjoyed very much.
Hi Karen,
Fabulous post! Thoughtful words and lovely pictures to go along!
I hope you have a fabulous week!
I finally posted my 300th post giveaway item and hope you'll jump on over and enter the drawing.
Many blessings,
Sandy :)
What an absolutely beautiful post, Karen. You really capture so much of what I think is special about this blogging world. I'm glad you found the cure for your blues, and must remember that it's available for me any time I find myself falling into a funk.
Wow Karen,
That was a wonderful post, I just kept reading not even stopping to study the wonderful pictures like I normally do, I will go and look now. Glad your are starting to feel better.
Cheers and Big Hugs Linda
(I always love a big hug when I am feeling a bit sorry for myself)
I too have been so blessed with friend met whilst blogging...
it will be wonderful to meet everyone in Heaven one day.
I am glad your sadness has lifted. I know I always end up with a smile on my face after someone has left a kind comment on my blog...
Thanks for visiting my blog! I was happy to return that visit here. You really have taken beautiful pictures. Are those from one park or do you just happen to have a collection of beautiful pictures?
Anyway I love it and I agree with your wonderful post about blogland. Enjoy!
Have a nice and happy day!
Thank you for your beautiful post today. I've been nursing ill husband for 4 weeks and have a couple of months ahead of us. Your beautiful photo's were just what we both needed. Thanks for giving and our thoughts are with you. Judy
Hi Karen, Do you have any idea what an inspiration you are? You Are! Beautiful post. ~ Lynn
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