Today is Pink Saturday
and Bev from
How Sweet The Sound is hosting another beautiful Pink Day,
filled with Pink Post creations
all over The Land of Blog.
A little secret, Sunday is Bev's Birthday

When Celestina Marie from
LaRea Rose won my giveaway, she contacted me and said that she wanted me to surprise her.

I thought how do you paint flowers for someone who paints beautiful roses like the ones on her beautiful white armoire?

So, I began to browse Celeste's blog, and besides her gorgeous creations, I found out that she had recently redecorated her guest room. Celeste is an incredible interior decorator and her home is lovely.

One look and I knew just what I would paint for her...a corner of her new guest room.

I studied the details and well,

it was so much fun painting this room for such a lovely lady.

You must stop by and visit Celeste and see her beautiful works
in her shop.
Celestina Maria Designs on her

Celeste e-mailed me earlier this week, she got her painting, and she was surprised. Yay! Just look at this gorgeous mail holder that Celeste designed. Everything about her is just so lovely.

I hope that you have beautiful music serenade you this weekend. Just like this lovely melody that I believe is one of Celeste's favorite, because I borrowed this song from her playlist. It is called
Ocean Isle.
Oh Karen this is absolutely beautiful and my gosh you are just the most devine artist I have ever met. I love what you painted. A pic of the room that she had designed. What a treasure. You did a magnificent job. I love your blog. So many beautiful things. I definitely am inspired to create here. Thank you for sharing. Please stop by and say hi. I would love to follow your blog, as it is so inspiring. Country Hugs, Sherry
In a word, breathtaking. Absolutely breathtaking. She is going to be thriled, Karen. You are so very gifted.
Happy Pink Saturday. I wanted to be sure and get by before I left town tomorrow.
Sheila :-)
I love that watercolor you did for Celeste, it is sooo beautiful, what a lovely surprise. I love to see that you put so much attention into everything you make, you are a special lady Karen. Thanks for making the start of my Saturday wonderful again and I wish you a happy pink Saturday too!
Karen, I know she must be so thrilled. Your painting is exquisite, and it is the perfect addition to her lovely room.
You are a treasure to all of us. Happy Pink Saturday.
Hi Karen,
I am so honored by your lovely post. The painting is incredible and I can not thank you enough for sharing your heart with me in such a special way. I will always cherish this piece among my treasured keepsakes. You are so very talented and for me to own this incredible watercolor along with Cottage of Abundance, is so very special for me.
I forgot to ask you, did you give this painting a name? Thank you for such a special post. To be apart of Pink Saturday in this way, really is a treat.
I will also feature your giveaway in a post next week. I don't know how I will do it justice after this incredible post though.
P.S. I love the pink nails!!;)
Thank you dear friend.
Love ya, Celestina Marie
Beautiful! I bet Celeste was surprised. How wonderful for her and how wonderful of you!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Your painting is amazing!
~ Gabriela ~
You are just amazing!
all i can say is "WOW"
Karen, what a gorgeous painting you did, and you're right, her room IS inspiring! I will have to hop over and visit her blog too! What a sweet Pink Saturday Posting! Suzie
What special love and thought you put into this painting. No wonder that Celestina loves it! Who wouldn't love that kind of attention to detail?
What a beautiful picture you have painted of her guestroom. So pretty, and such attention to detail. Just lovely. She is a lucky duck!
Karen, It is so nice to meet you and see the wonderful work you do. Watercolors are a favorite medium of mine and I would so love to be able to paint. I will visit again.Blessings Meg
Hi Karen! When Celeste told me she had won your giveaway I had to rush right over to see!! My goodness, this looks EXACTLY like her new room!! Oh how she will always treasure this. I knew it would be beautiful as all your works are!! Just stunning from a very generous & talented lady to another one! Celeste is a dear friend of mine & you have thrilled her more than you will ever know!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Big Pink Hugs,
Angelic Accents
great and lovely PINKS in your post
Rini the Netherlands
What a wonderful gift! Your watercolor is just gorgeous. I'm sure that she will cherish it! I know I would.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh - I am just in awe of this beautiful painting. You have captured not just the setting, but the LOVE in her room! Blessings to you. Pink Hugs, Patti
I just love posts like this, where one inspires the other and inspires the other again! I would say you are *both* very talented and what a brilliant gift giver you are! Wonderful all the way around..now I'm going back to see what I've missed since the tea party, and putting you on my twinklestars list where you belong!
Happy pink saturday and everyday!
xoxoxox Rhonda roo
Your Pinks are always so beautiful and I love the painting with the lovely Pink Dress - Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful new week.
It is breathtaking. I love the sheer beauty of it!!..m.
Ooohhhhhh I'm happy for Celeste. Isn't she just a lovely lady? I remember this room very much and you captured it! How wonderful!
You have an eye and what talent.
Happy pInk Saturday!
What a beautiful painting you did for Celestina.
Karen, you are so talented! What a wonderful, thoughtful gift you gave your friend! She must be thrilled. You are right - she is a wonderful decorator. Happy Pink Saturday!
Absolutely beautiful! Happy Pink Saturday!
Had the Grands for a few days so I am a day late and a dollar short for Pink Saturday! We just had so much fun and time got away from me☺
But, I didn't want to miss all the pinkness that brings sunshine to my weekend. And, another cool, sun-less day. My gardens look horrible this year. Nothing is growing...sigh.
So, your sweet blog post is cheering me up! Thanks so much for giving me something pretty to look at other than the dark clouds outside my kitchen window.
Hi Karen :)
You're painting is beautiful and captures the corner of her guest room perfectly! Celestina is so sweet, as are you :)
I love Celeste's work and your watercolor painting is just perfect for her! What a pleasure to see bloggy friends creating for other bloggy friends! Thanks for sharing your magnificent talent with all of us! :)
Hi Karen!this is absolutely beautiful...like always!!
What a cute pink post!
your work is so wonderful!
Happy belated pink saturday!
That watercolour is absolutely charming - your friend must be so thrilled!
Happy Pink Saturday! (Big apologies, I know I'm late, but I've been overwhelmed with deadlines and teaching classes Sat & Sun - and only now just getting a chance to go blog-hopping).
Spectacular Karen! I love the folds in the painting of the dress, the plates on the wall and just everything. you captured it all perfectly:>)
Wow Karen! This painting is beautiful!!!
I am hoping to see you this Thursday.
Hi Karen, Happy (very late) Pink Saturday! I was visiting Celeste's blog and saw the stunning painting you did for her. I love your blog, and thanks for sharing your wonderful talent.
I gasped when I saw the picture you did for her at her blog. Just gorgeous. You truly have a way of capturing the essence of her 'corner' so perfectly!!
Thank painting you did for Celeste is 2die4. Oh my gosh...I'm in tears. It is gorgeous...
God has soo magnificently blessed your hands my friend.
Blessings to you...
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