The Peony flower is among the longest-used flowers in ornamental culture. It originated in China 4,000 years ago and often the subject of Chinese painting. It is a traditional floral symbol of China, where it is called (mu-dan). In 1903, the Qing Dynasty declared the peony as the national flower.

Is it any wonder that peonies have inspired so many designs over the years?

Or that we are amazed each season at the beauty of the peonies when they bloom?

Imagine the fashion designers seeing these peonies.

I can only imagine the dancing images within in the mind of a fabric designer, as they walk through a garden of peonies.

People walk through gardens and stare at these wonderfully made flowers and never tire of their beauty.

Photographers capture the drama of the peony even in black and white.

Oh, I wonder did this inspiration lead to organza?

Were the great POP artists inspired to create peony inspiration?

Oh, the artists...

The dreamers...

The Designers...

The song writers...

I love to photograph the peonies.

It used to be such a puzzle to me when I saw those big black ants crawling all over the peony bud. Until my art teacher explained that the ants help the peony to bloom.

Were Stage performances inspired by peonies too?

I wonder how many poets wrote sonnets to honor the peony or gave their beau a bouquet.

I wonder how many songs have been inspired by the peony.

And when the inspiration for design begins to stir the creative muse...
There's no telling...
Where it might lead to!

How beautiful the peony from bud to full bloom,
Unlike the rose which can proudly hold it's head steady boasting it's strength and beauty,
The weight of the peony’s blossom seems too much for it’s delicate stem to bear.
The peony leans instead, on the family of flowers which surround it,
each blossom cascades gently upon the other,
creating a bouquet of flowers,
a celebration of blessings,
an embrace for one another.

Hello Karen,
Oh peonies, my favorite!!! Originated in China and got famous in Europe...Wonderful flowers...so beautiful to be painted.
Thank you so much for sharing these great photos on your blog!
~ Gabriela ~
Karen, Thank you so much for stopping by my blog...
You have a lovely blog and the pictures of the peonies are just wonderful. Thanks again!
absolutely beautiful!
My goodness, Karen, you have truly been inspired by your beautiful Peonies! :D I love your photographs, and everything you've done with them.
I hope you found the one I posted for you on Flickr ;)
Have a beautiful Sunday...
Blessings, always.
Suze xXx
The beauty of the peony could be an inspiration for all things soft, lovely and magical.
They are definitely one of God's most breathtaking creations.
And, you have captured it and offered it as a gift to us today. Thank you.
What a beautiful and creative post. I love peonies. They are my fav flower. I miss my garden of peonies from my past home. Your project was fantastic. Thank you for sharing it with us.
What a delight -- spending my sunny Sunday morning looking at beautiful peonies..something I do not have in my garden but always think of doing. Perhaps just a little inspiration here!!!
Have you read Lisa See's book? It's called "Peony in Love" and is set in China.
"Fabulous" pictures.....I really enjoyed your work.....and I love peoines. There is something so calming about them...
Mo :-)
Very beautiful post! Thanks for coming by for a visit. You always inspire me.
Hugs, Susan
Oh Karen! Your photos are just beautiful! Did I ever ask you what kind of camera you use?
I love your inspiration piece. It is lovely....
Delightful photos, text, inspiration!!! the peonies are absolutely stunning!!! Their luscious blooms are almost unbelievable!
Happy Father's Day!
kari & kijsa
Karen your peony photos are beautiful. Such pretty colours.
Peonies has a very special place in my heart. My Grandmother had several bushes in white, pink and dark pink in our yard. Each year I go to my Mother's and pick some to place on her grave. She was so special to me and she died in my arms when I was 16 years old. I was with her and she woke me during the night. She had a massive heart attack. She went home to be with her Lord on Holy Saturday. I can only image what a special Easter Sunday she had. Your pictures and all of the creations are stunning....Hugs ...Mary
Hi Karen, I have missed stopping by this week. I have been so busy, but taking the time to visit tonight is such an inspirtation. My mother used to grow the most gorgeous pink peonies in her garden. I was always fasinated with the ants too. But she also told me why.
Yours are just gorgeous. Thank you for sharing and making me think of a sweet memory.
la rea rose
Peonies is my favorite flower! Your photos are absolutely beautiful!
Loved your post!
You peony photographs are simply beautiful. I can imagine that peonies have inspired all types of fabric designs and I could see the organza in that lovely peach bloom.
Thanks so much for sharing and also for dropping by my Writing Nook to leave a comment. I certainly enjoyed my visit.
Hi Karen,
Beautiful Peonies, I love the colour so soft and girlie.
Cheers Linda
What a beautiful post. And the music too!!! So very relaxing!!
I had to look at it all several times to take it all in!!
Absolutely lovely
the beauty of a peonie!!
Karen, what an amazing post! So full of beauty and information. Thank you for sharing it all. Peonies bring back such wonderful memories to me.
What a wonderful way to start my day when I am preparing to depart on my little retreat.
Angels be with you
What beautiful photos, I love peony season. If roses have rivals I think they would be peonies!
Thoae are amazing photos!! I never realized how beautiful peonies were!! Thank you SO much for sharing :)
Beautiful. Beautiful. Did I mention Beautiful?
I love peonies! Wish I could grow them here in the heat of S. California! Beautiful photos!
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