Pink Saturday

Fairy cake party

Now after you have written 140 posts about Pink you begin to need pink ideas for a proper Pink Saturday post.  Yet never a week goes by that I am not thankful for the lovely Bev...

Today is Pink Saturday, and Bev from How Sweet The Sound is hosting our celebration of pink.

Fairy cake party

Do you Pinterest? Well, I do.

Fairy cake party

To make you smile I have created an inspiration board

Fairy Cake for all

Fairy cake party

filled to the brim with pink inspiration. So, click HERE to see my Pink Inspiration Board.

Fairy Cake for all

Fairy cake party

If you Pinterest, please follow me on PINTEREST, and then I will follow you back.  I love seeing everyone's inspiration board.

A Faerie Tea

Fairy cake party

Inspiration, you can never get enough inspiration.

Fairy cake party

Fairy cake party

So, if you want to see a Pink lady that always manages to create the most spectacular Pink Saturday for all of us, please stop by and say hello to Sherry from Country Wings in Phoenix, and grab some more inspiration.

The music for this post is some lovely French folk music.

happy pink saturday april 1

Fairy cake party

P.S.  My lovely friend Diane, from Lavender Dreams used a graphic design of mine for her tutorial.  Stop by and learn how to create a lovely arrangement of covered soap.  I love it when people use my artwork for their own projects.  So, please take home anything that speaks to your heart.

ZuZu from Cottage in the Woods wrote a lovely post about Pinterest.  How to create inspiration boards etc.  Have a peek.

Fairy cake party
Char said...

Hi Karen, I have been a follower of yours for a very long time.
I think your inspiration board is wonderful and I have been thinking about doing one also.

Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Vee said...

Sometimes you speak a language beyond my ken. ;D No, I do not pinterest, though I have followed your links and thought how marvelous. It's all way beyond my talent and interest in doing. On the other hand, I am very interested in what you do!

Dolores said...

Your work is beautiful / unusual ..... and wonderful!!!

I did watercolor art in the late 70's......maybe someday I will return to art. I love yours!!!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Karen Sweetie...
What a gorgeous share today. I absolutely love your inspiration board. Such lovely items, but that tea pot just stole my heart. Cake looks yummy.

Pinterest looks quite interesting. How on earth did you get interested in this? Where do you start? I think I would truly like this.

Love the music. Your talents amaze me sweet friend. Thank you SO much for the shout out about Country Wings, I am so tickled that I truly inspire someone. I love blogging.

Many hugs sweet friend and SO much love, Sherry

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hi, Karren... I think I'm a follower. I was the last time I looked. LOL! Not sure what pinterest is, but if you do it, I'm sure it's fun!

Lovely post as usual. A Happy PS to you, my friend...


Sheila :-)

Sarah said...

Karen, love that pinterest board. Wow, talk about pink inspiration! I want to create one too.
Of course I follow you!!!! ~ Sarah

A Garden of Threads said...

Love your inspiration board. You are so creative. Take care and have a great weekend.

Tara said...

I have never heard of it. I MUST check this out because the images you had pinned to your board were SPECTACULAR! Thank you so much for sharing the magic! Have a great weekend and Happy Pink Saturday!

A Tale of Two Cities said...

That French folk music just made my morning! I love your inspiration board--I"m going to have to jump on the Pinterest wagon and give it a hand.


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Karen!!! First of all, thank you for coming to celebrate the beginning of a months-long fête for April babies. AND NOW LA PIÈCE DE RESISTANCE....I LOVE PINTEREST!!! I see you have some GORGEOUS PHOTOS from my blog!!! YIPEEEEEEEE! I immediately went to all things AQUA! And I also saw some other photos there that I have on files!!! I am gonna USE THE BLUE this month for my beach birthday posts. What fun your boards are. Yesterday, our builder came to the house with his WIDE-ANGLE lens in his camera and took some STUNNING photos of the rooms. Unfortunately, I have to wait to have them in my possession because my reader would not upload his pictures. But I hope to share them on my blog when he sends them to me. As always, your post is from the art or your lovely. And I so love seeing my name on your Pinterest page!!!! LOVE, Anita

Anonymous said...

You are such an advanced computery person. I went to your Pinterest "page" (? is that what it's called?) I've not heard of it before.....but I have to say I love your collection of photos!

Your blog is my inspiration just always have the neatest and prettiest and most creative work to share!

Hope all is well with you....and Happy Pink Saturday! L, Dana

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

The photos are just gorgeous Karen! I always get so much inspiration visiting your blog!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Tina xo

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh my goodness! I don't have time to pinterest right now but I may in the future. Where do you find all those wonderful photos!? Now I'm going to have to spend time hitting some of those websites and here I was all set to clean today. Oh well.;>)

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Karen, a beautiful post that has made me think spring. Thanks for sharing your photos and your work.


Christmas-etc... said...

Very nice! (I've been following you for quite some time... otherwise, I would be happy to join in anew!)Actually, I've always wanted to comment on your header - I love it! It always brings a smile to my face!

Unknown said...

HI! this blog's supercute!!!!!! I am reallu angry with my wireless connection..because it's giving me a lot of troubles and I can't add myself in your followers!! I really wanna do it!
Hope to solve this problem very soon!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

happy Week-end my friend...m..

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...

Happy Pink Saturday!


~ Gabriela ~

Unknown said...

I've never heard of Pinterest. I'll definitely have to check it out. The digital collage that you made is beautiful. In whole blog is wonderful. So imaginative and it makes me smile! :>)

Beverly said...

Happy Pink Saturday, dear Karen. Please give your mother my wishes for a safe and successful procedure.

You inspiration board blew me away. I could look at it for hours.♥

JD/ Jill said...

Since my favorite color is pink...I enjoyed seeing all the PINK!!! smile...thanks for sharing.