So, it was time for a visit to Christmas...

When I got my catalog in the mail telling me that they were decked to the halls in Christmas I had to visit. They were kind enough to allow me to photograph, so I was delighted to know that I could share this Christmas paradise with you today.

Are you ready? When we get to the Vaillancourt Folk Art, this is the lady who will greet us.

The new facility is an 1800's mill and the tall ceilings and old building really make you feel like you are walking into a chocolate factory.
The chalkware is made from Vintage Chocolate molds and hand painted by a workshop of artists that make you feel like you just stepped into Santa's workshop.

Judi Vallancourt Folk Art is collected all over the world. Her chocolate molds date to the nineteenth century. It is amazing how many designs that she has created over the years.

This gingerbread mansion, I would like Santa to bring me for Christmas!!!

This is the collection of inspiration that Judi used to create her 2008 Knickerbocker painting.

I loved the four poster bed that was in the middle of the showroom.

In the museum section of the studios, I noticed the beautiful artwork for Judi's beautiful punch bowl.

I love browsing the many Santas that have been designed over the years.

When I first visited the museum, I noticed my chess set had been retired.

I love all the details for the table settings.

There were nativities too, I fell in love with the workmanship in these pieces.

This is next year's Collector's weekend piece. When You attend one of these weekends you get to paint the design with the artists. I did this one year and really loved it.

Here are some of the Vintage chocolate molds I was mentioning.

I hope that you enjoyed the tour. Well it's goodbye for now, thank you so much for allowing us to visit. Until the next time...

Don't forget next Friday November 21st is the Christmas Fair.

WOW! WOW! WOW! What a fabulous array of Christmas goodies!
What a wonderful shop, I loved the santas. I used to buy my Mum pieces of the English cream ware it seemed odd to see it in the states! We went to Germany last summer and it was full of shops like that they are so magical...have a lovely weekend
every blessing H
Thank you for the wonderful tour. These are some of the most beautiful things I think I've seen. I would love to own any piece shown.. Happy Pink Saturday and have a lovely week.
Thanks for taking us on such a wonderful tour. Two years ago I was in a special Christmas shop in Germany (I think of all European countries Germany must be the most Christmas celebrating country, as a matter of fact, I think they invented Christmas the way we celebrate it). Such a shop is filled with glass, blown ornaments and woodworks from the Erzgebirge but no such things as we see here, which makes it even more special to me. Thank you and have a great weekend!
I'll agree with tattingchic. WOW! WOW! AND WOW!!! That was an awesome adventure! Thanks for sharing! Take Care!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
What a wonderful tour! I loved it!
~ Gabriela ~
What a glorious showroom; so great that they allowed you to take photos! I have 2 Vaillancourt santas.
What grand inspiration that was! Thanks for the tour...
What a wonderful shop!!!fantastic! Happy pink saturday!
visit me anytime...
you´re invited drink tea with me!xoxo
see you in your fair!xoxo
what a wonderful tour! i almost felt i was there!! thanks so much and have a wonderful pink saturday!
EXCELLENT tour through the Vaillancourt gallery!
Your painting and chess are so beautiful!!!
I feel Christmas atmosphere here!
Thank you so much for sharing such beautiful Christmas goodies!
Happy Pink Saturday, dear Karen!
Happy Pink Saturday, dear Karen.
This is such an incredible post. I would love to be able to visit Vaillancourt. Treasures abound.
OMG! That is the most amazing place! I am a santa lover from way back, so it was pure joy to see those wonderful works of art!
Your Santa looks awesome--I would hate to see what MINE would look like! Not a "family heirloom"!
See you at "the fair"! I just gotta figure out what I'm going to share--it'll be fun!
Hope your Sat. is full of fun and wonderful pinkness! Dana
Wow! What a fabulous shop! Thanks for the tour :0)
Amazing post Karen. If I had to pick a favorite photo I think it would be the bed. In reading the post before that how cool was it that you met a fellow blogger. 99 percent of the people I know and meet have no idea what a blog is. Happy Pink Saturday.
Lovely post! I've written down the date of the Christmas Faire! Happy Pink Saturday!
Oh wow!! What a wonderful, magical place. I'd love to visit it some day! Thanks for sharing Karen.
What an awesome shop full of beautiful things. I would have a hard time deciding what to get in a shop like that. Hope you got the inspiration you needed!
Thanks for sharing with us so many wonderful Christmas Treasures!
You have made my day... and got me in proper Christmas spirit!
Debbie Moss
Thanks for sharing with us so many wonderful Christmas Treasures!
You have made my day... and got me in proper Christmas spirit!
Debbie Moss
I know they have already said it but again, WOW< WOW. How could any one not be in the xmass mood after looking at all those lovely photos, Thanks again.
See ya next week
WOW! I love Santa Claus figurines so I would have been overwhlemed with choices in Vaillancourt. I will go to their web site and see if I can afford to shop.:-)
Thank so much for the lovely tour and link!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Pat
It looks like a beauitful shop, and your Santas you made are adorable. Happy Pink Saturday.
Karen, that was amazing and so gorgeous. A wonderful tour. I was mesmerized during the whole tour. Thank you for all the work this involved.
I am getting ready for the Christmas Fair. I can't promise alot, but I am excited about it.
Your post really puts me in the mood for Christmas!
YOu are a BUSY BEE! WOW!
ENJOY your weekend!
Ooodles of gorgeous eye candy! Thanks so much for taking us along to this magical place!
What a great post..WOW !..I felt like I was Chrsitmas shopping...I wish it was that easy....There were quite a few things I loved to have....and to give as gifts....
Mo :-)
Thank you for sharing! What a fabulous Pink Saturday Post. How can I not be in the spirit now?
Wow!What a great post.. What a wonderful shop.
Have a Joyful & Bless weekend,
What a great post! Love the pink santas tags! :) Vanessa
Hey Karen; Wow WEEEEE!!!! I LOVE THAT STORE. What a wonderful place to spend some hrs. Love all the Santas. Thanks for the tour.
Have a great weekend
Fabulous tour! Honestly, my favorite Santa is the one you painted - the colors are so vibrant. I need to get busy for next Friday! :)Nancy
OMGosh...what wonder...just beautiful. I would dearly love to go to a shop like that with a POCKETFULL OF MONEY !!
Thanks for taking us on this magical tour with you....
just to say i have my Christmas Fair posting all ready for the
21st...sure hope a lot of ladies join it because it's going to be such fun...Thanks for hosting this fabulous fair, Karen...
love, bj
Oh my gosh!!! I want to go there right now!! Thanks for the wonderful tour.
Happy Pink Saturday!!
P.S. Thanks for stopping by!
wow ... so many wonderful things to see. I especially liked the Santas and the chocolate molds.
Please stop by my site to pick up a free copy of my new cookbook: Finish The Feast ~ Leftover Turkey Recipes They'll Want to Eat. It's suitable for printing and giving as a holiday gift, and is filled with yummy things to do with all that turkey :o)
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