Isn’t it such a blessing when female friends know you so well? There is something so heartfelt when you know how much another being knows your own heart. I have been blessed with several women in my life who suddenly will suggest a book, movie or song, or send along a gift, a card or a call that reminds me how well that they know me. My sisters, Susan, Lynne, my friend Judy and my mother all make me feel loved by reminding me time after time how well they know me.

Beatrix Potter has always been one of my favorite writers and illustrators. One of my first purchases was the little set of Peter Rabbit stories for my daughter when she was just a baby. My husband used to read the story of Peter Rabbit to her using a Scottish accent which would make Sarah laugh hysterically. I am inspired by her storytelling and enchanted by her artwork. Years ago my friend Judy gave me the book Letters to Children by Beatrix Potter, funny enough it was written by someone with the same last name, Judy Taylor. My sister Lynne telephoned a while back and suggested I watch the movie Miss Potter. She said that I would surely love it, and she was so right, I have fallen in love. I had missed this movie when it was in the theaters, but now it is available to rent or to purchase. The movie was so well done, and the scenery, illustrations and story are beautiful and romantic.

Beatrix Potter owned a wonderful home in the Lake District in the UK. In the movie the setting takes your breath away. One of the many homes that she owned has since become an incredible hotel and restaurant. On their web site it states: "Lindeth Howe Country House Hotel & Restaurant is situated in the perfect Lake District location. Set in its own private gardens, extending to 6 acres, just a mile south of the village of Bowness on Windermere. Views over the lake and to the fells are spectacular whatever time of the year. One of Lindeth Howe's most famous owners was the popular children's author Beatrix Potter. Why not come and visit us?" Oh, now that would be a wonderful place to visit with a paintbox and some brushes.

Rhondi of Rose Colored Glasses stopped by with a wonderful link of Hilltop. She actually visited this enchanting place...lucky girl. I love to listen to someone with an English accent narrating a story. On the web site about the Lake District you will find many podcasts to download for free. Scrolling down I did find one all about Beatrix Potter and the many ways in which her life and work touched the lives of the people who live there.

Don't you just love Enya, this second song is called Love Song. If you're looking for me today, I will meet you in Mr. McGregor's garden near the cabbage patch.

Rabbit Photographs are compliments of Miss Bunny, our very own resident storybook friend
Beautiful so heartwarming! I love Beatrix Potter,thank you for link.I just found a Beatrix poster still in shrink wrap at the Cohasset dump!
I made a broken china pendant from children's Beatrix collectible plate and French Garden House loved it!
Love your blog going to post!
Karen, this post is just lovely. I do recall wanting to see that movie when it was in the theatre, but I never made it. I am so glad that you reminded me.
How could anyone not be in love with Beatrix Potter? Her work is like floating in a dream.
Hi Karen
I loved that movie and I also missed it when it was in the movie theaters. When we were in the Lake District years ago we visited Hilltop, one of Beatrix Potter's homes. Here is a link if you're interested. http://www.visitcumbria.com/amb/hilltop.htm
It was fabulous to see some of her original sketches just laying on a table as if she had just left to go get a cup of tea and would be right back. Actually the whole house was like that. I expected to see Peter Rabbit nibbling on plants in the garden! It was a delight! So many wonderful nooks and crannies. Here I am going on and on when maybe you've seen it yourself!
Hope you have a lovely day filled with inspiration and creativity
Hugs, Rhondi
So so in love with beatrix potter. I saw the movie last year and had to have the dvd. I also bought some books about her live and loved it. Also bought the cd with all the sountracks from the movie.Now I hope to go on vacation this year to the Lake District. So glad to have found a person who's just in love with Miss Potter as I am.Thanks for the many Links.
I'am Ellen from the Netherlands
Ahh, a kindred spirit.
I've loved Miss Potter all my life~ her stories were the first in my memories. I dream of going to that part of the world & walking where she had dreamed & drawn the characters so dear to me.
Thank you for the links~ this is where I will wander now & maybe we'll meet in the garden :-)
The music inspiration came from you!!!
Although I have to admit looking for a song takes a long time! Wait until you hear the other mermaid song I found. I'm going to play it when I post MY mermaid...too funny.
I've yet to see this, but have been meaning to for a while. I've always loved her books and stories.
I love your resident bunny too, we have some of her cousins living in our garden.
I loved that film too. I thought that Renee and Ewan played their parts beautifully. I was greatly impressed with information at the end of the film about the land Beatrix Potter rescued from developers. What an inheritance to give her country.
Hi Karen, Love BP too. I missed the movie, but now am inspired to see it. Love your pictures. Enya is one of my favorites and especially that song. Great post!
la rea rose
Miss Potter is a lovely movie - one worth seeing over and over. When our children were little we read them her books and I am saving them for the someday grandchildren. I love their small size and oh, so sweet illustrations.
What a great post!
I share your love for these books. I have worn mine our reading and rereading them to my children and grandchildren. They are in taters but are so loved....Hugs....Mary
I loved this movie myself. Peter and his family have always been my favorite bunny family! I just missed visiting Hilltop about 8 years ago. Too many tour buses and not enough room for us to park. So sad, I purchased a picture of her home instead...not a very good substitute. Windemere is beautiful BTW.
I really wanted to see this movie and now I can't wait to see it :)
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