Boston Sentiments

Sorry I have been missing.

The Boston Marathon is something our whole family has celebrated each year.  The marathon starts very close to our home.  Over the years, my daughter Sarah has performed at the starting line, and we have enjoyed watching the race.  Thousands of people from all over the world are here and the happiness and excitement can be felt by all.  My daughter, Ashley was on the sidelines this year cheering the runners on, but much earlier in the race.  My daughter was in Hopkinton, where the race begins today.

She took this photo, and when I saw it I cried.

We have all been so sad. Our prayers are with the victims and their families.

Vee said...

I know...very disheartening...very sad... That is a wonderful message of support from Hopkinton.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's given us all time to pause and pray. It sure has broken my heart. Sweet hugs my friend!

Anonymous said...

How the heart of God grieves for the heart of man. Only grace...only Christ.
Peace to you, Karen. Thankful that your loved ones are safe.

Susan said...

Oh Karen, I feel exactly as you do. Sad, devastated, horrified, discouraged, and dumbfounded that such a thing could happen at all.

I'm so glad your daughter is safe. Susan

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I love Boston and its people. I walked the streets many times with Ruben, and we have THE FONDEST memories of all our times there, academic and socially. We went faithfully to the Boston Marathon, and even stood at the finish line.

My heart is truly saddened and all I could do was write a poem about it. It is painful, and I don't think too many people can handle it. But come and visit if you like. Anita

Celestina Marie said...

Dear Karen, Our hearts are broken and our prayers continue. The pic of the sign is echoed by all as far away as Texas.
I send you my hugs and friendship.
God Bless, Celestina Marie

Beverly said...

His Grace will carry us through it all.

Lisa Gordon said...

It is indeed a very, very sad time.

Lorrie said...

Such sadness and grief. Praying for comfort and peace for the victims, whomever has felt the impact of this heinous crime.

Dolores said...

So many prayers for all concerned....
The sign says how we all much sadness.

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...

Hello Karen,

Have visited Boston and surrounding areas twice. Such lovely places and people...
Glad that you and your loved ones are safe.

My heart goes to you and all those there.

Big hug,


Linda P said...

Thinking of you in the early hours of the morning and praying for you all in the Boston area. So glad you are safe. May the Lord comfort you in these days of anxiety and give you His peace.

Kathleen Grace said...

I saw this when you posted it and didn't have time to comment. I am so thankful that neither of your daughters was hurt. I think the whole country's heart is broken over this evil, senseless act and we pray for God's arms to encircle the victims and their families.