We are connected in so many ways...

We are all connected in so many ways.

I was thinking about the joy and hope that is born when I watch someone around me succeed.

And the feelings of loss I remember when I feel someone's grief.

My creation

How infidelity seems to make all of us connect on some level.  Making us  want to hold that person up in our thoughts and prayers, as they experience this kind of hurt.

With each life lesson, I seem to connect deeper with joy and with feelings of sorrow.


Some people hide from feeling the emotions of others, and seem to live on the surface of what God intended us to feel.

For me, it is the reason that we are here...to connect,

to inspire,

to celebrate

to share,

to comfort,

and to hold each other up, as we experience the joys and hurts in life.

I am so happy I moved into the land of Blog, because during these years I have met so many amazing people who have restored my hope in everything that is good.

And you are always willing to encourage, inspire, and lift everyone up with your beautiful words.

So, I thought I would give you some of mine.

The song for this post is a little melody from Peter Rabbit.

The only thing that I have shared today that is Pink is my heart.  Yet I want to remind you to stop by and visit Bev from How Sweet The Sound for another lovely Pink Saturday.
Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...

Hello Karen,

Right on!

~ Gabriela ~

Betty said...

What a beautiful post Karen! Thank you!

Vee said...

You, my dear, are a generous soul. I'll be returning to "shop" soon. You are not only generous with your images, you are generous of spirit.

Sandra Evertson said...

And I think that you are Beautiful too!
Love the new look of your blog btw!
Sandra Evertson

Annesphamily said...

Hi Karen! Beautifully said! Thank you for the awesome birthday button for Pink Saturday! Your blog is wonderful and I agree with your words here about blogging and how it restored what is good. People here are amazing! Love and Hugs Anne

Anita said...

This is why I love your blog!

myletterstoemily said...

"blessed are those who mourn, for
they will bee comforted."

you bring comfort to us all through
your gift. thank you.

Suz said...

That is so beautiful...both your words and your graphics. I believe strongly in the truth of what you are saying. When we really connect, we risk that hurt. I would not live any other way.

Dolores said...

Karen..... you are truly a gift from God to each one who knows you.....not only are you a talented and wonderful artist, but most of all your sweet spirit is such an inspiration!

Thank you for sharing these beautiful images and words.
My favorite is the one that says happiness cannot be traveled to.......
oh how true!

I love this beautiful post!
Hugs sweet friend,

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

A kind and wonderful page of words to give us ALL the hope that LOVE IS the only force that will outlast all of the beauty we know....Oh Karen, how gorgeous is this...THANK YOU!!! Anita

Gypsea Nurse said...

Your newest follower!
What a great blog you have..
And you are soooo on the nose!
Have a fabulous weekend!

Glennis said...

Beautiful thoughts, Karen.

Have a wonderful Pink SAturday!

Kathleen Grace said...

You are so right Karen, we are here to help others and nobody does that better than you do. Over the years you have cheered me on, encouraged me and been a friend. I pray that I have been the same. Wishing you God's best blessings and love.


Tami @ Creative girl Vintage said...

Happy Pink Saturday Karen..you have a beautiful pink heart & it is wonderful to share time with you through our blogs.
Enjoy..xo Tami

Sheila A. said...

Oh, Karen, this post is so beautiful. Like a prayer.
Thank you.

Beverly said...

Happy Pink Saturday, dear Karen.

We are definitely all connected in very many ways. I believe the key is that we continue to discover and acknowledge all of those connections.

Just imagine the joy when we all pray loving prayers for each other. The world will be smiling.