Today is
Pink Saturday at Bev's place,
How Sweet The Sound. It was so nice to just dedicate this post to Bev's event. The last few Saturdays have been a split post, and I was so pleased to just create something nice just for Bev today.

Roses, are there any gardens as lovely as the rose garden? Pink roses are especially lovely to me.

When I was a little girl, about ten years old, I remember my mother planting pink roses all along the border of the fence which surrounded our large yard.

I lost count of just how many roses that my mom planted that year, but I remember the sweet aroma.

I remember how proud I was of our home, and how I loved to see the roses that surrounded our garden and peeked through the fence.

Pink roses always remind me of those sweet days, riding my bicycle with my friend Linda. Coming home for supper when the street lights went on, and sitting my blue bicycle next to the fence, making sure that I didn't disturb my mother's roses.

My mom planted more than just pretty pink roses that year, she planted beautiful memories that live with me still.

A mother never does realize, how she plants love in all that she does, planting pink roses that bloom into beautiful memories.
When I studied watercolor painting in the 80's, one of my first paintings was this one, which I called
Mom's Roses. I had it framed and gave it to her for her birthday years ago. It hangs in her bedroom today against a backdrop of pink light.

Today is
Pink Saturday and there are so many wonderful pink posts just waiting for you to see. Please stop by
How Sweet The Sound. Bev has a list of links welcoming you to Pink Saturday.

Thank you Bev for creating such a lovely tradition each Saturday.

The song for this post is China Roses by Enya.
"There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to paint a rose, because before he can do so he has first to forget all the roses that were ever painted." Henri Matisse
What a treat to see all those pretty pink flowers and some of your paintings too! I enjoyed this so much. I especially loved the teddy bears' tea party at the end!
Karen, I am in love with your post today. Every photo, every painting, every word and every memory.
Now your mother's pink roses have been shared with all of us. I know that would make her happy.
We are the benefactors of your spirit of beauty.
Wow!!! terrific your post!I love its! such a cute pictures!I love your patchwork with photos. visit me anytime....
Thank you Karen for the story and the pictures of the roses - all very beautiful. My mother's green thumb cultivated amazingly huge bushes of peonies around our front garden, with some lovely roses mixed in! Like you, I was always proud to show them off - this is one of my most treasured childhood memories of mother and home.
I agree there is nothing more beautiful in a garden than roses!!!! I have roses that bring so many memories to me. The watercolor you made your mother is stunning!
Happy Pink Saturday!
take care,
Beautiful pictures! Roses are definitely one of my most favorite flowers.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Ooooh lovely pink post.... the roses are so gorgeous!!!! :) Happy Pink Saturday! xoxox!
Such beauty you share!
Happy Pink Saturday Karen!
Karen, your rose photos are heavenly. I love the translucent look about them. Your water color painting is so lovely. I wish I could have an artistic ability. I do love to decorate though.
What a beautifully sweet and sentimental post! I love it and I'm sure Beverly did also.
I love when we all come together to post on a specific topic such as Pink Saturday, so I'm trying to get bloggers together to post their favorite family photo on Fridays. Won't you join me? You could post a current picture or something from the past. I just posted my first Friday's Favorite Family Foto yesterday.
Email me before each Friday to let me know if you would like to participate. I will post your link and invite others to visit your post.
Please join me! It will be fun!
Karen, what better to inspire then pink roses and your post helps creativity along. Great pink Saturday post.
Very pretty!
hugs, Celestina
la rea rose
Beautiful story honoring your Mother and her Roses!!
The card is so pretty too.
A wonderful post Karen thanks for sharing it with us on Pink Saturday
Those are some beautiful pictures! I enjoyed your Pink Sat. post!
I so enjoyed your wonderful rose photos and the great story of your mom. I know she treasures your rose painting and must be so proud to see how well you put your talents to use. I hope your Saturday was perfectly pink!
Gorgeous pink Saturday post today! I love what you said about your mom planting more than the roses, planting memories, toO!
Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Hi Karen, Yours had to be one of the most wonderfully put together posts ever! Loved the "pink" & loved the flowers!!! Just incredibly lovely!...Heidi XO
This post is just spectacular Karen! I can almost smell the roses. Each piece is just so gorgeous.
Hi again Karen
I just feel like I want to comment on every Post Karen because they are all so beautiful and you pour your heart and soul into each one. Beautiful photos of the roses.
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