You know those seasons, which you may define as burnout, grief or endings.

The good part about endings is that there is always a beginning on the other side. Recently I reached the end of me again,

a result of too much people pleasing...the hazard of being a woman I suppose. I have to watch that, because when my focus is off God and pleasing people instead, I lose my step.

Then when I get down on my knees and ask for God's Grace He does an amazing thing.

He fills me up with a new song, His song, His purpose, His direction.
I feel like I am filled with new oxygen, new life, and of course new music.

My iPod died yesterday. Silly, but I cannot live without this wonderful little device.

God is so good. Just in case I might miss the lesson he shows me a parable.

My iPod is filled with the Word of God through podcast sermons, hymns and beautiful Christian contemporary music.
I listen to my iPod when I wake up in the morning, in the car and before I fall asleep. We heard the dreaded click, click click and saw the little sad face in the window of the iPod.
My husband has a new iPhone, and he remembered that he had an old iPod one just like mine so he deleted the playlists from his ipod, renamed it Karen's Ipod and gave it to me to use.
I have even clothed it with the skin of, my Secret Garden, representing my spiritual garden. I pealed off the skin that I had created with The Secret Garden artwork from the old one and put it on my husband's old one.
As I was about to put the music, podcasts and videos on there, a message appeared warning me that I was about to delete the old playlists and was I sure that I wanted new playlists.
I clicked and accepted the conditions, and watched as the new iPod was filled with new music.

Here I sit recovered from burnout filled with new music as a new vessel,

just like the new iPod filled with a new purpose, holding new music.
I love when God shows me a parable to remind me of His Lesson.
I must always remember to include Him in my decisions through prayer, to ask what His purpose for my life is, to please Him first and then my path will be without the heavy yoke of people pleasing.

Just like my new ipod holds my new music, my heart is filled with God's new song.
Perhaps when we reach that end place, it's good to remember that through it all God is always there to give us a new song. The Song for this post is Through It All.

Sweet, sweet post, Karen. I am so glad you are back on your feet again and dancing to your music.
Oh Karen, what an absolutely beautiful post. I will be going back to look and read it again. The photographs (and your art work within photographs) are beautiful, and your words are also beautiful. Thank you for this post. laurie
I agree that we need to put God first, because when he is there, everything else falls into place.
It's so cute that you have to iPod for your source of inspiration. I don't own one and wouldn't know how to use it.
I know I need to get with the program.
But for me- I treasure silence and find him in that silence, for it's only then that I can hear Him.
Both ways gets us renewed. Grin
Hugs- Tete
Karen, I just found your blog, but I will say that I'm very touched by your images and words. After reading this post, I went and reread John 14:16-17 to remind myself why I walk the path that I do.
I've also come across this wonderful author named Tim Pond who wrote this book called The Three Insights. This book, coupled with my trusty NIV, has allowed me to realize that despite hardships, there is something greater out there. God bless.
Karen, this is absolutely gorgeous! And I so understand it when you say that God steps in to renew us when we are at the end of ourselves. I'm so glad that your husband gave you his old IPOD and that you are off and rolling with your inspirational music and sermons. No wonder your blog is so inspirational... it's fueled by the winds of God.
Sheila :-)
Karen your words 'I have reached the end of myself' could have been written by me. It is exactly how I have been feeling these last couple of months - been away from Blogland and life in general was just taking too much from me and giving nothing in return.
Take care
i know just what you mean and have
been there many times. i'm so glad
you are enjoying new songs!
this was just beautiful.
thank you.
What an inspiring, blow me away post. The beauty of your words, your art, your music, but most of all your beautiful heart......hugs & love...m...
Dearest, dearest Kren,
My husband once told me during a time of my life when I reached my end and found myself on the precipice of a dark cliff, "Anita, FAITH IS WHEN THERE IS NOTHING LEFT." He gave me the strength to take the next step into the dark and as you so eloquently said, I found "myself on the other side." And there HE was, our SAVIOR, teaching me a new song. That was about 6 years ago, and since then, I have learned that faith really is the only thing we have as a ticket to get us to the other side, and eventually, through the "pearly gates." That is it. That is all we possess for the moment. But one day, we shall exchange that faith ticket for an eternal dwelling of non-stop happiness and awe in the presence of the KING OF ALL KINGS....hallelujah.
More blessings to you today dear friend, Anita
I am so glad to know that your spirit has been refilled with an extra dose of God's love.
And, for another dose of love, please what a bright light you are to all, and how very much we love you.♥
May your ears and your heart be filled with the sounds of joy.
Everything you wrote is in my heart. Why is it that I can never recall the walk to end of myself. It just happens and oh how He takes my hand so gently to pull me to the other side.
I, like you, adore my time with Him in the morning through song and prayer. I'm glad your husband had the other Ipod.
Deanna :D
Beautiful. How nice of your husband to give you his ipod. Sometimes we are too focused on the endings, to see the beginning. Thank you for the inspiration.
Hi Karen
Yes! I agree that sometimes people pleasing can get us down . It is much better to please God, and then our family, and only then our friends and others. Your photos are so beautiful! Those sun rises and sunsets are enough to give hope!
Music is a wonderful soother of the soul and the giver of much inspiration. I don't have an Ipod but I do have a Nano that I enjoy on bus ride and plane trips :)
I am actually awaiting a new CD player and radio for my kitchen as my old 20 year old faithful one finally gave up. My husband splurged and ordered a Boze radio as the sound is supposed to be wonderful. I can't wait to hear my favorite CD music on it!
Oh, I adored this post Karen. Thank you so much. Dancing is just the best, obv !!!!
My dear sweet friend....thank you for this beautiful post. The photos just took my breath away and I must admit...I am delighted that you have your new IPod. I hope you have your happy feet dancing!! :)
This is one of my favorite posts! I read it more than once...and today realized I had not commented! It gave me a lot to think about...and inspired me! Blessings to you! ♥
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